So no more Mercy threads?

No hero teaches game sense and prediction skills like Mercy does → funniest thing i red today. 90% of the roster teaches you more than what mercy does. But hey i get it people can mercy otps delusional are just right haha

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She was the least picked support in GM and people would flame you for picking her. Even OWL players got flamed for picking her, I remember the clips posted on Twitter.

and yet I was till 4300 sr :hugs: We really are bugs you can’t kill, and aren’t going anywhere xx

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Well that’s the thing, Support Queues aren’t a problem.

The problem isn’t in matchmaker speed.

The problem is in matchmaker quality.

Both of those just happen to have the same root cause of “Not enough Support players”.

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Hero bad = less fun

If support very good and tank very good, DPS very bad

If DPS very bad and DPS most players most players no have fun

If most players no have fun game bad


I was literally just about to post that gif.


Yes it’s true, glad we agree!

OWL players like Custa, ArK, and NeptuNo have all talked in interviews about the complex nature of how her kit allows you to have such a wide view and scope of the teamfight and make calls that is unique to her alone, and it’s so true! You literally watch the entire game happen, over and over every game, it makes it so easy to predict enemy plays and help guide your team’s own plays!

ArK called it like playing chess, and NeptuNo even called her “one of the most complex heroes to play at the high levels”

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The way I see it, let literally every player quit that insists they gotta arbitrarily design roles as if Role Limits don’t exist.

Because they barely matter compared to the amount of people who want good matchmaking speed and good matchmaking quality.

Tracer needs more gamesense and more prediction skills no question about it. Everybody who doesnt agree is a mercy otp. Best thing ive heard today. Almost died laughing


The truth hurts i know :slight_smile:

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Sounds like a game killing speedrun to me.

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Nah, luckily I trust the opinion of multiple OWL support players over you, random forum user!


Most gamesense and prediction skills - nobody would write that except a mercy main. Enjoy your day on your spectator rmb hero :stuck_out_tongue:

Now thats a rare insult

I view it more like losing anywhere between 20,000 to 200,000 players, so you can gain 2,000,000 players.

I will thank you! I have been for the last 6 years and will continue to do so! xx

Keep complaining on the forums about her while I enjoy playing her tho!

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I view these numbers as fabricated.

I do know that games tend to die when they’re made not fun though.

So you think the devs would have intentionally bad matchmaking, with some roles that are genuinely less fun than others.

And that there’s no downsides to that?

in OW1? Not a particularly impressive feature. As long as you are willing to not only heal the tank, you can easily get 3800+ in OW1. Regardless, I sense this is a lie, too.

Mercy doesn’t require above average gamesense compared to other heroes, in fact, she arguably requires less because her kit is so forgiving (1.5s dash).

which is why you see Mercy mains be insane at Tracer, Dva, Zen all the time right? And there totally aren’t a bunch of profiles that look like this, 3700 mercy OTP, gold on the other 2 roles. No, such profiles don’t exist, who am I kidding :clown_face:

because equal impact generally translates to equal fun, if your role can’t influence a game in a meaningful way and you hover around 50% winrate as a result, that’s not a very interesting game to play and I’d rather play another game.

last time I checked, all roles had <3 min queue. You are gaslighting again.

yeah this is facts right here.

4300 sr means nothing on Mercy, just means you had a good duo basically, not SR you earned.

If that’s true to begin with, clearly.

this needs proof. Matchmaking quality is bad, yes, but it’s not a given that that’s a result of few support players. I know people who enjoy support in OW2.

ever heard of marketing stunts? They are just throwing you a bone. Nobody really thinks Mercy is hard to play. Why do you think people like Funnyastro for example, reluctantly go Mercy? If she took this vast amount of skill, you’d see them grind Mercy in ranked, instead they play Lucio/Bapt, why? If Mercy is so fun and so skillful? As OWL players they should seek to improve on her.

Rein = playing chess, must block firestrike, position in right spot, see if team is ready to follow up

Tracer = playing chess, must go with the team, pick the right target, go out, go in again.

Genji = playing chess


Rly are you a horoscope writer? Because you sound like those horoscopes where they write “as Aries you are sometimes shy”, statements that are so generic that they are universally true.

Really when it comes to OWL, you can make a case for every hero being “like playing chess”. But Mercy is one of the easier ones. Not the easiest, but top 5 for sure.

you are playing a spectator pocket bot, your ability to climb is tied to the aim of the pocketed person, idk how you can be so delusional as to think you are putting big brain into your decisions, the main factor influencing your wins is the pocketee’s ability to aim.

You can put a Bronze Mercy in a GM lobby, explain to her the basics of using cover, and she would do decently enough to win the game if the pocketed person is good at aiming. And that’s the whole problem.

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Thanks I shall! :smiley: :smiley: