So many Doom mains are quitting the game, Feels like the hero is useless if you only make one mistake, This forum made him useless and UP

I literally just told you to name one, and you’re just like “they exist! just look!”.

Like ok. mL7. Sleepy. Super. Gale. Jay3. Linkzr. Should I continue? These are just the one’s off the top of my head that don’t have a problem with Ana, which funny enough are some of the biggest streamers of overwatch these day’s because many of the old top streamers have quit playing long ago.

I mean, even Samito doesn’t have a problem with Ana. And he typically has a problem with every support.

We, bastion players, invite you to the “forgotten” corner.

we have cookies and lots of dissapointment

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Ana is fine, but maybe you should go in a custom map and look at her sleep dart hitboxes. Other than that, she is well designed.

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Her sleep dart hitbox is big, granted, it’s balanced for what it is. A skill shot on a 12 second cooldown. It’s .4m on a long cd ability. Meanwhile there are hero’s who have that on their primary.

Personally I wouldn’t mind if they made it accurate to size, the problem is it would still clash with how broken the hitbox’s are on hero’s typically.

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Fair point. Hanzo basically throws logs at people.

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Funny enough his projectiles are only .2m lol, one of the lowest in the game. The catch with that is his arrows seem to follow the favor the shooter mechanic, being his primary attack.

This is undeniably false btw.

Both for total time across the history of OWL:


And for this year’s entire season:


You can check the stats yourself:


this is hands down 1 of the best threads ive seen written on the forums.

it isnt biased, it diagnoses a problem.
it doesnt reek of fanboying or 1 trick.
you should put this on reddit, maybe r/competitiveoverwatch?
i think including his original design philosphy was a good point/ touch.

also who the hell is rightwardsky, is this reposted form somewhere else?

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This, 100%. One shots and stuns, specially effortless ones are what ruin this game.

True , playing him feels like a punishment , u do 1 mistake and you’re dead , he is by far the toughest hero I have come across , time and time , blizzard and their stupid notions on not removing his one punch potential , which the whole community wanted , remove one punch and increase his mobility , but no , blizzards useless game balance team does not do ANY thing right


Doomfist is fine. I read the entire post and I still can’t help but continue believing in this statement.

He isn’t underpowered as he used to be years ago and he isn’t overpowered as he was months ago.

Concerning the post itself, Doomfist’s Ultimate, while certainly one of the less powerful ones, isn’t in no way the weakest DPS Ultimate, as it has overall been buffed and if combo’ed with other Ultimates such as Graviton, it’s most of the times unstoppable. On that same note, come on… Doomfist has high survivability for a DPS due to the sometimes ridiculous extra shields he can land by just landing his abilities (why don’t other heroes get this bonus as well?), all the while having some of the absolute best mobility and get - out - of - jail abilities in the entire game.

As for his counters, once again, he isn’t even close to the most easily - countered hero in the game and I’m not even going to get into the absolute stretches that led to Tracer somehow being labeled as a ““hard - counter”” to Doomfist, etc…

So yeah that’s pretty much everything concerning the post itself. Once again and in my opinion, for a hero with a kit as frustrating to play against and infested with CC as Doomfist, I believe he’s in a pretty good spot, in which the mains of the hero still kick serious butt with him is low/mid ranks at least where I play, all the while the hero’s moderate skill floor and high skill ceiling shines.


Didn’t you know? If a DPS isn’t top 2 picked at every level they are utter trash and need extreme buffs. Remember that they used to call Genji trash while he was on the upper side of middle.


Doomfist needs a rework. According to most since his release he’s never actually been balanced. He swings between OP and trash throw pick with the smallest change. Remember when adding a 0.15 hang time on his upper cut would make him completely useless? That’s a sign of a badly designed hero in need of a rework.

It was adding it to a .2 second hang up already- giving about a 1/3 second pseudo stun at the height of a very predictable and linear movement. Thats not a sign of a badly designed hero- thats a sign of a bad balance decision.

Imagine if ana self-stunned herself for 1/3 a second after using sleep dart- and someone came and went “see that breaks her. shes broken”

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I agree kinda everywhere except for the ult part, his ult dmg is so bad, the kill is almost never guaranteed even on ana, and if she have brig to help her, there is no way u can follow up except if she dont have nade and u manage to shot her asap after u landed…

It wouldn’t break Ana though.
A sleeping target can’t defend itself anyways.

The Upper Cut nerf was meant to give the target a reasonable time to somehow react to the Upper Cut, but it turned out that there are only 2 extremes to choose from:

Either the recovery time is so short that the target can’t to anything about getting shot in the face, or it is so long that any heroes who have the means to defend themselves will most certainly do so.

An on/off switch is kind of impossible to balance.

That’s a big explanation you have there. But Doomfist is still balanced. Especially in lower ranks he stomps because he has something every one else in the DPS category lacks - a super high pick potential.

Yes, he also has his downsides. But everyone has. If you start buffing doomfist, it’s going to be a nightmare for everyone else.

If Ana had an immediate insta kill follow up then sure. But she doesn’t. The only way she can kill someone who is slept is to land 2 extra shots and use her only self heal ability. A combo which takes longer than the recovery time of getting up from sleep. They also have longer CD than DF’s entire kit.

Close but they are completely different abilities with two completely different purposes.

Thank you. Like I said, he’s either too powerful or a throw pick with tiny changes. Bad design and in need of a rework before he can be balanced.

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Being a bad hero does not mean that you wont counter then in theory. so was Hog’s job kill 200hp targets but he was so bad that he could not do that.

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I love this! Also meteor strike should refill them.

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Well… there is hitstun is smash, yet they cry about his cc
also hard combos are usually inconsistent but infinite-combos.

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