So many Doom mains are quitting the game, Feels like the hero is useless if you only make one mistake, This forum made him useless and UP


To be fair, a lot of people agree with me that he is a weak choice. However, there has been a lot of people who think he is completely balanced as is. This thread is for those people. I’m going to attempt to do my best to explain my reasoning for believing he is in a bad spot.

1.) His original design philosophy

When Doomfist was first released he played much differently, Rocket Punch was his main damage tool and the other 2 abilities were his escapes. You may remember how large the hitbox for RP was back then, and how unfun it was to play against. I believe it was only because of his major exploitable weaknesses and large model hitbox that Rocket Punch was designed to be that powerful. To balance the power. However, the dev team swiftly shrank the size because everyone was (understandably) in an uproar. That’s all fine and good, but they nerfed Rocket Punch without doing anything about the reason it was allowed to be so powerful in the first place: Doomfist’s weaknesses. He was a flimsy knife with a sharp edge, they took away his edge and didn’t reinforce the body enough to make him a club. He’s just a useless piece of metal now, if that analogy makes any sense.

2.) Comparably Bad

This post I made comparing him to Genji/Tracer speaks my point:

"Say Doomfist was completely fixed and worked exactly as intended.You are in the hero select screen, you are equally good at Genji, Tracer and Doomfist. In what situation would you pick Doomfist over either of those 2? Let’s look at a few things:

What do they all have in common?
High burst potential, high mobility and heavy ability reliance.

What do Genji and Tracer have over Doomfist?
Small hitbox, More sustain (Tracer recall), More opportunities to escape (Genji reflect + dash reset), Ability to deal significant damage at medium range, Straight up higher value ultimates, More reliable damage as a whole, Many less counters, Abilities trigger faster, They both combo better with more heroes, Faster movement speed, and they both aren’t completely reliant on their cooldowns.

What does Doomfist have over them?
250 hp, A (POTENTIAL) 250 damage charge on a 4 second cooldown, Arguably more mobility, Faster burst than Genji, A way to gain (very temporary) shields, An ult that makes him immune to damage, and he has a lot of CC."

When you are looking to play a high mobility dps, in what situation would you see this comparison and say “Doomfist is the better choice”? If you know a scenario where he would be better than Genji OR Tracer tell me because I definitely can’t think of one, and I main the hero.

3.)Barely any sustain

I like the idea of his passive, it rewards good players for hitting their abilities consecutively. Sounds good on paper, but when you find out he only get’s 30 shields per hit and they drain faster than a dollar store battery, it becomes negligible in most situations. His passive has saved me a handful of times, don’t get me wrong, but more often it’s the case where it does virtually nothing. The problem is that after you get 30 shields they are already at 26 by the time someone shoots you from the natural decay, the majority of attacks in the game do more damage than the shields give, and most heroes can out DPS you before you get enough shields to matter. The only time his passive is worth anything is after his ult, but even then you are vulnerable for a second after you land. Even with 400 health I can still be bursted down in that brief period. Speaking of…

4.)His Ult is the worst DPS Ult in the game

Let’s examine everything Meteor Strike does:

Makes him invulnerable for 4 seconds, gives you 75 shields per enemy hit, let’s you move freely over the whole map, deals 300 damage at the center and less as it goes out, has a one second timer after you strike before you come down and finally, it leaves you vulnerable for approximately 1 second after you land.

Those first three functions of Meteor Strike are completely fine, but the last three are where our problems lay. 300 maximum damage is only 50 more damage than you could do with Rocket Punch and that’s on a 4 second cooldown. I know his ult has a lot more functionality for him, but only 300 maximum damage for an ult is pretty pathetic. The only thing it’s really good for is running away. Maybe you’ll say

“But Rightwardsky! His Ult isn’t really supposed to be used for damage, it’s supposed to be for quick assassination, escape, and for shields!”

You have a point, however, quickly assassinating a target is much more difficult than any other DPS Ult do to the easy escapes most heroes have, the low overall damage, and the brief period before you come down.

“Well you could always just get the shields and use your health to destroy!”

That’s when I would mention the moment of vulnerability after you land. If you miss and there is more than one enemy there, they can easily focus you down before you finish the Meteor Strike animation.

5.)Risk vs. reward

Doomfist has a very high risk to himself with very little reward to compensate. When he was first released, I would say the large hitbox on Rocket Punch WAS his reward to make up for the risk. Since it was shrunk, the amount of risk associated with trying to Rocket Punch an enemy has more than doubled with no extra reward to make up for it. Anybody who has played him for a few hours knows his shields from his passive barely do anything in most situations, so that doesn’t make up for the risk either. He could use Slam plus Uppercut to escape and make up for it, but the cooldowns of 7 seconds are just too long to be reliable.

If you look at Genji, the risk to himself is that he has to get close to the enemy to secure a kill. The reward for doing so is a reset on his dash to quickly make an escape. Doomfist has much of the same risk, but a bigger model, no cooldown reset, and no way to defend. Here is the part where I refer back to my 2nd reason, why would you ever pick Doomfist over Genji or Tracer?


Doomfist has the most counters in the game by far. Here is a list of all of Doomfist’s hard and soft counters:

Hard: Mcree, Roadhog, Orisa Tracer, Sombra, Bastion, Junkrat and Torb.

Soft: Pharah, Mei, Genji, Doomfist, Lucio (due to boop canceling RP), Hanzo and Widow.

Debatable: Zarya (a well timed bubble on your target can mess you up almost as bad as a stun)

That’s 15 (16) counters in total. Tracer has debatably zero hard counters, and Genji has Winston,, Moira, Sym, Zarya(?) Roadhog and (debatably) Mcree. That’s 7, unless I’m missing any, Doomfist has more than double the counters that Genji has, but less value.

All in all, he’s a hero that when mastered can feel unstoppable, but I hope that maybe some of my points may persuade you to believe that he really is in a bad spot. Thank you for your time. I will add more reasons why I believe Doomfist is underpowered in his current state as more come to me.

(Credits to Rightwardsky)


his rocket punch should’ve had its damage reduced but range & charge speed increased so it can be used for mobility, while his abilities are for damage IMO

His ultimate is flawed by design as all it does when used aggressively is punish low-mobility heroes for… being low-mobility.

He is flawed by design and as a result the developers won’t let him stay meta. They need to fix his issues first before attempting anything else


Nice post. As a guy who likes One Punch Man and All Might from My Hero Acadamia I support making doomfist relevant but not op


Absolute perfection.

Sorry your hero appears to be weak but a hero like this shouldn’t have been in the game in the first place.


Because they have issues, which should be fixed instead of ignoring the hero entirely.

They could be fun to play against if said issues were fixed, but instead you’d rather throw away any chance because you don’t like them now?


Its clear DF isnt broken enough for these quitters, who Im guessing are one-tricks. First off all, DF has no risks because of that broken passive always saving him. He gets those for just spamming abilities, and Blizzard thought it was a good idea to buff it.

DF is still unfun to play against.

He’s a broken DPS. He will never be underpowered. He’s not DVA. He certainly isnt Bastion(I know he had a buff, but said didnt change the fact that the rest of his arsenal sucks).


My man, it can’t be fixed. They tried but it’s impossible to incorporate such a playstyle into a shooter.


TL,DR: Doom if mastered should be able to punch-bot dominate; if he cannot do that Doom mains are unhappy and leaving the game unlike the other players on nerfed characters :roll_eyes:


Have you seen all the real nerfs Tanks & Healers get? There’s no point in playing those roles anymore & those that had enough wouldve switched to the DPS side by now, before its too late.

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I honestly don’t know what people are on about with Doomfist right now.
There are 9 DPS with a lower pickrate and 10 DPS with a lower winrate than him.

He is objectively above average and probably as balanced as a super mobile hero with a 1 hit kill ability could possibly be.


Agreed - he’s still Doomy-punch-bot still, but not nearly as bad.


You have heroes like rein, Moira, and brig here. Doom isn’t the biggest outlier if you want shooter like heroes


I mean, I feel bad for the players who like playing him… but his kit was made for fan hype rather than having a good foundation. He incorporates many of the features players hate playing against. I don’t think any hero, OG Mercy and Brig included, has needed an actual rework as much as him. Hammond is in many ways what Doom should have been, and maybe they need to take a step back and reconsider what can and should be done with the character.


Making your first point and already wrong.

Doomfist dies, a lot- despite his passive. Maybe you could make the argument “he dies after he gets too much done”, or something.

But the idea that his passive is always saving him and he’s some unkillable monster?

Objectively wrong.

Need a hug?

I mean- he has been, and was for much of his existence. He’s arguably on the edge of “underpowered” right now.

I know I know. You hate the hero with a biased seething passion- but that’s not the same thing.


Keep Doom nerfed. Literally everyone hates him.


I’m of the opinion that Doom is in a good spot, and it’s more that a few specific DPS choices are overtuned. A couple Ashe nerfs alone would improve Doom’s viability vastly.

Except he still has his combos, still has his rollouts, and still can RP the front line at will. Rocket punch-Shatter is pretty close to the easiest fight win possible with only 1 Ult.

Your list is completely delusional and biased. *More sustain? Seriously?
*Medium range? That’s where Doom attacks from.
*They aren’t reliant on cooldowns? As a Sombra main, trust me, yes they absolutely are. All 3 characters just die if Hacked, Tracer fastest of all.

…except you’re ignoring all the times SS hits 2-3 people, and then every Slam is immediately followed with an uppercut on a support.

Absolutely not. I can’t even fathom thinking MS is worse then Barrage.

Sure, it’s only a “guaranteed” kill on Ana & Zen(in support category), but it’s still incredibly useful. At minimum having access to his Ult let’s him commit Rocket Punch to trying for a kill without needing an escape, and by the time RP connects he has access to his ability cycle again.

IMO Doom isn’t in a great spot, but he is balanced and an above average choice. His current failings are more on the recent balance changes to the DPS class, rather then him being weak. He’s still great at coming out of nowhere and snagging a quick pick on a support, then flying out.

It is VERY hard to prevent a good Doom from at minimum trading his life for your main Support, which is a fantastic trade for Doom in 95% of situations.


Thank God
20 characters


it’s really useless and weak hero his E+m1+Shift+m1 combo takes so much skill it’s insanne, and explointing his bugs is like the least skillfull part of the character!

Looks like doom is going through what tank and support player do all the time…

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This isn’t about tank or support. You gonna contribute?