So long as Hanzo can delete tanks, the meta is going to be unfun

It is true. You can’t dive him solo, but that’s not what dive is. Dive is Winston, D.Va, Tracer, Mercy, Zen + 1 and Hanzo is dead meat against that comp if there’s no Brigitte on his team. He can fend off a single dive tank but against 2 plus a flanker + damage boosting, he wouldn’t last a second.

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I’d like them to decide on what kind of hero Hanzo is supposed to be. If they want him to be a precision hero, then take away his spam potential. If he’s supposed to be a spammer like Junkrat, then take away his 1 shot kill.

After his buff his pickrate became insane, because he was the DPS that does it all. Tankbusting, long-range sniping, high DPS, spamfire, mobility and with a 1 shot kill base attack. He doens’t have much in the way of counters either because he’s good at everything.


Yeah but scattah was one shot. If you missed it you were screwed. It was also a conditional ability, you couldn’t fire it onto high ground targets. Volley is a very easy and consistent damage ability, plus his overall more reliable dps thanks to proj speed increase and also more survivability = more dps.

the ironic part was, all Hanzo main where trying to prevent the rework for Storm Arrow. Hanzo were either huge fan of Scatter Arrow and did not want Storm Arrow, or one that just wanted utility knock back or other distance creating skill and warn everyone that Storm Arrow was too powerful long before the rework went onto the PTR.

It was all the non-Hanzo player complaining about Scatter Arrow one-shot and wanted it remove for a more skill based skill with visual and audio cue. In all honestly, it was the non-Hanzo players that came up with the design for Storm Arrow.

Storm Arrow was a replacement for Scatter Arrow, keeping the same high damage to do it’s job in melting tanks.

Whoever keeps bringing up McCree, McCree was design to be a counter to Tracer with his stun. That’s why they remove his ability to melt tanks with FtH crit shots.

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Soldier can’t 1 hit off headshots like Hanzo can. With Soldier you have to tap fire for accuracy and even then, cannot take out targets instantly. Kind of a ridiculous comparison.

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Hanzo is carried by his kit that still needs a rework. Either that or give other dps heroes the potential to pop off like he does. Or allow shields to block his ult. Idk. Something needs to change with him though. I do like the idea of his storm arrow being utility rather than sheer damage. He also shouldn’t be able to climb a wall with his arrow still pulled back. It’s not a crossbow…

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D.Va’s Boosters have a 5 second cooldown, go much further, and provide much greater control mid-flight than Hanzo’s Lunge. Mercy’s Guardian Angel has a 1.5 second cooldown and can more than double the range of Hanzo’s Lunge.

In regards to mobility: Tracer, Genji, Sombra, Doomfist, Lucio, D.Va, and Winston easily outpace him on a consistent basis either horizontally, vertically, or both.

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He didn’t need lunge. Blizzard is just bad at balance.

I like how they make hanzo stupidpy OP, and he gets nice little taps every patch until he’s balanced, but Sombrais viable for 2 weeks and gets gutted because a pro complains that hack is annoying… then she’s worse than before, but when she finally gets attention is compleatly… oh I don’t know… asinine.


Exactly this. No hero should be able to one shot someone.

They can increase the cooldown of Storm Arrows and Lunge all they want, it won’t fix the issue of those two abilities being broken and not needed at all, same with Brigitte.

huh. I thought it was Reaper’s job to deal with tanks…

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He is, but he still needs a slight buff or change to be more effective at what he does, especially with all the CC & stuns going around.

Hanzo is able to contest and destroy enemies at both long,medium and short ranges, while still having amazing mobility (Low cd Leap, wall climb) and utility (Sonic arrow,dragonstrike).
He is both a sniper, a shield and tank buster as well as a burst output character at close range.

At the moment there is actually no reason to ever pick any other dps hero over Hanzo (With the exception of Widowmaker), because he is better than the rest of the dps roster by a mile.

He needs a severe hit with the nerf bat.

  1. Hanzos always murdered tanks
  2. We legit have tank killers and spam heros
  3. If the owl can run triple tank or pirate ship with hanzo existing i think we can learn to too

You can bully players just fine

And if your main tank dies things generally go down hill. thats just what happens.


Hanzo doesnt have the same capabilities or abilities or roles as alot of the dps so, hes not better than any of them collectively or objectively.

Hanzo is also best at mid ranges so hes not as great a sniper as widowmaker



Anyway the problem arent the critical hit of the storm arrows. Hanzo should have only 4 or 5 charges. But no 6

They completely botched his rework and made him OP, there’s no other way to put it.

He’s the most picked damage hero Gold tier and above for good reasons. Because if you have decent aim there is no reason to pick another damage hero.

All he needed was something to replace scatter, instead they gave him lunge on a super short cooldown and increased projectile speed which is near hitscan at close-range to mid-range. But his projectiles also have a larger hitbox than other hitscan, so he has an advantage there.

His ult-charge was also never touched to compensate for his buffs, so he’s always ready to go for that Graviton/Dragon combo and just to spam his ult in general.

Hanzo is the meta, everything forms around him.

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Hanzo could always delete tanks

No. He was really bad against Zarya with scatter. Just because it could potentially one shot her doesn’t mean he was strong against her. Her hit box isn’t very wide so it was really unlikely to happen and her bubbles often blocked scatter randomly wasting his cooldown.

The only tanks this version of Hanzo is actually stronger against than scatter Hanzo are Zarya and D.VA because they could easily negate scatter and with storm arrow you can wait out their damage mitiagation and crush them. Especially in D.VA case since her nerfs and storm arrow being way more reliable against her he easily farms her now. The damage nerfs to D.VA really harmed her against slender characters.

Winston, Rein, and Orisa were all countered harder by scatter Hanzo. Hanzo used to punish main tanks instantly and severely for positional mistakes and now he has to make risky plays often to kill them or spam down shields by himself in most comps. He is still very strong against all of those characters but people who didn’t main him seem to be under some mistaken perception that Winston was good against him when he was actually really awful against him. Body shot on the way in scatter off the bounce two shot every time on Winston. You do it 2 or 3 times and you never get dove again for the rest of the match.

D.VA, Gengu, Tracer, and Pharah were the problematic characters for Hanzo in Dive. Also scatter didn’t work on Zen because he floats.


bro hanzo did same thing but at the blink of an eye before with his scatterarrow, its been part of his kit since beta.

btw every tank has a way of negating his arrows, for example, hog can cut the dmg with breaker, dva can dm, etc.(even bronze tier folks i’ve met as hanzo do all these things to negate my E)

They made Hanzo the most no skill character in the game him tag with brig made the worst meta and game ever question how good is Fortnite/Paladins wasn’t my thing original but i willing to try