So long as Hanzo can delete tanks, the meta is going to be unfun

Unless you’re a Hanzo main.

We can’t dive to deal with Widowmaker.
We can’t dive to deal with Hanzo.
We can’t have static shields with Orisa.
We can’t try to bully out of position players or peel for our support with Roadhog.
We can’t get out from behind Rein’s shield with Zarya.

We have to play Reinhardt to give anyone on our team a chance. If we play Reinhardt, we need specific support around us to keep us up, because if we go down, everyone dies.

Fix Hanzo or better equip tanks to deal with him. Because right now, I can’t play with him in the game as he is.

He’s not a ‘skill DPS’, his damage potential is up there with other ‘spammers’. So no, he does not deserve to Crit from Storm Arrow; the DPS around him can’t.


So I guess no one cares about the state of tanking these days, if you’re not a Rein main?

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Hanzo could always melt tanks.
He is, and has always been known primarily as a mid-long range tank buster.



I have no problem dealing with the enemy hanzo. If I am being punished by him, Its because I am out of place or feeding.


He only blew up Orisa and Zarya. Now he blows them all up.


But aren’t they dealing with him? He’s getting nerfed in 3 straight patches. Only one of those is live, but the next round of nerfs hits in 4 days. Then the PTR has an additional nerf. If you include the stealth nerf to his ult, he’ll receive 5 nerfs in total over those 3 patches.

I agree that right now on live Hanzo is ridiculously OP. And he makes life for tanks terrible, but the devs are already working on toning him down. What do you want them to do that they aren’t already doing or do you just want them to do it faster?


He could blew any tank. Just because he had the potential to one shot only these 2 doesn’t mean he was free meat for the other tanks.

He always shread tanks. Now it is actually better for tanks, because the damage is no longer burst, but over-time, giving much more room to deal with it.


Remove Crit from Scatter Arrow. He’s demonstrably a spam hero, you can see his damage stats. That’s not ‘skill shooting’, he doesn’t need it.


Used to be able to be out of position as well, that’s no longer the case. Even at 5 seconds lunge he can still evade any hero in the game.


Nah i played Hanzo in Master for seasons 5-9 before the rework.

I used to scatter/focus down Hogs, Orisas, Zaryas, Reins, Monkeys (sometimes), and any sort of tanky big-hitbox type of hero i could find.


I think that’s a strech. 5 meters jump can’t evade you from a Tracer or Genji or even

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Given how many other nerfs they’ve given him, if they did that do you think that some of those should be reverted in trade?

I have always been in favor of not having storm arrow crit, but now that his storm arrow duration is reduced, storm arrow cooldown is increased, dragons can’t be damage boosted, lunge cooltown increased (though I think 5 is still really good), and storm arrow damage is reduced… I think it might be too much to do all of that to him and remove crits.

Shouldn’t we just wait to see how he comes out after these nerfs go through? I think Hammond will also change some of the balance because for a tank he has a very hard to hit critbox and it is gone completely in ball form.


Plenty of changes are happening that will make dive more viable, even against Hanzo.

Both his storm arrows and lunge are getting longer cooldowns and Hammond can dive him while avoiding crit shots, just to name the obvious ones.


Every 5 seconds is the most frequent mobility ability in the game. Plus Wall Climb.

He has hands down the best mobility in the game.

Hammond just going to feed him.

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Storm arrow is so fast that this statement is pretty much false. Combined with damage boost from a Mercy and it’s just a straight up BS ability with a super low cooldown.


How is it false? 6 arrows, that can be missed, blocked and healed untill Storm is finished. it is not a big burst of damage, is over-time by definiton now.

It is not false is absolutely no sense.

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That’s literally what people used to say about Scatter Arrow.

Maybe at a certain point people just dislike high risk/reward mechanics, and would rather have things like Mei’s Freeze spray or Junkrat’s Trap as abilities instead.

Hanzo, with his low cooldowns and unparalleled mobility is not “high risk/reward”.

He’s the epitome of no risk/maximum rewards.


No, that would be Mercy actually.


Mercy isn’t going to 1v6 a match any time soon.

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