So long as Hanzo can delete tanks, the meta is going to be unfun

No, he shouldnt be rewarded for spam like Widow.

Can someone remind me why the insta kill dps, with one of the most powerful ults in the game, needs a lunge every few seconds


Is not sucking. When the fire-rate is lower the damage is higher and vice-versa.

Helix rockets are a completely different ability. We are comparing it to the Soldier gun, which is over-time and can also crit!

Lol, just big flat out lie and also in bold letters?

Rocket punch has 4 seconds. Guardian Angel has 1.5 seconds.

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Mate Hanzo ulti isn’t that good without combination ults like earth shatter or graviton. Heck most teams just move out of the way when they hear angry japenese


Compared to mccree whos ult is subside button and soldiers who practically tickles all the amour and shields in the game, hanzo is in a good spot. It’s not an Indra win button, the fact his ult had defined a meta, shows it’s very good

Also Tracer gets a warp every 3 seconds, and Genji’s dash is technically longer but can also circumvent its cooldown. Post-nerf, he’ll also be tied with Hammond’s grapple and DVa’s boosters

Cooldown only starts when the ability ends. I conceded earlier that Tracer’s blink is faster, but Doomfist’s RP, like D.Va’s boosters only tick down when the ability ends.

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Hanzo is weak to dive. The reason you can’t dive him is Brigitte.

He had the nickname Spamzo long before Storm arrow came out. Granted Storm arrow made him even more spammy, but his ability to never reload and continually fire at corners definitely made him a spammer. With Storm arrow it’s just far worse.

I think they should rework him to not have a 1 shot kill on 200 hp heroes at all. He does enough damage now after the rework that he doesn’t need the cheap kills anymore.


You never watched Seagull or Waxu playing Hanzo?

Yeah I know it’s possible to be precise with Hanzo, but the majority of players just play him as a spammer. And really, I think they need to choose which one he is, because he can’t be both a sniper and a damage spammer. When they picked Storm Arrow as a replacement ability, they effectively chose to go down the spam path.

Right now he just does too much.

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I don’t understand the phrasing of “Unless you’re a hanzo main” did you mean like “hanzo mains opinions are invalid”/something along those lines?

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I mean you’re probably going to enjoy being the top of the tree.

That’s why he’s used more than either? He is not weak to dive, that hasn’t been true, ever.

wut? I still don’t understand

It just follows from the title of the thread, that the meta is going to suck if you’re not a Hanzo main.

oh, thanks for clarifying

Be honest; you won’t be happy until he’s back in the dumpster. You do remember when he was nothing more than a troll pick, yes? How whole teams would throw because someone picked him at the spawn?

You don’t just want him nerfed. You want him deleted.

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I’d rather heroes weren’t treated like Sombra at all.

He’s the epitome of no risk/maximum rewards.

Mercy isn’t going to 1v6 a match any time soon.

He’s a spam hero, not a precision one.

Please play him for more than an hour, go in 1v6, kill everyone with no risk and just spam. Try doing that and try keeping consistent high damage, elims, final blows and crits. Try also consistently keeping your rank or perhaps climbing it since he’s that easy.

Come back to report your discoveries in around 50 hours of playtime.