I think the biggest issue with Hanzo is he’s as effective as point-blank as he is mid to long range.
Where Widow suffers at close range because of her reduced field of view while zoomed, Hanzo sees absolutely no trade-off when combating an enemy at close range versus long-range.
Something needs to be done to make him just a little more vulnerable at close range.
When someone would dive him and Hanzo had scatter arrow, he had one shot to put the diver down. If he missed, he almost certainly lost the engagement. Storm arrow now gives him 6 chances to one-shot most divers (other than dva and Winston which are such big targets that his accuracy relatively increases to have the same result.)
Lunge is still the shortest cooldown mobility tool in the game. And he has Wall Climb on top of that. He’ll still keep dive tanks who can’t keep up at bay, and still burst them down with his massive Spam Arrow potential.
Yes, scatter was a frustrating yet fair ability. But the bum Tracer mains had to come in and complain on behalf of Orisa players and got it reworked. Since scatter was always an anti-tank tool there are few other configurations for it to turn into and this is the reason SA performs in the way that it does.
Let’s all get to gether and asks the devs to bring back scatter eh?
Hanzo is absurdly forgiving. Storm arrows can be held for a long duration and you get to fire 6 full power shots that are damn near hitscan. Crits need to be removed from storm arrow completely.
You don’t have to fully charge RP before using it and you get a lot more distance out of just a tap of RP+jump than you do with Hanzo’s lunge. RP also goes on CD as soon as the animation ends which isn’t that long.
Wall climb was an insignificant pos useless ability until he got lunge. The combination of them both made his mobility powerful not one or the other.
Doom has the best burst moblity in the game atm. When Hammond goes live Doom will be 2nd. Genji has better area? mobility than Doom,Hanzo or Hammond. Hanzo is more or less a clone of Genji on a shorter CD*.
No its an ability which reward spam and precision at the same time.
You get massive reward for being precise, but its not very punishing if you miss some arrows either.
TBH Genji, Mercy, Tracer, and soon Hammond are all more mobile. Mercy only loses points because she’s dependent on others for her mobility, but it’s not like that’s typically a major problem. Genji and Hammond, though, have pretty crazy mobility all of the time.
Hanzo doesn’t have AOE don’t be dishonest about the comparison here. Their kit by design is supposed to be spammed so you acheive maximum area coverage, but they are rewarded for accuracy via direct hit damage