So logins are getting low, huh?

Console players grouped with PC players have aim assist on since last patch.

Where did you hear this? I live in Japan and do not know of any events happening for us. Would be happy to get free stuff lol

Log-In rewards are the tourniquet for a wound called Warzone 2. But they’re bleeding from the neck.

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This useless garbage won’t matter if nobody is playing to see them.

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oh, thats today hm. checks

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The original got stale because Blizzard gave up on it for THIS. They literally announced this “sequel” as a panic button to distract from their constant scandals lol. Blizzard has screwed up everything over the last 6 years.


incoming statement from activision that OW2 has THE MOST PLAYERS OF ANY ONLINE GAME EVER

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2bh, based on the server reaction this weekend I no longer think the logins are low. If anything they might need to pull a “stop buying the game so server can handle it”. Well in this case it’s “stop playing the game so server can handle it”, not like it’s hard but it’s pretty ironic.

Microsoft has nothing to do with this game tho lmao

Of course they are just the funding but everyone keeps going on and on about how they’ll save X game and I’m here like they wont’ do anything look at Halo it was it’s IP and it DIED~!

62k Twitch viewers even with drops… :skull: they fumbled.


Oofs in 20 characters

It’s not like you have far to look with Overwatch 2 to see the bad.

Completely botched launch with some people not even able to login for several days after

Extremely tone deaf and underwhelming “apology” for the botched launch


Tank & Damage queue times

Multiple heroes removed from game for weeks at a time due to bugs (and more hero bugs being discovered all the time, eg Tracer) despite their having been daily playtests as well as multiple alpha and beta tests pre-launch

Extremely poor Battle Pass implementation

Overpriced cosmetics

Predatory pricing of Overwatch Coins

Epic skins being passed off as Legendaries

Years old skin offered as part of exclusive regional promotion with major partner (old Tracer skin offered as part of promotion with McDonalds Australia)

Legacy credits not able to be used to purchase legacy cosmetics

Lacklustre new events with less event cosmetic than before


Lazy weapon charm implementation

Insane customer support ticket wait times (45 days last time I checked my most recent opened ticket from almost 2 weeks ago)

Still no competitive stats for some console players

And that’s just off the top of my head…


Was about time that halo died if you ask me, Sure i grew up with the halo games and love them still but it’s not a game i would think of existing later on.
343 did alot of mistakes, but it ain’t microsofts fault one bit since they’re just the funding and not the creators alone

I like how the OW2 battlepass is even worse than Battlefield 2042’s

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Not yet. At least in OW2 they didn’t manage to mess up main mechanic of shooter.

The price is fine. The content is just pathetic. Souvenirs…? Sprays…? That ugly McCree skin?? **** off.

Not to mention Fortnite’s Battlepass lets you earn more currency than you spend on it. Let that sink in for a moment.


Also worth mentioning is Halo: Infinite’s Battle Passes which don’t expire. Ever. And you can actually choose which one you want to level!

Let that sink in as well!


The game industry had years to figure out battlepasses and games have since implemented fair/more rewarding ones.

But Blizzard being Blizzard deliberately chose to ignore all of those years of insight and development. With them implementing a battlepass that is very alike the first attempts at such a system.

Blizzard says they’re inline with the game industry on pricing, etc, but they ain’t.

They don’t even treat their live-service game like a live-service.


It maybe just an incentive to keep people logging in at the end of November, with all the sales going around. So players get distracted from OW2 less.