So logins are getting low, huh?

They’re not even close at the moment.

I mean, many other games have also $20 skins but the main difference is that you can actually earn a pretty decent amount of premium currency on those titles so it kinda balances out.

I’ve been playing Ow2 for almost two months and I think I have around ~260 coins. I can buy a couple of voice lines now wtf 🫠


Yeah exactly, I like how 343 did their battlepass because i mean we paid for it so why don’t it just stay? I would still buy the new ones if there was anything worth in OW2 etc.

I like how the Genji skin looks etc in the battlepass but i don’t really touch him so for me it’s useless, It’s the same with Apex tbh i don’t touch their battlepass if there’s nothing i use.

Idk if they will but OW should look into the mw2 battlepass where you can choose what to unlock from what i’ve heard. I would drop some cash into that

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