So logins are getting low, huh?

Here’s the thing, this game’s whole business model is inherently front loaded in each season. All the incentives are tied to the battle pass, which a lot of players finish in the first month. They seem to have put all the big skins out in the shop rotation already. That means the second month is going to slow down, with each week more and more people completing the battle pass and even the prestige track. After that there’s nothing left to do until S2. That’s why I think they decided to give it a shot in the arm in the meantime. Just hand out a few free bonuses to keep OW2 fresh in people’s minds for a few more weeks until the next big content drop.

This is what happens when you turn your entire community against you over the course of 3 long years. This negativity is the result of consistent mismanagement on their end.

We’re not fed up because things went south during the last month. We are fed up because they have been shooting themselves in the foot over and over again when they have in their hands a franchise with the potential to become one of the very best in the history of video games.

Neglected playerbase, rushed product, predatory monetization, live service game without live service → The community says enough is enough.

You have as much right as we do to express how you feel about the game though. Everyone’s entitled to have their own opinion and if there’s people who happen to enjoy this product they should be vocal about it too, why not.

But these “rewards” feel like a cheap way to calm players down and inflate their stupid stats at the same time.

I’ll say it again, this negativity didn’t happen overnight. They had it coming.


100% agreed that they deserve a lot of things that people are complaining about. But if you just point out the mistakes and dont accept that they made a lot of improvements, you are not better than the blizz fanboys that dont see any problems. You will be hated on both sides, but I personally respect people more who have positive and negative things to say over a topic.

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I know that every single game with a BP system experiences a significant drop after the first few weeks, that’s how it works. It was expected.

But I really think this is different Zek. This is mismanagement. This is not caring for the franchise. Warzone’s 2.0 Battlepass puts OW2’s to SHAME. And we’re talking about the same company.

Like, why can’t we have nice things too? Have you seen how cool their Battlepass system is? Why do we have to settle for a bunch of souvenirs and poses that are completely worthless if we know for a fact that the same company is capable of producing a MUCH superior product?

Let’s keep pushing them hard now. It will be good for us in the long run.


Because Bobby Kotick uses Overwatch as his petri dish on what not to do with Call of Duty.


All right, that’s completely true. The negativity is such that we are a bit blinded not gonna lie.

I guess we’ll have to give Team4 a little bit of credit too. Let’s hope they can pull this off.

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I needed a dictionary for this :U

Its really not, Playercounter shows that the numbers have barely moved.

They sold us on their talent, on their design team. They literally said “don’t worry, we’re very excited, believe in us”. All that human capital was supposed to get us somewhere. It didn’t. They suck at what they do, and are finally paying for it.

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Well Warzone 2 is another dev team and they had a whole different idea about how to do battle passes. I’m reading about that now and honestly struggling to understand it. I guess it’s basically a choose-your-own-adventure battle pass? Probably still amounts to the same thing at the end of the day though, play the game get XP for unlocks.

If you really pick apart the blog post they made recently, they said that in S3 they intend to do the following:

  • Battle pass changes
  • More interesting challenges
  • More play-focused progression systems.

That could mean anything, we’ll just have to wait and see. We all know that OW2’s BP isn’t as generous as other games, specifically with currency. I’d like it if they’d improve that before S3.

If imbeciles created this game, and you play this game, what does that make you? I wonder.

They are speedrunning killing their a game.

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It was supposed to improve by a lot. Guess it didn’t.

what playercounter do you mean?

Yes I’m sure that the shareholders will be happy with logins spiking on 3 days…

Come on!! Login!! Play support! Sure you’ll get f@%ed with your pants on while at least two teammates yell at you for not being their personal healbot but thats part of the fun!!


happy shareholders means cool keychain rewards for their players, not the coolest ones though, those will cost you.

Yeah, that’s it.

If we could choose between a variety of skins instead of having to settle for what they’ve chosen it would be a nice beginning. If my favorite heroes are not on the Battle Pass my motivation to lvl up is very low.

But if we could choose between a few different rewards it would be much more engaging.

Same goes for Mythic skins. But these are not easy to create so I don’t expect more than one Mythic skin per Battle Pass at all.

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I wonder if Blizzard leaving China (FINALLY) means OW2 will be saved.


i dont think anything can save ow2.