So is comp ranking broken in OW2?

I am really hoping that it’s just a case of 1 throw away season at worst to get people sorted out. The skill variance at bronze 5? ROFL it’s night and day. I am getting 2 tapped by mcrees on occasion and I have reins that literally just charge into the enemy team and feed over and over again.


Mines the same. No stats 0 hours played. I think it is still recording them server side though as you can check how many games you’ve played in the challenges section, at least for me they’re recorded there.

In other words, if you aren’t placed in the rank you “THINK” you should be placed in, game is broken. Got it.

Broken and for me. B5 and no matter the wins I have 0 time played 0 stats and stay B5. was high gold and play before… honestly even as a support I’m out dps’ing dps, Out healing entire enemy teams and have streaks of 20+ kills… it’s a really bad experience. wouldn’t recommend game

In other words, make a self righteous comment oozing with passive aggressive sarcasm in regards to a self constructed unfounded conclusion that, not even 1 person mentioned or even remotely insinuated. Got it.

A dozens reasons competitive is broken. The forums are over flowing with facts about the bugs and lack of transparency frm bliz.

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Nothing passive aggressive about it - I said exactly what I meant. Not self righteous either. 99% of the posts on here are people complaining about what my post said - that’s more than “not even 1 person” mentioning it. What’s with your attempt at insulting me?

So? If Blizz comes out and says that yes, there is a bug with comp, then all these discussions end immediatly. Until then, all those posts that you are referring to are merely people complaining about what they THINK should happen (i.e., higher placements).

Additionally, posts complaining about comp placement have been around since day 1 of OW1 - there’s nothing new happening here. People are mad that their ego doesn’t match up with a video game rank. It’s hilarious, if you took two seconds to think about it.

0 stats for hours played and probably 30 ranked games and multiple win streak ranks. I care more about the stats than being stuck in bronze temporarily. Can’t improve if there are no stats to pick apart and help judge performance


This might have something to do with it?

Mines the same but I think it does still record the data as if you go to the challenges screen you should be able to see progress towards things like win 250 games.


I have no challenges screen because they eventually managed to partially fix my status with the migration… but that is a joke too, my ball stats were getting better and I was easily over 56% win rate before migration, now it’s 26% lol

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I think it’s only placement that is messed up. I placed S5 DPS, got bumped to S2 after next series, then G5 after the next.

My tank it placed really low, traditionally I haven’t been a tank player but I think my JQueen is pretty good. Placed B5, bumped to S5 I think, now S2. Each bump only required one series.

The ranked system moves you up or down every 7 wins or 20 losses, whichever comes first I believe.

Bronze 5 is flawed at the moment. Those trying to climb out there is hope:

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Stats do not matter for those stuck in Bronze 5.

Hidden SR and the deep 0-1100 range is creating a steep hill to climb to get out.

Same here. Was placed in Bronze 5. I won 7 games in a row and still on Bronze 5. What is going on?

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As other people have stated I will chime in and explain what is going on.
Winning the 7 games does not automatically mean your rank will go up, it’s based on your underlining MMR and your performance in those 7 games that you won.

What counts towards your performance is role activity, the amount of DPS you did, revenge kills, deaths, healing and objective time. So if you do a lot of damage or healing but still die a lot the game translates that in you performing poorly, it bases that off the general death number in the game.

I was placed in Bronze 5 and also stayed there after playing my initial 7 games after that, since that I’ve started playing a Moira OTP and after 21 games I am now Gold II. What helped me climb very fast was going back to spawn after the team wipes and just grouping and playing smart around objectives.

Team performance means nothing with the new ranking system, 90% of it is based off of your own performance in those matches so chances are that if you are not climbing out of your rank that you need to reconsider how to properly play your hero/roll.

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What is the point of having 5 ranks in each tier then? Comp system is bloated with ranks and nobody is moving up or down. Makes sense!

Thanks for your input but it sounds like there is bug with Bronze 5 right now. I played well and there is a reason I won 7 games in a row. It seems a lot of players put in this rank are required to get around a 70-80 % win rate.

How do you rank a tank by stats alone? The job is a lot more complicated then stats, position, pushing, properly timed mitigation.

70-80% win rate as a healer doing tons of heals and more dps than the dps. still hard af to climb out of when most Bronze can’t even group up or run in solo and melt… still playing, stats are good for games, but winning at a high rate with bronze is hard. maybe I’ll tank instead of heal to rank up.

all 3 roles can have impact that goes beyond stats.

No wonder why people think it’s mainly dependant on win/lose cause it’s literaly the only info we have and it’s the only thing clearly shown to the player.

There’s no performance rating that could give the player a more precise info about how the system interpreted games played. Only “Game won [green color code], good :)” or “Game lost [red color code], bad :(”.

So childish, not pro at all, vague asf. Doesn’t fit anything competitive.

Players needs clear infos to be able to improve, like in sports. There is no reasons why blizzard just doesn’t want to “partially” give players the actual reasons why they rank up or down.

The problem I think is the fallout of blizzard allowing 2+ years of major ladder decay in terms of participation and a complete infestation of smurfs in sub 2000 Sr ranges.

When today’s “bronze” range is completely filled with high gold+ smurfs like a roach motel is infested with roaches it’s going to skew what bronze performance is supposed to be.

Bronze KDR traditionally is sub 2-1 and that is with 2 tanks. These people are probably winning with at best a 1.5-1 KDR which appears “bad” when they are mixed in with last seasons smurf problem. It’s going to take at least a month or 2 for the ladder to cleanse itself of the end of life problems the prior game gave us.

A lot of the complaints could be dealt with if blizzard simply was more transparent with what they are doing. A simple forum post titled guys we pressed the red button the first season is going to be a mess while the ladder resorts itself. Be patient and get ready to take your licks. At least people would udnerstand what is going on.

Bronze skill creep during the last 2 or 3 seasons just got absolutely ridiculous. When you have competent widows in bronze that is all you need to know how bad skill creep has gotten. You mix in people that haven’t played in a while and you going to have a total circus in bronze ranks.

Trust me I placed bronze 5 as support. The tank and dps differential I see in games is night and day.

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