So is comp ranking broken in OW2?

won 8 games in row and still got stuck in a rank I have never been in ! Is anyone else experiencing this ?! Something is off


Iā€™ve won 35 comp games so far and am still in bronze 5, I do high dam everygame with a positive kd. I dont know what else to do, I feel like youre only allowed 3 deaths between all 7 games or else you dont rank up


It means youā€™re a bronze playerā€¦ Find the hero youā€™re most comfortable with, and stop dying all the time. Dying a lot tells the game that youā€™re not in your real rank.


funny how you think the worst lol ā€¦ i dont die all the time , maybe u do but i dont lol


I won my 7 games in a row, and never went up in rank :I

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I just checked my stats. I have a positive win/loss ratio, a 60%-win ratio with Anaā€¦

Not moving up at all. In fact, of the seasons, I still have data for (31+) I had 5 positive seasons and 2 losing seasons. I cannot move up.

Than youā€™re bronze if you canā€™t get out. Thatā€™s how ELO system works. You have to work hard. My friend got placed in bronze 3, and next rank up after 7 wins sheā€™s now silver 4 lol.

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I donā€™t pretend to be an amazing healer or anything, but I am 14-1 as a healer and after my seventh win my rank changed from bronze 5 toā€¦ still bronze 5. I get that maybe Iā€™m not an EXCELLENT player or anything, but after going 7-1 I just expect some sense of progression. This is worse than ovw1 (where I was never in bronze anyway btw).


Have to get out of the mindset that wins and losses matter. They do not! (or if they doā€¦its very little weight like around 10%)

These factors have much more impact:
1: deaths (should be healing 2-3k per deathā€¦minimum)
2: damage per death (dps 2-3k per death, healers will vary but put 1k)
3: ults used (only getting 1 ult per side is basically default stayed in spawn charge)
4: abilities used per 10 min
5: accuracy (of course varies, but aim for 50% as a benchmark)
6: secured kills by yourself aka FINAL BLOWS ā€¦IE do not use eliminations (those are mostly assists) as your k/d ratio.
7: kill streaksā€¦if you can rack out 4-5 or 7 kills in a row that weighs in that you need to be bumped up some ranks

Is there a reputable source for this?

Do we actually know what types of things matter for comp ranking or are you (or your source) just guessing?

This. For what its worth, I had a 40% win rate on support and stayed the same rank on latest update.

took me 28 games @ 65% w/r 1 tricking hog. then poof, bronze2 from bronze 5,bronze 5, bronze5, bronze 5. often most damage on team / in gameā€¦ 50% hook avg, very few deaths, usually not mitigating more than dva or sigma, but more than other tanks.

also yes pleaseā€¦ can someone please give SOMETHING concrete to suggest that performance weighs in at all? From what i can tell, someone started a vicious rumor and ppl have run with it.


Yes its broken
They need to fix it


No, but there is the constant I got X more winsā€¦why didnt I rank up? Thousands of those posts which leads to reasonable conclusion that win/loss are NOT the leading factor in going up or down. In OW1 iā€™ve lost every single placement and still went upā€¦ergo it is your personal stats that matter.

The 64k question isā€¦what stats and where does blizzard consider that stat to be normal for your rank? The MMR system is tuning the matches (based on what stats you have shown you can generate as an average over 7 games) and placing you into three buckets: You need to rank up (ergo against someone that needs to rank down), You need to rank down (ergo against someone that is going up), or the last bucket of you are normalized stats so setup an even match.

Take a SIMPLE (it is meant to convey the concept, reality is much more complicated) example, lets say even match you have a 1/1 K/D ratio. That ratio carries against ALL rankings regardlessā€¦bronze vs bronze are 1/1 and GM vs GM are 1/1. So if you are say 10 kills for 1 death in bronzeā€¦you need to go up and are placed against .8 K/D (they need to go down ). As you get placed higher and higherā€¦that K/D will dropā€¦maybe its 2/1 in gold and then in plat is starts to dip at .9. Once you get around 1/1 for average of 7 gamesā€¦you have arrived at your current skill.

Now take that concept over 30 different stats, Blizzard knows after millions of games what the target is for each stat and which stats weight more than others.

Everyone wants it to be wins vs losses, but it just isntā€¦

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I agree that it appears that either win/loss doesnā€™t matter much at all, or there is a bug in the system.

However, I read the rest of your post and both the remainder of this one and the entire last one are wild speculation based on nothing but a hunch.

The original post was stated as fact, which as I understand it currently, is incorrect.

They may take that stuff into consideration, or they may not. It may be a bug. It may be that they have a ML model, but its training data isnā€™t matching real life. It could be working as intended.

You donā€™t know, but you are at least somewhat trying to state your hunches as fact - but you should be stating them as possible explanations so people know it is currently unknown.

Iā€™m not sure youā€™re being sarcastic here or actually not caught up with how the current competitive system is organised.

I was a mid platinum DPS on Overwatch 1 and had my fair share of good matches and my fair share of mediocre matches, seems like thatā€™s how just about every other playerā€™s track record looks.

Overwatch 2 comes around and Iā€™m now Bronze 1, I ended at the top of my teamā€™s leaderboard in 6 out of the 9 matches and had matches where I didnā€™t even die once.

This is not a matter of ā€œyou have to die lessā€ because thereā€™s former GM players being placed in Bronze 5, do you genuinely think the competitive system is fair when players who were at the absolute top of the gameā€™s competitive scene in the first game are now considered bottom of the barrel? Iā€™ve seen Bronze gameplay and Iā€™ve seen GM gameplay in OW1, thereā€™s no way on earth those 2 are in any way similar in the new game.

The competitive system is clearly broken, if they determine your skill based solely on deaths then thatā€™s evidence enough that the system IS broken. If your team consistently manages to beat the enemy but you end up being the person who gets picked off by a widow 3-4 times in a game then that shouldnā€™t be a reason for the system to interpret you as a Bronze player.

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Well if the instant ques for support and 6 + minute ques for dps and tanks tell you anythingā€¦ Itā€™s pretty clear that comp has some major issues.

I mean itā€™s not like I only had 2 supports to pick from last night and most of the tank roster turned off.

Letā€™s face it overwatch 2 as a launch has been a total disaster. Each blizzard launch is just getting worse.


Bronze 5 bug. Stat/server bug. Queue bug. Stat recording bug. BattlePass bug. Hero lock bug.

Comp is broken for some. Like life, not everyone is having the same experience.

NONE of my stats are being recorded. Looks like Iā€™ve never played the game. The implications areā€¦if stats arent recorded locally its possible they arenā€™t being recorded on the server/database.

Not 1 person that landed in B5 has come out, taht im aware ofā€¦Iā€™ve searched these forums. Low IQ player and turds will say you deserve this rankā€¦MAYBEā€¦we donā€™t know cuz there is a known B5 bug.

Btw, Iā€™m S1. Won 6, lost 14, won 1. More tahn half these games are BLOWOUTS (0-2, 2-0, 3-0). Complete mismatch. Such a great time, Not. System placed me BUT has ZERO stats.

I have screen shots and stream to back this up.

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Guys, thereā€™s still SR, itā€™s just hidden. Within Bronze 5 thereā€™s a huge disparity between players.

Also, just like OW1, once you place it tries to ā€˜self correctā€™ a bit. I placed in silver but hopped 2 tiers every 7 wins (and no they werent 7-0). Basically the first few times mean nothing and itā€™s trying to get you to the same SR as you were in OW1. Once I did that it slowed back down.

Very odd dumb system that gives you next to no info, but I understand what theyā€™re trying to do with the abstractionā€¦the execution is lacking however.

I barely died in any of my placements and was averaging like 25-30 Elims per game, with a lot of Final Blows. I donā€™t think it has the impact you think it does. Additionally, your stats are juxtaposed against the relative skill of the players youā€™re playing against. If youā€™re farming players that the algorithm deems are lower skill than you, than those stats do not have the weight that you are assuming they have.

50% weapon accuracy on a lot of heroes is literal Top-500 OWL MVP candidate-level aim and tracking.

You cannot expect a Plat Player to play at that level just to get out of Gold. Itā€™s nonsensical. Anyone that good isnā€™t going to have an issue with ranking up, nor will they be on these forums looking for tips.

There is so much wrong with what youā€™ve written thereā€¦