So, in a recent article, Jeff himself has said that he wants to see Overwatch trend slightly more in the FPS direction, rather than the MOBA direction"

If people still complained if everyone were DPS, if everyone were powerful, then they’d actually suck at dealing with the former Tanks because they’d have the same high damage potential the enemy would have.

How so? Ive seen the mode, its not the usual attack & defense style we’re used to. People would have to play that differently.

And if all the Tanks(and Healers) were DPS, the gameplay changes wouldnt be that drastic. Look at Rein, if he was a DPS, then players would have fun runnin’ & slashing, perhaps have that fire ability at a shorter cooldown(but has lower damage, and a new ult being the charge + dual hammers from his animated short. In fact, that’d be a blast to play.

Brig is dead. She cant offer more when Blizzard nerfed her to the point that she’s useless. And again, literally 1% of the playerbase using her further proof. Its not millions of players using her, just a very small few of players.

Ana’s just a DPS. Of course there’s more to her, she doesnt have to put up with the burden actual Healers have.

As dead Brig? You’re healer teammates are trash then.

Wouldnt be the case if she had low damage.

She kills in 3 hits. She has a sniper rifle, that sleep dart is just like McCree’s flashbang. Blizzard allows her to be played like a DPS. If it wasnt for that damage buff, Ana players would never frontline, and always stay in the back & heal.

If it was low, it wouldnt be possible to get Gold elims(whether your teammates are good or bad), and she wouldnt be effective for killing Widow & Echo especially.

Damage is all she’s good for.

Again, its Blizzard’s vice president, and OW has already been favoring DPS. They sure af will never make Tanks & Healers good again. They favor DPS because of the OWL. So why wouldnt they finally go all out with it? They’ll do it sooner or later.

They werent op, they were just good at their job, but fought back too. But Brig is dead now, and Moira’s only good for damage(she got the opposite treatment Brig had).

Bap’s Invincibility Field was actually op, I’ll give you that. But his heals didnt have to get nerfed. He used to be pretty good at pocketing.

All the DPS are op. Just some more than others. None of them had real nerfs. All they get are slaps on the wrist, such as the nerf to Ashe’s dynanite cooldown(not the damage, the freakin’ cooldown).

Again, it does nothing.

Its exactly DPS favoritism. In old OW, both roles were fine & DPS werent op. But then the OWL happened. There were two DPS buffs prior(Reaper & Junkrat), but the OWL is what caused the constant DPS buffs, and nerfs to everything else.

Its a battle rifle. In fact, they always sucked in shooters. Bap doesnt have an assault rifle & cant sprint like Soldier. Again, its only good for assists. You can help to deal with Pharah, little things like that, but nothing more.

DVA or Winston were the solutions to Widow back then. Not both of them, not either pocketed. Just one, mainly old DVA, you know, whose Defense Matrix used to be the best.

Sure, Hanzo’s Scatter was broken, but his projectile speed was slow, unlike how. And he had no lunge to spam to get out of trouble.

McCree didn’t have a fast fire rate & a fully charged DeadEye didnt shoot down barriers then the target.

And Genji, if old Genji was op, how it took him(and every other old DPS) to take a while to get to the Top 500s?

Old OW was far better than the shell we have now thats taking too long to fully abandon the MOBA style it started out as.

It does. Tanks cant defend anyone if their barriers are useless.

Why not? Its something to mention. The DPS favoritism was clear before, but Jeff himself making that clear is something else

Well, all there is to say is get used to it

If you think dps is the only way to go, then enjoy the queue I say. That’s all you’ll ever enjoy I’m sure

Until Blizzard scraps Tanks & Healers, I’d be fine with that because it’d meant winning more & being backfilled into losing matches less.

I really do question why you still play this game…

The mode is different but it doesn’t play like a standard FPS.

If t aks and supports played more like DPS, it would fundamentally change the way the game is played.

Not all OW players are not used to all playing solo, learning sight lines and playing angles. Heck most Damage heroes aren’t required to play that way.

Look at what happened with 1/3/2 where supports found out just what happens when they don’t have a tank around all the time, brewer players were introduced to S1-like game play where supports saw the spawn room more than they did the map.

Nothing you have said convinces me in the slightest that making changes to Tanks into fat dps would actually work.

Heck, the AMA has people already complaining about how they wouldn’t play rank if that were to change.

It would require many changes to several tank kits, changing their fundamental play style, and they would be more subject to being fed off of for ults, leading to more ult play. Which would necessitate changes to ult charge gains.

Many players have commented over the years that they like OW because it isn’t a typical FPS, which is what the change would require.

If people like that a FPS with no real tanks or supports but with unique abilities - go to Valorant.

OW shouldn’t have to change to appease the Valorant players. They should set themselves apart.

And please bookmark this comment and let’s revisit it in a years time. If I’m wrong, I’ll gladly admit it. Will you if you’re wrong?
not wasting my time arguing, just dropping evidence that you’re wrong

being better than anyone else at their job, WHILE being good at dealing damage, WHILE being good at controlling space (brig specifically) is what we in the videogame industry call “overpowered”

It was fun at first, the concept was great. No point in quitting after…how old is the game, 4 years? So when Blizzard goes the full DPS route, I’m ready for it now. The game would be fun again, and in OW2, everyone will start fresh with an MMR reset, meaning no Smurfs & Comp tryhards at the start.

Most of the playerbase base loves going DPS. So definitely 99% of people would be fine with playing solo. It’d actually be possible to focus on yourself.

Blizzard was just testing if they could go all DPS at that point. It was too soon. But after all the DPS favoritism that occurred since then, any doubters of it changed their minds now.

It stopped being different.

Thr change is about appeasing OW players. Again, Blizzard wont make Tanks & Healers good again. Look what happened to Brig. Current OW cant stick with the MOBA style. If a non-DPS becomes strong, they get nerfed. DPS gets all the favoritism.

So Overwatch fully going in an FPS direction, not exactly like Valorant’s, but still damage per second first & abilities second, is the only good fate for it.

Blizzard cant even bring back old OW as an Arcade Mode. So, there is no other route for OW to take.

Let me know when millions of players use Brig again, instead of just 1%. Oh wait, that will never happen, because she’s dead. She’s useless. Blizzard took away everything about her that once made her a force for DPS hypocrites to fear.

Yet its ok for DPS to do so much? They have op damage, some have stuns, some have boops, some heal themselves, some are Tank killers, some throw turrets, some have aimbot ults, one of them hacks, am I missing anything?

Yet old Brig shutting DPS players down, Healer players having fun for once, was a problem, even though she had counters? Enough with the hypocrisy.

Brig wasnt even the best one for boops, Lucio is allowed to spam secondary without it using ammo. That never got nerfed & Ana’s dart still hands players free kills.

millions of players never played brig in the first place, she isnt a hero widely considered to be fun, and this game doesnt even have millions of players anymore

most DPS cant even out damage an anas healing without an aimbot, and yeah, the role named “Damage per second” should have high damage, and they honestly dont outside of widow ashe cree and others burst DPS.

if you having fun means no one else gets to, then yeah its a problem lol

Tanks aren’t the problem, barriers are. It’s like, “Oh we have less barriers? Guess we play at a severe disadvantage!”.

The game can remain MOBA style and have tanky brawlers still – this is how popular MOBA games like LoL/DOTA are… they don’t have heroes who block almost everything and become too essential, they have tanky brawlers/disrupters.

Isn’t my thinking, is only experience, for you maybe this is the first declining fps multyplayer, but not for me.

I try to semplify again.

The moba/fps hybrid not work anymore, Kaplan too said he want the game more fps, other developers said want to transform rein in something more similar to roadhog and lower the ttk.

The game is actual declining because the game isn’t adapt to the actual players around.

Without this changes the game will continue declining until blizzard decide to cut the support.

Ow2 is obviously the last try to revive the game with the excuse of pve, will be a choice of the actual playerbase, if the want to revive the game accepting the change or not.

Small parenthesis

“Just because things don’t die fast doesn’t stop the game being fast, as long as you are tracking enemies/cooldowns/talking overwatch is more intense than any fps game”

I hope you joking, i start to think this is your first fps, even battlefield 2 or arma 2 was more intense of overwatch.

You assume a lot of things will happen. Your vision is delusional, and there’s every reason to stop doing something you don’t enjoy if the only reason you started it in the first place was specifically and exclusively to enjoy it you loon.

If people want this they should just play Valorant instead of trying to ruin Overwatch, snipers already make the game boring af we don’t need more of that

Thats unrealistic to expect them to do it before OW2. I think after OW2 we’ll start getting regular updates again but for now the majority of their focus is on OW2.

Lame, since I started to play this game because it was more moba-ish.

And it could still be a FPS but there’s way too much emphasis on homogenization.

For instance, sym mains wanted sym to remain a support but refine the way shields were given to be more support-y. I know because I wrote the mega thread on old forums lol. They say it’s not doable, because all they tried were healing turrets.

Then they release brig with rally and armor packs. Couldn’t that have worked with temporary shields? Because I saw that as a common trend in sym rework threads back when she was a support.

Now there’s talks of her being a support again. Like what?

What’s the point of having heroes be homogenized when that wasn’t the appeal of the game at launch?

The best they could hope for is halo-ish FPS, but they don’t have vehicles, the game modes, the items, or the independence to add that level of appeal.

If anything, they need to make the game have more moba-ish characters to appeal to more people, more game modes, etc… making the game more FPS-y will just make more Dps mains won’t it?

You do realize Jeff’s most played hero is Reinhardt? And that half the things in the op are bs made up by journalists?

It’s funny that you brought up the hero they gave the ability to hard counter most ultimates in the game on a 6 second cooldown

Glad to know they are finally deleting Symmetra, Torbjorn, and Mercy.


whats with the notion that fps skillset automatically means dps hero???

You’re forgetting this part.

That’s both Jeff and Geoff indicating this direction.

Pretty much what they are saying is they don’t want barriers in their game. Tank heroes don’t have to have a barrier to be a tank.