So, in a recent article, Jeff himself has said that he wants to see Overwatch trend slightly more in the FPS direction, rather than the MOBA direction"

Defensive tanks and supports will be defensive, nothing new there.

Don’t be sure. I enjoy the playstyle when the playstyle is actually, y’know…playable.
If I have to cower from damage as a tank, or sit and watch my teammates die as a support, then maybe I’ll just play another game. One where I can actually play a tank or healer.

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Sure, that’s always an option.

They have 1 shot melee though…
Bungie has a thing with… auto aim one shot melee abilities…

If moba + FPS didn’t work overwatch wouldn’t have a relatively large dedicated player base. The game is fun because it’s unique and homogenising it to be a normal shooter will literally only drive people away. Let me ask you this, why play a more fps overwatch when you can just play CoD? There isn’t one. Overwatch right now has no real competition for the same experience and getting rid of that advantage is a bad move.

No, it’s because it’s unbalanced. Unbalanced means unfun and unfun drives people away and mean they won’t buy the game. If overwatch looked fun, and people weren’t constantly complaining about poor balance more people would buy it.

Yes, OW2 is a tried and true way to get people interested and get people to come back to the game without doing anything really new . It’s a method that has been shown to work by CoD for the past couple decades.

I have literally played fps games all my life , and they all get incredibly boring after 6 months because half the time your just walking around looking for someone to shoot, and then you find someone and shoot or they shoot you dead. Or like in r6 or cs when you look at the same 4 pixels all round and then you peak and your dead, yes very intense.

Look mate, I’m probably going to stop replying to you now, because this is actually like talking to a brick wall. I understand you want a more fps game but there are already plenty out there for you. So please instead of wanting to ruin overwatch for half of the player base go play one of them :slight_smile:

I understand you can’t accept the situation but your hope not change this situation.

The game is declining because this type of hybrid gameplay not work anymore.

This game can’t be balanced with this gameplay for the simple reason is a type of gameplay not work anymore.

Developers know this problem and are testing deep gameplay changes.

Or players will accept this changes or this game will be continue is declining till blizzard will stop the support a while after ow2.

After your comment about cs e siege i know you never played it.

Really i suggest you to accept the situation or you will see this game abandoned.

If that means less CC or stun abilities then I’m all for it.

I agree. I prefer playing DPS and I like shooter aspects of the game, but I also think the game needs tanks like Reinhard, Sigma and Orisa. Reinhardt is fun to play when you have a team supporting you. Having your team play around a main tank gives teamplay meaning.

I think where Blizzard went wrong was introducing too many Area of Effect heals (and in general area of effect abilities, which require less aim). They introduced Moira, they introduced Brigitte. That AoE was sneaking into everything new, such as Sigmas primary fire. Too many AoE abilities causes the game to become more of a “grind for value and sequence ults correctly” kind of game since aiming is less of an issue with AoE abilities. In short: Blizzard pandered the weak players too much by making the game “easier”. Despite the amount of crying, ultimately people don’t want this. They want PVP games to be determined by skill.

They need to make it so that when healing, you heal more of a single target at a time. Such supports require more skill (thus being more fun to play) and their healing can be overcome simply by picking the right targets. Ana and Baptiste are great healers in this respect.

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Stopped reading lone wolf.

Its true if you don’t have friends.

In other words, more braindead “pew-pew” gameplay.

Decline began, when Blizzard started trying to please FPS-oriented players. As it’s feedback loop - more you please DPS, less tanks/support players there would be, worse queue times for DPS would be, so you have to please them even more.

Only if you can’t just damage right through that healing.


3x dps 1 tank was so much fun…

Uhm not true.

Declining is started when they started to give more importance to shield and cc.

Ruining in this way the balance between the roles and internal to tank role itself is normal the game started declining.

Slowing too much the gameplay, taking alot less skill, less need of knowing of the maps(hide behind shield and all is good), is normal people leaving.

This game change the gameplay so people must pay attention instead run behind the first shield, give more potential of killing to people have the skill to do it and so on.

This are some basic things for a game want to be truly competitive.

That importance started with increased damage. As they become from luxury, that low skilled players needed, into necessity to survive at all.

Not really, was only a way to protect not good players.

Was, when you wasn’t erased instantly.

Again i explained easy, making shield more poweful, blizzard tried to protect bad players and limited people with skill.

This was an error for a game want to be competitive and they are paying for this error.

Now they are testing for correct this error.

They were making it weaker, not more powerful. But thanks to increased damage, you only need it more.

I’m talking before.

Now they are slowly fixing the error.

No this was the error, more damage=more shield, isn’t a good choice for a game want to be competitive.

People will never learn to use maps in this way.

This time they must to the good choice, more damage and ignore bad players.

There is no “learning to use” - maps were designed with shields in mind. I wouldn’t dare to step on objective without shield, as it has no natural cover and it means swift death.

Thinking this is the problem shield created.

Hopefully Blizzard will take courage and fix this problem.

At least they are said the changes is good for them.