So I tried the current Mercy, and

I think all of these suggestions are interesting but I personally am against the revert simply because I have fallen in love with Valk. I didn’t mind her old ultimate but I just love Valk more. Have rezz on a meter would be interesting and would defiantly add more depth into the character if that is what you’re looking for.

Out of all the changes she has received, only one gave me a :thinking: face, it was the addition of the 1.75 cast time while using Valk. In my opinion, this just brought back the ‘hide and rezz’ mentality that they were trying to fix in the first place. I don’t mind it outside of ulting because it’s not during an ultimate, but other than that I’ve been enjoying her still, even with the 10hp change.

Wow you volunteer, incredible, does that mean you’re more valid than anyone else? How pompous and conceited.


Better idea, throw mercy in the can, she’s a terrible idea for a hero. And her echo chamber players can go play WoW if they want that much healing ability.

Better idea, throw away the meme that is “Delete hero X” and let’s talk balance instead.


Fine, have it your way, Mercy needs to have her res completely removed form her character. No punishment for getting picked off is complete BS. She needs to have lower (that’s right i said lower) healing potential. Being able to outheal a winston’s primary fire indefinitely is BS. Her gun’s bullet size needs to be decreased, but it needs to do more damage, reward for being able to do more than hold left right click. Guardian angel needs to be put on a longer cooldown as it is the most reliable and frequent mobility in the game with the exception of lucio’s wallride. Her ult needs changing IMO as flying is already an issue for console users and lower ranks alike, and her aoe however much heals per second effectively cancels all damage enemy tanks do. I have no good ideas for her replacement ult, maybe a preemptive res that lasts 5 seconds and anyone who dies in that time is immediately res’d. IDK, I’m bad at creating ult ideas. So, I already know your answer but what do you think?

Yeah no.

Res is CORE to her kit and her healing input has to stay consistent due to the nature of the hero.

Guess what. Put res back into Ult, and picks become more important, unless the Mercy wasts an ult to save a pick.

Ta da~


Res is core to her kit, that’s why i said throw the kit away, it’s a garbo concept. Ididn’t say stop the consistency of her heals, just that they should be consistently lower. Put res back in ult makes picking MERCY more important, but nullifies the use of a good ult, even transcendance and sound barrier don’t cancel every good ult, they just make it harder for certain ults to get value. RES on the other hand took a good nanoblade/ grav combo and raised a middle finger to it and said “mercy says no and hits her q button gg ez”. Rez was cancer for the game, and still is.

Thanks, you have some good sense.

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It is refreshing to hear an Ana main say this. I hate the pettiness that has evolved between Mercy mains and Ana mains, neither of whom are the real problem!


Dude, the kit isn’t going. That would result in a kit that could be used for a completely diffrrent hero. NOBODY has been changed that much.
Sym has turrets.
Hanzo has various arrows.
Mercy has Res.
My suggestion would be to make Mercy work for Res. 1.0 Mercy did so, but let’s try to balance that out so people don’t cry, quit Overwatch for a week, and come back only to complain again.
I say mix Valk and Mass Res. The more you heal, the more you can res. Leave res to a Harmony orb like tag and when the person tagged dies, they get ressed (where they died) after half the reapwn time needed to go back to spawn.

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Take Res out of Mercy’s E.
Give her 2-3 charges only in Valkyrie.
Remove AoE heal.
Remove OP regen.
Guardian Angel speed increased 20% while in Valkyrie.


Must. resist. snide comment making.

Maybe somebody should be changed that much. And I would rather the kits in circulation are balanced rather than flooding in more and more half finished kits. Sorry blizz, but PTR time for added heroes needs to be much longer.

That isn’t what I intended the meaning of that to be at all, so I’m sorry I offended you with my example. My point was to say, instead of giving your complaints on a forum where you feel the company isn’t listening to you, you could volunteer instead like I do :slight_smile:

I can understand your perspective.

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I have a 64 percent winrate with mercy in master and with how much of a dang struggle it is to get little value, I would say she IS in a bad spot


Well no offense but you play in gold on console, so ofcourse Mercy will be super playable there :confused:

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I’m almost back into Diamond and my goal this season is to get back into Masters. When I was in Masters in season 9, she felt pretty good but I couldn’t play that much the last two season due to an illness.

We’ll see how well I do :slight_smile:

in season 9 she had 60 hps not 50 hps…

Exactly, that is my point lol I’m excited to see what I can do in this season.

You really do confuse me. Youre excited to see the new possibilities of your nerfed hero that cant keep her team up effectively? I really do hope you get back in high diamond or master so you can see how truly bad the hero feels :confused:

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