So far my games have felt great! I really do enjoy Valk, so I haven’t really seen a difference to the 10hp nerf honestly but then again that is in plat I play ALL the supports, not just Mercy though!
Good for you! I had to play moira for two games cause i felt mercy wasn’t doing anything. I won the two games, did I have fun? No. I have fun playing Mercy but she was just so bad So don’t try to think saying you play “ALL” in a sense to spite me is valid. I do however appreciate that you said “Then again that is in plat” but as I said I believe you will get back into master, then play Mercy there and witness your low impact
that was the point, jeff wanted to make mercy almost useless.
Only Ana is allowed to have fun
God I hope not… I Love Torb! D: Torb, Mercy and Brigitte <3
Briggite makes people suffer though so I would say eh
#1. Didn’t say it to invalid your experience, just to explain that that is probably why I have had a better time. I don’t play just one of the support, so I can enjoy multiple modes of play-styles.
#2. We’ll just have to see! As it stands now, I’m having a good time with the game. I hope you do too soon! My games have been really, really enjoyable this season so far and I have a 60% winrate with Mercy and 52% with Zen. Feelsgoodman
You do realize I can see your profile right? You have a 54% percent winrate with mercy and 48% on zen as well as less than 48 on all the other supports you played this season
I do appreciate you having passive-aggressive jovial nature though. Its badass
Mercy is better than Ana for healing slippery targets like Genji and Tracer. Her healing is more consistent and reliable. She works better with some compositions while Ana works better with others.
Bear in mind that Resurrect does not count towards her healing output, although it is effectively a heal that can restore someone from the threshold other healers cannot.
And while you can argue that keeping a hero alive is better than letting them die and then raising them back up, that only goes for damage you can outheal and not one-shots like Widowmaker getting a pick or Junkrat blowing someone up, making Mercy an ideal counterpick for those scenarios.
It’s not that I don’t appreciate the points that you are trying to make, it’s that I think it’s fine for Mercy not to be meta right now. The meta should change every once and so often, and Mercy should only be buffed if she falls so far behind she’s no longer a viable pick at all—which honestly isn’t the case.
For example, Mercy is like Lucio at the moment—she’s still a solid pick, but there’s picks that suit the current meta better. But if you play to her niches by using her flight (such as Pharmercy) and resurrect (Widow counter), then you can carry just like how Lucio is good on boop maps.
Which is in my opinion a healthier design than “who puts out the most healing.” Also, the last stats I saw showed Mercy still outperforming Ana (not even counting Resurrects) and Moira being the queen (despite having the lowest pick rates), meaning people likely pick Ana for her anti-healing to secure kills (just like how Mercy got picked for boosting Dragonstrike in the last meta).
tl;dr Give it time. If Mercy is underperforming in 2-3 months from now you will likely see some buffs.
If you’re using Blizzard’s website, it’s behind. What level does it say I am? Because I’m currently 1945, theirs still says I’m a gold border. If you’re are using Overbuff, it’s been behind the last two days! It’s really frustrating :C
Also, I am not being passive-aggressive, I’m genuinely sincere about you enjoying the game soon. It is frustrating to fall out of love with something, even more so when you’re attached to a specific character.
I thought we were having a nice conversation but I’m sorry if I offended you in any way D: I feel like a lot of people on this forums don’t understand basic kindness because people are so quick to be edgelords here.
Why is your profile on Overwatch behind but mine is not? My overbuff is also never behind two days. I’m also a pretty decent person and I don’t moan alot, just try to give constructive feedback. It kind of makes me unhappy that you lied to me though about your winrates then proceed to say that Your specifc profile for blizz and overbuff is behind. Imagine being on the receiving end of this. No you didn’t offend me, i was having a good time until you started lying
I’ve won every single game I’ve played as Mercy this season. I think she’s still good because her power was never in the healing. The healings was just the cherry on the top of this unbalanced mess. Damage boost to quickly get and use ults is still strong and can still make heroes such as Widow and Junkrat stupid and the rez will always be good. It’s hard to find good rezzes if you don’t have a team to support you, but a Winston bubble, Zarya Barrier, or DM can let you get a rez for free. It’s still an amazing ability and you don’t even need protection when someone is picked off due to a Widow sniping or Junkrat spam, which happens far too much in my games. I feel like she’s even with Ana and still way better than Moira in a standard 2/2/2.
I am not lying, I don’t have trust level 3 so I can’t post an image otherwise I’d post a screenshot of my account, if you go to my profile it has said for the past two days, “If your numbers are not updated play one more game of competitive.” I have and it STILL hasn’t updated.
Regardless of the win-rates, because our original discussion wasn’t about that in the first place, it comes down to the both of us having two different experiences. That happens in life, I hope you understand that as well.
There is nothing more I can do to help you believe me, you are more than welcome to believe what you want but I know the truth of my own statistics, so that is where I will leave this conversation.
Good luck with the rest of your season, I genuinely hope you have better games and enjoy playing her again soon.
It’s okay, i didnt know about trust levels, im sorry for being such a bxtch I’m just in a bad mood with mercy and tired and hungry, I shouldn’t have pushed that on you. Please this isn’t how I am usually. I understand we have different opinions on a hero and it was actually quite dumb of me to try to push mine on yu when you werent pushing yours on me
I agree, the design process so far has been good, then literally needing to be able to go invisible to be viable.
Seriously, I am going to take your positive attitude and put it towards my games xD If I go into it positive like you have Lynn, then surely, I think things will be better!
Well, if they Mercy him like they did Symmetra, he’ll have Molten Core on E, and his ultimate will be giving everyone 25 temporary armor. They’ll probably also make it that Molten Core doesn’t affect his turret, which will probably start out at level 2 on placement, and no requirement to “build” it up to that state. (eliminating his hammer)
There is no need to apologize, sometimes we need to vent somewhere. I was also hungry and just picked up subway, ha. Have a good night, I’m going to stuff my face and hopefully fit a few more competitive games in before the night is over.
A little positivity can go a long way, it doesn’t solve every problem but it’s my hope that it helps someone else, somewhere at least. It’s why I say GLHF before every game and regardless of win/lose GGWP.

A little positivity can go a long way, it doesn’t solve every problem but it’s my hope that it helps someone else, somewhere at least. It’s why I say GLHF before every game and regardless of win/lose GGWP.
It really does but omg, I play on Xbox and everyone who chooses Mercy is now just running in with their pistol and not healing or boosting xD