So I tried the current Mercy, and

(the sound of you totally missing the point)

She feels so bad because she used to have much more for her. Buff to at least 55hps because they’re never gonna revert her.
I also think she should get a small damage buff from her gun, but that can be optional

How is 10hp heal per second “much more for her”

??? Blows my mind.

10hp less per second and suddenly she can’t pull a rez off, somehow flankers kill her faster, her mobility apparently suffered cuz of it and her ult ( which is still a strong AoE heal ) suddenly isn’t good either.


Glad someone here gets it. You speak wise words my dude.

Current mercy is bad and her extremely poor winrates reflect her state. If she has no strong points besides resurrection and mobility, what is the point of being dedicated healer when your best attribute is to let them die so you can resurrect them?

What is the point of mobility if you cannot save those same people anymore with the pocket heal?

What is the point of having damage boost as utility when you cannot use it anymore due to needing to heal far longer?

What is the whole point of even getting ultimate charge when her ultimate is so lackluster that it can be just powered through and you get to spectate as your team dies around you?

What is the point of playing mercy if you have negative winrates even at GM level and other healers like Ana have positive winrates up to 56%? To throw?

I just want my 60hps back. That was the last straw that broke camel’s back.


Seriously how old are you?

How dare people want a character they enjoy playing to be both fun and viable? How dare people be passionate about a game and a character they clearly enjoy?

Your arguments read like the arguments of a 15 year old. Cool you volunteer. What does that have to do with absolutely anything? Guess what, I work a lot, I donate to charities, I used to be a free time fire fighter in my german village and I STILL enjoy this game and it’s important to me Mercy is actually in a fun and viable spot. Weird right? How I want to have fun with a character I like lore- and looks wise?

Stop thinking your opinion is the only right one. More importantly stop this “if u don’t like it just leave lmao” attitude. This doesn’t solve anything. People with your mentality are awful.


I have 1,240ish hours put into this game, 640 are solely for Mercy. She’s my #1 bae, I loved her day one and I love her now. She’s in a wonderful spot, I adore playing her and I’m ‘fine’ with the state she is. I am sorry she feels terrible for you, hopefully you will come to love one of the many other heroes in the game!


Wish all the complainers and whiners about “Mas Res” had followed this advice of yours then.

Hey you don’t like Mercy? good stop playing the game then! after all there are many other games out there.


I have never once said that my opinion is the only right one, I’m just providing another perspective for those who seem to have lose theirs. I am over the age of 25, so no not a teenager anymore not that that matters. All voices matter, regardless of age or otherwise but it is of my opinion that if you’re so frustrated that your voice isn’t being heard, there are outlets that would be better suited for your time.

You’re allowed your opinion, I am allowed mine is all I’m trying to say. Let the people who enjoy the game, enjoy it.

Also thank you for your service! I takes a lot in a person to help your village like that, especially for volunteering.

Blizzard needs to stop full on reworking heroes. It’s causing more harm than good especially to the players loyal to those heroes.

Can’t wait to see how they completely butcher Torbjorn’s identity


Exactly. Everyone can have their own opinion; but it is not wrong to be passionate. Everyone has something they enjoy and if they feel that something is wrong, they’ll voice that. Simple enough.

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Have any of your favourite heroes been significantly reworked?

No, it is not wrong to be passionate, I am in no way saying that at all. I am saying that I feel there are better ways to fuel that passion than an online, video game forum. That is all, and while I see your point I am just in a different place in my life than others (that doesn’t mean it’s ‘better’ just different).

To quote myself, maybe you missed it.

Symmetra. I do like the changes but she needs a little more. I suggest 20m primary beam, 225/250 health (125/150 is shields) and a tick rate fix but preventing primary fire spam by limiting to pressing fire around 4/5 times a second instead of like 15 times per second

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Makes sense! Sorry if I came off as stupid.

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My opinion on her is that:
She’s Okay.

She has now turned into the “Vanilla Healer” we thought she was back in her 1.0 era. Basic everything that only get you so far. Her best feature really is her mobility, and even then it’s not THAT good. Her res can really only be made outside a fight, so that doesn’t really serve a use outside undoing picks.

Mercy is okay… shrug

Not at all, you’re allowed your own voice so no need to apologize.

Thank you for the kind words! I will say that learning how to super jump with her has helped me cope with her a bit, as well as paying a lot more attention to who I prioritize. I’m truly glad that you and a lot of other people enjoy playing with her still and hope to have a similar amount of enjoyment with her one day. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Yes, thanks for quoting.
It seems like you’re satisfied, but is she in the best place you imagine her to be?
I’m a Mercy main myself. I can play her, but it feels like the rework process for her is chipping away her strengths over and over, like shots in the dark.
Would you be opposed to a revert, then implement LOS for mass res?
Or I believe I heard (EeveeA I think?) sugesting having rez on a meter instead of a cooldown?

Oh my gosh, I love super jump so much XD it’s one of my favorite mechanics in the game. I remember finding it by accidentally and thought it was a bug, ha. I’m glad they’ve keep in those nice momentum mobility passives. I feel that is one of my favorite parts about Mercy, flying around and dashing in-between my teammates.

To me, that is what makes her fun. Guardian Angel and prioritizing team members for healing/damage boost. It’s like a game of Tetris where you have to find just the right spot for the piece to fit (your positioning) and where you are going to get the most value (damage boost or healing?).