So I tried the current Mercy, and

What’s even the point? She can’t reliably heal her team, she can’t rez without dying 80% of the time, she can’t deal good damage to justify her low healing, (i.e. Zenytta/Brigitte), she can’t really help her team at all in the ult fight unlike every other support.

I’m a long standing Ana main, so I should be happy she’s weaker now, right? But, after playing the current Mercy…why even bother choosing her? Her healing? Both Ana and Moira out heal her easily now, so that’s no reason to choose her over them. Her damage boost? Zenyatta accomplishes pretty much the same except he can also fight himself WHILE simultaneously discording and healing. So her damage boost is no reason to pick her over Zenyatta. Her ultimate? Ha. That accomplishes nothing. You could get pretty much the same effect for your team by just going Brigitte and slapping an enemy once. Her ultimate is probably the weakest and most unimpactful ult in the game. Even Widowmaker’s allows her more impact than Mercy’s does her. Her rez? What’s the point of choosing her just for the SLIGHT POSSIBILITY you might actually succeed in rezzing one person? Her rez is just a stupid suicide button most of the time, and even when it goes through, it often times doesn’t even feel worth it. Her mobility? That’s really her only strong point. But even then Lucio has just about the same amount of mobility.

She’s an underpowered and boring hero now, and the only reason that isn’t being addressed is because she USED to be OP, and for some reason people feel that’s good enough reason for her to be underpowered now. But really, all her problems stem from a pointless rework that created more problems than it solved.

This entire rework was a mistake. Mercy is just about a D-tier hero now. She needs to be fixed, not nerfed and then forgotten like she is being now.

Don’t get me wrong, I like Ana being viable again like she is now with all her recent buffs. And, even if you reverted Mercy yo back when she was balanced, (prerework), Ana would STILL be a viable hero. On top of that, we also now have Moira to compete with Mercy.

There’s really no reason not to revert this entire flop of a rework. The biggest problem with the old Mercy was people abusing hide and rez to game the sr system, and even that was already fixed just a bit before the rework. So really the only problem was hide and rez itself, which could have easily been fixed by a line of sight requirement.

For the sake of Mercy, her players, and pretty much the game as a whole, it would be best if this whole rework was thrown in the can and she got the revert she so very much deserves.


in lower Elos like bronze and silver you can pocket a Brigitte with Mercy and make the other team have a horrible experience


I suppose we’ve had differing experiences then, friend.


At least her gun still does surprising amount of damage!

Can we please scrap this memework already, Blizzard? Please…


¯\(ツ)/¯ I am perfectly fine with her, it seems the Mercy complaint threads are never ending on the forum. People know there are other games out there right? If you’re unhappy with the state of a character, then stop playing them or the game. Pretty simple in my opinion. You don’t own the character, nor have the right to constantly demand they be changed.

I know you said you’re an Ana main, so why even bother? Ana’s wonderful right now, enjoy it friend!


I’m all for any change that makes Mercy more engaging and fun. Nevertheless, I had a lot of fun with Mercy in my last sessions. Those clutch rezzes, the mobility (dependant on teammates but oh well), the damage boost and healing through barriers. Those are the reasons you pick Mercy. I hate (despise insert whatever synonym you can find for hate here) Valkyrie with all of my heart, yet it’s helpful, because you will have an advantage against the other team. A revert isn’t going to happen, even I have admitted it, we can just hope they make our Angel more engaging and fun again, that is all.

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So just because the hero I play the most is in a fine spot means I should be satisfied with the game as a whole? Im sorry, but that’s not how this works. Just because one hero’s in a good spot doesn’t justify another one being in a bad spot.


But she isn’t in a bad spot, at least in my opinion. I still have a 50+ winrate, that is pretty good to me!




Op has a soul and wants this game to be fun for everyone?


“I’m doing well with her, so she’s fine”

This is just like the sombra argument

“Sombra is being played in contenders a lot so she’s balanced”


This is why I said, “In my opinion” <3 I understand that others are clearly not enjoying it BUT again, in my opinion if they feel Blizzard isn’t listening they should move on to something else.

True but nobody played mercy to pocket. Lots of mercy mains even hate pharmercy cause they dont like to pocket. Most mercy players love to juggle the team hp, which is sadly nearly impossible or at least too difficult of a task for mercy as her current build encourages pocketing more :confused:


i had more fun juggling than anything else. it was a challenge.


This. Im a mercy main and during her dumb era ive wanted ana to get better. Even now where both ana and mercy are arguably balanced there are other problems like sombra reaper etc. The idea of “your main is fine now youve got nothing to complain about” is as dumb as “just play other heroes if you dont like your main anymore”. Some people actually want all heroes not only to be viable but also fun because flexing and genuinely want to enjoy most if not all heroes


She’s still capable just dull as ever. You heal and boost, ult and keep healing and boosting.

You can have fun with GA, but good luck keeping it consistent when you’re glued to the floor as sniper candy just to use your one ability that’s supposed to make you feel powerful.

They promised so many good things, and made Valkyrie sound so cool, only to cut it all down and look solely at the numbers.


Mercy has always been a secondary healer.

Removal of No Limits and multi Rez forced her into team healing role.

More like a “weak pocket” role. She’s not good at team healing at all anymore. She’s only the preferred support now if you have a Pharah or Sniper.


Well, if they’re doing well with her and you’re not… then you’re clearly the problem.

If she is unbalanced and they do change her, I would like her to retain more mobility while rezzing, this way it feels more satisfying to use and less like you’re self stunning yourself for 1.75 seconds.

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Thank you so much for this post, and for standing up for us Mercy mains. I’m glad the other supports can shine, but I want to be able to have fun again with my hero.