So for starters, those reworks were because those heroes didn’t play well, or function.
They couldn’t serve their purpose, and was frustrating to play AS. Not against. Then when they got their new features, it’s matter of balancing around them.
Even in mercy’s case they were full on trying to keep the “multi-rez” even if it didn’t happen in one go. And just tuned back over time.
she was reworked because she was to fragile, easy to chase down and kill. And was usually forced into the “hide and rez” sort of playstyle even while keeping up with supporting her team. Do to her needing to be alive to get the rez off.
TLDR they gave mercy more tools to play with especially going into OW2, and not removed tools from someone else.
Well I was also asking for 50hps based on how much she heals per round.
With a chart to back that up.
And as far as I could tell on the Forums and Reddit, I was the only person mentioning that.
Even then if a mechanic is an issue for many players. You give them more tools or ways to play around it.
You make it a feature, and something worth engaging. You do the work to make it fun. The blueprint is already their, it’s prop hunt. Like the very thing people hate about sombra, is very much what makes that mode enjoyable.
Don’t cut of an arm off, just because a rash is annoying. Instead apply some ointment and let it heal it’s self.
torb/sym didn’t function, were easy to remove from the game with basic tank set-ups. And they just couldn’t keep up with kills or could be played on most maps or on attack in a lot of cases.
hanzo was unreliable with his kills, and was easily dived on.
going into OW2, was mostly to adjust for the fact their was one tank. And changes were made well before players got their hands on freeze beam into just one or hog.
However not only is the intensity different person to person.
But also the experience changes drastically depending on the hero you play.
A lot of the player base don’t have issues with sombra. She can’t even reliable kill or really interupt like a 1/3 of the cast. Let alone rarely interact with the others. Or is nothing new when it comes to like playing zen.
Who actually is decent at killing sombra, do not needing his cooldowns to do so, and just shooting a normal walkspeed hero till she dips. Having the normal HP amount, and is already dealing with flankers popping up behind him. Makes the interaction no different then most.
It did feed into what a lot of other support and sniper players already didn’t like about flankers.
And that is an experience that can adjusted to even out with the other flankers, heck considering zen doesn’t even need to stop support his team to duel a flanker. Giving a sound que for when she was near could be enough to basically make him a counter.
I played about a dozen sombra matches yesterday and she’s definitely not a flanker any more. She’s still got decent Battlefield mobility with translocate on 7 second cd, but you really have to save it for escapes. Only very occasionally can you use it offensively, usually to gap close on very low hp enemies running away.
i’ve played a few matches as her now and calling her “more straight forward” is definitely a disingenuous reading of her character. all her engagement tools are now tied to her disengage, which would be fine if she didn’t have 225 HP. her kit is pushing her towards taking these aggressive fights and kills, but she doesn’t have the escape or in combat mobility or health to sustain it. as it is right now, there’s no reason for her to have less health than genji.
it’s not a bad idea in theory, and i can see where they were going. but 250 HP is the least they could do i’m sure we can all agree on that.