So.. how to improve, as a noob?

Hmm, why’s that? In all honesty Deathmatch just sounds absurdly difficult/daunting for a noob.

Record games of you playing, compare that to a gold/plat level game. (Gold/plat is average playerbase). Watch what the player is doing. Compare to yourself. Continue to compare and practice. Learn heroes that are easy to pick up. DVa is a good choice because of her infinite ammo in mech.
Learn counters of heroes. Learn callouts and audio cues. Learn what ults can be disrupted. Positioning is key. Dont go in alone. Learn how to aim via training range. Change your sensitivity to a level you feel comfortable. Get a good pair of headphones. I picked up Sades SA810, they have great audio and surround sound so you can hear your enemies.
Watch streams of pros when you feel confident. They help alot. If playing DVa, watch Level5Pidgey for Ultimate spots and tricks

Good luck

I suggest starting with an easier aim style game like TF2.

The game will teach you how to Lead your shots, dodge, and aim with a smaller selection of characters and faster respawn times.

Apart from not much player base left in tf2

100,000 players is still quite a bit.
May not be 500,000 of CS Go

but 100,000 players is roughly 800 full servers.

I’m afraid I won’t be trying another multiplayer shooter anytime soon - I’ve already got a huge backlog of games to get through, I don’t want to add another one to the list! Especially as I really do enjoy Overwatch… even if I am bad at it.

You really can’t “Get Through a PvP” game though.
PvP games with no progression system is simply playing them.

There is no progress to be made except in skill level.
The Idea of TF2 is - because of servers with instant respawn times.

Lets you use Characters which are easy to learn basic mechanics of, such as Demoman and Soldier to learn how to lead shots ( Junkrat \ Pharah )

While Learning how to kite enemies with character like Scout ( Tracer )

Or how to Tank without dying with Heavy ( Rein \ Hog )
Or how to Snipe ( Widow \ Hanzo )

yeah when I was talking about watching pros, I mean watching how good their widows are isnt all that helpful. I get that. but I’m more talking about the way they move as a team. You’ll never get that in ranked even if you’re with a 6 stack that you play iwth a lot. but you can still mirror it to an extent.

one example of what I’m talking about is watching how teams go about attacking defensive positions. they move as a unit, and they know when to pull out. they never trickle in. they kill themselves once the fight is lost instead of feeding ult.

for instance, if the other team has a sombra who likely has EMP, and their zenyatta dies without trancing, the attacking team will abandon the attack immediately, kill themselves if they can’t escape, and regroup in their spawn.

they think about taking first point as 5-6 individual attempts, instead of a continuous fight that you get in comp a lot

if they are defending, and they lose the fight on a checkpoint, the survivors will escape around the corner, wait for the rest of their team until the last moment, and try to retake together.

on Dorado, they arent just going to charge into the archway and hope smething happens. if they are dive, they will jump the highground, if they are reinhardt, they’ll go underneath to the left and around to take the highground, or around the back to the right.

there are some good videos, and you might even be able to find this on the overwatch app, of the top down view of maps. watching it from that angle is pretty helpful. first person, the maps look like a road that you’re trying to push through. but top down, you see the map geometry with clear defensive positions

Ah yeah you are right, but uh, I mean… I’ve only so much free time on my hands (which… is a lot, admittedly, but still) - so I’d prefer to be playing games which I either already really love, or are in my ‘backlog of games to play’ such as the Pillars of Eternity games - I mean I know those will take a while…

So I just don’t want to be adding another game to ‘something to do in my free time’ when I feel I’ve got way too many already.

I mean I’m sure you’re right that it would help! I don’t want to sound like I’m being dismissive. I just can’t bring myself to play something else at the moment. And as I said before, I really am enjoying Overwatch!

I really cant suggest enough playing with a group of your friends, if you have people on the game. me and my three roommates play together all the time in our roles, plus a few other friends and randoms we’ve picked up. in that setting it really feels like going to battle together.

I’m the main tank, a random we met plays off tank, two of my roommates are healers, and one roommate is a DPS. everyone can flex around but in a big stack that’s what we run. there’s really no other experience in gaming like playing winston as the enemy send a nanoblade at your ana/roommate and monkey ulting to save him.

I do play with my Girlfriend occasionally, but usually just a couple of quick games for fun. She’s actually pretty good, well, compared to me, although she doesn’t played competitive or anything. But she often has lots of gold medals.

But that’s only very occasionally as she’s usually playing other games. I might try and bug her now into actually trying some ‘serious’ games.

Sadly I don’t know anybody else in real life that plays it on the PC. I wouldn’t mind grouping up with randoms… but it’s not really the same.

my roommate who’s an Ana main forced us all into the game haha.

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Whilst you’re still new to Overwatch, I recommend that you check out this post that I made, it will help you with understanding the language of Overwatch.

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If you’re looking for ways to practice, I’d strongly recommend trying out Ana.

Large ally hitboxes make her aim a bit more forgiving than someone like Widow, and because she shoots both allies and enemies you’ll constantly have someone to practice shooting at (whereas many dps heroes have to limit the time they spend in LoS of a target). She also has a mix of hitscan, fast projectile, and arcing grenade to practice.

And as an immobile support, she’s also great for learning positioning. You need to worry about LoS to allies, LoS to enemies, distance from allies, distance from enemies, distance from health packs, and where your nano target is.

That’s really good advice, thank you!

I’ve hardly played any Ana before and I definitely hadn’t thought about virtually any points you made - I’ll try and practice on her for sure now. Really, she does seem like a great character to practice on considering her toolkit.

Get a good gaming chair

Play a game with better mm and improve your aim and other mechanics. you wont improve playing top 500 as a new player

Honestly dude? Find a tutor. If you have a friend to play with you can ask all of the questions they have and they can explain what’s going on. Overwatch has a lot going on and no official guide.

Ignore the people telling you to watch pro streamers, btw. That’s not going to make any sense to you, either.

Watch this, it’s 27 minutes, but it’s jam packed with info.

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but then it wouldn’t suit my room aesthetic =(

In all honesty though, I’d love one.

It’s the ‘improve your aim and other mechanics’ that I’m having trouble with! Though this thread has really helped. I know I need a lot more practice, but there have been some great specific pointers here too.