So.. how to improve, as a noob?

Tweak your performance settings.

Get a microphone.

Get a gaming mouse (I.e. G203, G502)

Calibrate your mouse settings, so that you can move quickly and accurately between points on the far left and far right of your screen.

i get it but it wont improve if your team keeps getting destroyed. its best to go to a game with a better mm so you can play with people of your skill lvl. or just get use to losing. for example im on my 8 loss in a row and constantly being put against better team. your luck may not be as bad as mine but this game is known for crap mm

Getting comfortable with basic mechanical skills (basically, aiming) is the first step. If you’re having trouble with this, try playing around with your Aim settings. I find that a lot of the time, the default aim speed is too slow or too fast depending on the hero. Also try messing with the aim types–Dual Zone, Exp Ramp, and Linear Ramp. I always played on Dual Zone, but recently switched to Exp Ramp and my aim percentage has jumped by 5-10% across most heroes (I play on console, so IDK if PC has those).

Once you get the basics down pat, focus on learning positioning and awareness. If you see an enemy Tracer go to flank, try to predict where she’ll be next. Watch videos of other people playing–not just pro, but from all ranks. It’ll give you an idea of how different heroes play, and how you will be successful playing them.

Also, big big big one here: learn to flex. At very minimum, pick a tank, a DPS, and a Support you’re able to play at least decently. So, you’re indicating you like going damage, so a good tank and support for you might be Roadhog and Zenyatta/Moira. It’ll just help you in situations where you playing a DPS is putting your team at a disadvantage. Don’t spread yourself too thin, though, because that makes it tough to learn and become good at specific heroes.

Also watch your own plays. If you’re able to record them, do it–if not, I guess just watch post-mortem replays and all that. A lot of the time, you’ll be able to identify mistakes that you make, so you can distinguish which areas you need to work on and which you’re fairly decent at already.

And yes, at the end of the day, it’s just about practice. You’ll mess up. That’s fine, and actually it’s important that you do. Learn from your mistakes, and give it time.

Also bro wasnt trying to discurage you its just how i have slowly got better. i play other shooters to improve and then come here and play for fun as best as it lets me. love the characters and world

Thank you so much for your detailed responses!

Sadly I don’t have a gaming mouse yet, although it’s really on my ‘to buy’ list. I had a Razor awhile ago but it somehow broke, and I just haven’t re-purchased one. Quick question though, is there a definitive ‘ideal’ on what your mouse/aim settings should be?

I mean, I’ve tried googling this a bit, but I’ve found massively conflicting results, and in the end I frankly just gave up and left everything as is.

Actually, I lowered my mouse sensitivity in game - because I believe that was the one consistent thing I kept on reading about to improve your aim, settings-wise I mean.

Or should I forget about more detailed settings altogether?

No worries! Honestly, I don’t really mind losing that much as long as I can see myself improve a little. It’s just when I feel like nothing’s changed in a week or two that I feel a bit frustrated!

edit: Sorry if I’m not replying to everybody’s posts! I really am reading them though, and watching/reading anything linked - I’m very, very grateful!

In my personal opinion, the G203 is the best budget gaming mouse. Around $26.

And the G502 is an ideal gaming mouse, around $45. On Amazon.

I’ve got a little money so I could afford a pricey one. You’d pick a Logitech over a Razer? I was under the impression Razers were the gaming mice? (this is going a little off topic but hey)

They are about comparable, but Logitechs last longer in my opinion.

Mostly preference.

Mmm that’s good to know, thank you, I’ll look into them more =)

If you want to improve your aim do not play against bots in custom mode, since they movements pattern are garbage. Look for “koovak fps aim trainer” it will help you with your aim.

I wish I was just getting the game. Then I would get to learn 30 heroes and how they interact with each other at once. I also wouldn’t have any good memories of the game, I would just know the mess that it is now.