So about that Pharah buff

I’m really disappointed you guys didn’t put it in.

And if you couldn’t make that work from a technical standpoint, couldn’t you have at least tried to give her something else?

Ability to cancel ult? Larger clip size? Faster reload?



I made a post about buffing Pharah.

The problem with buffing Pharah is that it also buffs the Pharmercy combo and you can’t do that because Pharmercy dominates lower ranks.

So how do you buff Pharah but keep Pharmercy in check?

Well, Mercy has an ability called Guardian Angel which is what allows her to stay in the air with Pharah indefinitely. You can’t change/nerf that though because noone wants their precious Mercy nerfed.

I say give Pharah more ammo and give Mercy’s Guardian Angle ability 3 charges that recharge when she touches the ground.

Like I love Mercy but it has to happen.

Maybe a minor buff in exchange would make the Mercy mains happy…

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I actually think this is completely overblown.

No other hero is held to such a standard.

Stop making excuses and buff Pharah, or nerf hitscans.


The problem is they will buff Pharah eventually and all the lower ranks will complain about Pharmercy so it’ll get reverted.


I’m talking about the buff they put briefly on Experimental, then removed.

Hitscan is insane. Pharah needs buffs.

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Very true, hitscan is kinda crazy right now, especially Soldier. Not sure why they did it (probs to stop Pharmercy lmao) but I hope it gets tempered down a tad.

Poor old reaper getting shafted because of all the armour being dished out to the tanks lol

They might put it in with the Winter wonderland patch, since it probably requires a code change, not just a numbers tweak

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i’m certain it’s because she’s already been experimented with, and they just need to get the code right. i’m sure she’ll have her buff the day the dva buff goes live


For goodness heavens, god give me strength, I literally spent almost an entire afternoon explaining as to why that “minor nerf” you gave to mercy would completely DESTROY the entire hero, and you still refuse to listen, that nerf you gave her wasn’t “minor” it would change her entire play style, make her feel super clunky, and nerf her relation with other heroes, and did you even think abo it valk?? How is she IN HEAVENS NAME, supposed to use Valkyrie when SHE NEEDS TO TOUCH THE GROUND EVERY TIME TO USE GUARDIAN ANGEL? How is she supposed IN HEAVENS NAME, to coordinate diving with Winston and diva? How is she supposed IN HEAVENS NAME, to coordinate with echo, junk, and any other hero capable of leaving the ground?
Thats right, she isn’t because she couldn’t with that “minor nerf” you gave her, just drop this idea already, I already told you several other ways to buff pharah in a healthy way without butchering anyone else.
Just stop this madness:


First of all I did listen, I just think you are wrong.

Secondly, I did think of Valkerye, I even gave you a suggestion as to what I thought could be done with it which, btw, addresses your commment about GA availability during Valk.

Thirdly, my change doesn’t effect coordination, comms do so your little rant about playing with D.Va, Winston, etc is at best misinformed and and worst stubborn.

Right, now, let me just say, the only reason you’d need more than 1 GAs at a time without touching the ground is either to slingshot then GA to another hero, or if you mess up your first GA.

When GA is used normally, to get to a ground based ally, you will almost certainly touch the ground STRAIGHT AWAY anyway, resetting the charges.

Also, when GA is used to slingshot, you STILL only need 1. The extra GA to another hero can be done within less than a second if you actually need to touch the ground. So touching the ground before GAing again is hard to avoid anyway, that is unless you are using an airborne character to slingshot, which is why I suggested 3 charges.

MY change to GA, giving it 3 charges, BARELY affect normal gameplay. The only gameplay it’ll have an effect on is trying to heal Pharah or Echo, because they stay in the air longer than say a Dva or Winston. Which BTW is the whole point of my change. It’s to tackle Pharmercy.

Please just hear me out for crying out loud, it’s seriously not a big deal as you keep making it out to be. Mercy is one of the easier heros to pickup, she’s rated 1 star out of 3 for a reason and the fact that she can combo into one of the better combos seems silly to me.

EDIT: Pharmercy combo is holding pharah back.

Imagine thinking the star thing on blizzard is actually accurate (Moira on 2 stars, rein on 1 the list goes on)
Second, what is this mindset that “mercy is easy so let’s give her charges, on everything, damage boost, Rez, and now I hear Guardian angel for the first time.
Do people understand what mobility hability means? You nerf a hero mobility hability THAT HERO IS DEAD, doesn’t matter how small or how big the change is, they nerf tracers blink, TRACER IS DEAD. End of story. The same applies to genji Moira, Hammond, Winston, dva the list goes on.
Professionals never had a problem with pharmercy, they never complained and they will not start complaining now, blizzard don’t listens to any of us anyway, and thank lord they didn’t listen to your “little nerf” idea, I have no idea where you thought nerfing guardian angel would be the “cure” for pharmercy( which btw doesn’t need to be cured because there isn’t a problem)
Pharmercy is op if you suck. End of story, and blizzard should not, and will not balance around you, and low level players when they are not playing the game correctly, if they did bastion would have been nerfed 50 times, same as Moira, same as symm, same as hog, just because people in gold or whatever struggle to brig pharmercy down does not mean it’s op, the pros consider it to be a throw pick and will laugh at your face if you even dare pick pharmercy, so they are not getting nerfed.
I see that this entire discussion is pointless since none of us are interested in having a productive conversation, I’m not gonna waste any more time on this, I don’t need to and you don’t need me to, on your original post plenty of people gave you a piece of their mind and I don’t find it shocking or surprising when people are defending and arguing against that mercy nerf since it actually makes no sense at all.
I hope I didn’t waste my time, until never.

Dude, I used the star thing to explain why it’s not a big deal for Mercy’s kit. I didn’t use it to explain away everything, stop acting as if I did…

Yes, you are right, mobility is VERY important, that’s why I gave Mercy GA 3 charges instead of 1. Let me explain:

  • How often do you use more than 3 GA’s before touching the ground? Sure, it’s useful for flying characters like Pharah or Echo, but Winston, Dva, etc all touch the ground shortly after using their abilities. So having 3 means you can still slingshot, once, twice or even thrice, before needing to touch the ground BUT it means you struggle pocketing Pharah and Echo, which is fair because the aim is to nerf Pharmercy and limit nerf to Mercy.

Judging the game by the proffessionals (which is what the dev team do) isn’t the best strat if you want the average experience of OW to be the best. People just simply do not play like the pros and that’s ok because hopefully the game is balanced enough so that there aren’t and combos that dominate at lower ra- Oooh waaait.

Yeah Pharmercy is OP if you suck, so is everything. I don’t like your attempt to imply I suck, it’s blatent and uninspired so I wil choose to ignore it.

As to your statement about pros saying it’s a throw pick. Ummm, duh? Of course it is because people at anything above diamond can actually hit things… but most people aren’t in above diamond are they. They also say Hammond is good (he is btw) but if you look at the lower levels play him, he’s an absolute laughing stock.

I am very interested in a productive conversation, that’s why I’m trying to find way to buff Pharah without buffing Pharmercy. I’m open to suggestions by the way. Oh what’s that? The sound of silence. Moot point.

Actually I got some useful suggestions from that other thread, most people disagreed to the 1 charge which is fair. That quickly stopped after I offered 3 charges though…

I didn’t try to rank shame you, in fact I have no idea what rank you are and frankly it does not matter at all to me.
I am indeed saying that players on low ranks (gold and lower) the majority do not play the game well, and if they struggle with pharmercy, we can’t do anything about it.
That nerf to mercy would completly kill her and while the 3 ga wouldn’t be as damaging I still see no point other than preventing pharmercy, and do we really want to screw mercy in all situations because of one situation, I think not.
I see you want pharah buffed one way or another, and they said something about wanting to review something before implementing some sort of buff to her idk when it will come, or what it is but it was something.
From a player with 300 hours of mercy I can’t imagine having my mobility restricted just because of a stupid interaction mercy has with pharah which isn’t even very relevant where I play. It just sounds completly crazy to me.
They are an insane tag team on lower ranks I’m sure of it but somethings we just gotta let them be, they need to be good somewhere, bastion is also op there but terrible anywhere else, just like pharmercy, diamond and above and we don’t see almost any pharmercy and nerfing mercy a very popular hero, that would affect her everywhere just because in bronze/silver she and pharah are op just doesn’t make sense to me. I’m sure it must sound a little crazy to you too right? Anyway I don’t wanna keep discussing this any longer I hope all the ideas you supposedly got from the other post were helpful to you.

It is hilarious you thought forums users could listen to others.

It’s every man forcing their philosophies down others’ faces on here

On a completely unrelated note, Mashe (mercy ashe) was intentional when Geoffe said Ashe was the plan for Nerfcy. Not any buffs or reverts, but a sniper to pocket.

I think that alone tells us Pharmercy is an intentionally strong combo that was made to synergize well.

What was the buff? And why does no one mention it?

I don’t know, and I don’t care anymore, I’m just trying to say what changes I see healthy for the game and what changes I see unhealthy for the game, I don’t really care if I change someone view or not, I’m just exhausted of seeing “Pharah is op with mercy and bad without, so let’s nerf mercy” and while obviously people can have their opinions and think whatever they want some things are just… difficult to see.

Basically mercy can only use ga one time and s he will need to touch the ground to regain that charge, he then realized it was too bad and said she has 3 guardian angel charges, and to refill them mercy has to touch the ground atleast once, the 3 charge one doesn’t sound too terrible but just… unecessary

There was some technical problems with it, so it was removed from experimental but would be put back in at a later date.

So that is what they were saying they just needed to fix some issues and then they would implement it.

Shes good in Plat gold its basically a free way out shes kinda op not my problem but i dont need me hitting two boddy shots on mecree just for her to dip to the ground like a bird. No buffs needed shes perfect