So about that Pharah buff

Sorry, I meant the Pharah buff. I read it just now

Yeah I guess I do want a buff for Pharah, she needs it tbh and it’s fair enough that the devs want to play it safe with the updates. I just can’t see a way to buff Pharah and not buff Pharmercy.

Sure, you might not struggle with Pharmercy at your rank, and niether do I if I pick DPS but I must remind you that Diamond and below make up over 90% of the playerbase. I’ve played lots of games in high plat where Pharmercy hard carried, both on my team and the enemies. Admittedly I have used the combo myself many times which kinda defeats the purpose but oh well…

It does sound crazy to me too and I get it, Mercy is very popular and previous updates to her kit had a similar reaction. I just can’t see any way Pharah can be good and at the same time not have Pharmercy dominate.

Maybe that just means Pharah is doomed to being a bad pick, which is a shame really. Luckily echo has sort of replaced her, even if she’s a little bit less fun to play in my opinion.

Ah sry my bad
20 char

so u want her to never die Pharah is 3 consecutive body shots for mecree.



I’m not so much trying to force it down other users throats, I am open to suggestions but I just can’t see any other way.

Yeah, Pharmercy should be powerful but now the hitscans are buffed which negates it and people are complaining about that now. Feels like and endless loop to me.

To be honest her concept kinda screws her over, everyone knows that the sky is open, she is a very vulnerable target while standing out in the open, the devs knew good players wouldn’t have a problem hitting a hero that is not behind cover, and the devs also know people that aren’t that good would struggle more. The majority of hero’s/champions that fly on first person shooters are usually characters considered bad, and usually better the lower on ladder you go, this might not be pharah fault itself, this might be a full on design fault.

You do realize…

Hitscan were buffed because of double sniper, right?

Pharah had literally nothing to do with that.

(Well also technically barriers/triple tank but those were ran because of double sniper)

I am aware, but it is a funny coincidence that both snipers and hitscan are mega-powerful and yet at plat and below Pharmercy can still dominate.

This is just an idea but since we both know mobility is very important, why not buff her jetboosters, less cooldown, more height when she elevates anything? Anything that doesn’t make her cause more damage or more consistent damage keeping lower ranks in mind, just anything?

Pharmercy doesn’t ‘dominate’ because it’s powerful (and it doesn’t dominate ever lol. No pharah at the same level as the hitscan she’s up against is going to be able to play into 2 or more counters. That’s just a smurfing issue)

She ‘dominates’ because players below plat lack focus & target priority (on top of a possible lack of awareness, mechanical skill, positioning, hero interactions and map sense)

People will rage at pharah yet be shooting at Sigma’s barrier instead of looking out for Pharah.

That would definitely improve her survivability and make her much more powerful if you have the skill to move properly. The thing is then people would pick Mercy to make it even better and it’d be another problem.

In all honesty I don’t mind Pharmercy being mega-powerful if I’m the Pharah or Mercy, but man that’s not very fair to people who want to play something else.

I honestly don’t know what to do with Pharah. Her greatest strength is her greatest weakness.

What he meant originally is that pharah without mercy is bad, so he wanted to find a way to buff phara while not making pharmercy completly broken.

Yeah this is what I meant. ^

Clearly I can’t read because I lost focus.

I’m pretty sure they were designed to complement each other, so they would make the perfect team they even have that interaction “let’s keep the skies clear together”, it is kinda sad that pharah rellies so much on her partner but maybe that’s for the best of the game I guess.

Maybe what needs to happen is to buff Pharmercy but then have a tricky hero that has an ability that stops characters from being able to fly.

(I realise just after writing that I just described sombra lmao, maybe she should be buffed when Pharmercy combo is…)

I literally just thought the same thing, I thought, wait it’s sombra, the answer was sombra all along, I mean she even said it “BEEN HERE ALL ALONG” how could we have been so blind

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Only problem is that Hacks are cancelled when she’s shot, which is easy for Pharah to do. Maybe it should be longer hack, but can’t be cancelled by damage? Not sure how that’d be with the rest of the game.

Not canceled with chip damage, so a pharah actually needs to hit a direct hit to stop it, just the splash damage wouldn’t work

Hmmm that’s interesting. Wonder why it’s hard to pull off, is the hack range really low or something? I don’t know as I rarely play sombra.

Maybe if this actually becomes a thing more people would play her.