So about that cheater

Yesterday someone posted a video link to youtube showing someone in OW cheating. That post was deleted by mods…

…and I just ran into the same guy cheating still. Nice that yall can keep an eye on the forums but not do anything about the guy blatantly cheating in comp.


Cheaters need to be protected. Their rights cannot be violated on the forums.


Whoever was cheating should get banned :hammer:


The mods who work on the forums are not the same mods that work in game.


Then maybe they should hire the mods on the forums to be the mods in the game… clearly they are better at their job.


Did you report them? (That was 20 characters exactly! Small things like that make me so happy!)


It shouldn’t have to be said that there are far more players in OW than on the OW forum. Not to mention reports are easier to handle on the forums due to the nature of the communication. Mods simply do not have the time nor manpower to watch every single match looking for every possible problem. You are not being fair to them nor their efforts.

Just make sure you do your part by reporting, then carry on. it will be dealt with in a timely manner.


This is a person who is so obviously cheating that there is no less than 6 reports on him every single game. He doesn’t even pretend to not be cheating. He has gained over 1500 SR in 24 hours based on his ranks in the video and then the rank in my game.

How many reports does a person have to have for cheating before they do something? Is their report system so bad it doesn’t flag someone getting reported for the same thing over and over? Can they not find some people to pay minimum wage to sit around and ban people?


Reports for cheating are not automated. It may flag an account for further investigation, but Blizzard will not ban an account with ironclad proof of cheats - and that doesn’t mean watching a video and saying “oh for sure”, it involves actually detecting the cheat in software. If the cheats the guy is using are not yet detected by the anticheat, then it does mean it may take some time before he is banned.

You may find this unfair, but there are a lot of really highly skilled players who in some cases can be nearly indistinguishable from some aimbots, or have game sense that can make you question if they have wallhacks for how accurately they expect you coming around a corner.


Posting any source to players cheating on the forums is typically deleted or locked, this leads under the impression that cheating can be okay or be gotten away with. Posting any information about how to acquire cheats, hacks, or exploits on the forums is a SERIOUS OFFENSE and can result in immediate action on the account in question. Please see more details on this in the Forum Code-of-Conduct.

As always, report cheaters using the in-game reporting tool and any information you have about cheats on the Blizzard Hacks Report form.


“timely” - that is a pretty funny joke when it comes to cheaters in overwatch.

Should we post people who have thrown down to stomp newbies though the same form?

I’m actually being serious - we can’t post them on the forums, and the in game reporting isn’t stopping that problem.

This. On my Widow account in diamond I’ve seen the same guy boosting different people (then throwing days later to derank and boost some more) for about 4 months now.

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hackers tend to get banned in waves. If i remember correct, it’s so the creators of these hacks cant tell exactly what it was that tipped blizzard off on the accounts using them. That is if the automated report system doesn’t get to the account first.

If you are referring to players who are tanking or boosting their rank, you should only report throwers (regardless of their intent) using the in-game report tool.

Jeff Kaplan answered one of my questions saying they have the means to track players who are seriously boosting accounts inappropriately.

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How does this harm the reputation of a person who should be IP banned?

That is what I thought the answer was.

We need another way to do this - what we have isn’t working. End of season the low ranks get flooded with people throwing down. You can scan overbuff, and find 1000s of accounts where people have 80%+ win rates on one hero and sub 10% win rates on others. Who used to be in plat+ but dropped to bronze.

I get that you could have those stats with Widow, but Torb / Bastion / Winston?

It is obvious what is happening with those accounts, so where do we post them?

Here? It is against the forum rules.
We can’t push them through the cheating process.
We can’t report them in game, as they were not detected in game.

We are asked to let Blizzard run their process, but, it is obvious that their process isn’t catching the most obvious people doing this.

Well, a simple sweep of overbuff shows they are not being effective.

We get people posting overbuff profiles all the time showing people throwing down to low ranks and wrecking, the posts are removed, but… the problem isn’t going away.

People don’t have sub 10% win rates on torb unless they are using him as a throw hero.

Where do we go from here?

Or, I’ll put it in another way…

If they are being effective, and the large amount of posts on the forums, and various reddit forums and conversations on discord channels and the like are people just being mistaken, then they have a problem, that it is perceived that there is a massive issue, and they are ignoring it.

Either way, that is something they should be worried about, and should clear up.


That’s not what I said.

The problem is that sometimes people are wrong, and putting a video on display to publicly shame them is:
At best: Not helpful, since it doesnt stop them from cheating
At worst: The person isnt actually cheating and it harms that person’s reputation. Said person could be a streamer trying to make money, and accusations can lose viewers.

As a result, Blizzard’s policy is that you should not post videos publicly on the forum. They are probably grateful for you reporting it directly to them, but making a post on the forum won’t do anything.

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To be fair, that is pretty blatant. Like… There is not a lot of room for interpretation. Lul.

I didn’t say it wasn’t. I’m trying to explain forum policy, not anything about this one off case.