So about that cheater

I know the difference between a blatant cheater and a good player. There is nothing skill-based about the video I posted. It’s completely and unabashedly using software to cheat. In Silver, no less. Your argument against my specific point doesn’t hold any water. Although, since the OP stated this cheater is STILL cheating, I guess you’re right. It wasn’t helpful, and didn’t stop them. Even when Blizzard was aware enough to delete my thread.

I wasn’t “shaming” anyone, I was stating pure fact. This individual was going about his day ruining games for every single person who happened to queue up with him, including people on his team.

So am I correct in assuming that blocking out their names while posting evidence of people cheating would be okay then because they couldn’t be contacted by other players to acquire the cheats and avoids a witch hunt situation?

I recommend avoiding posting video of anyone cheating on the forums at all. Again send those videos to Blizzard directly.


You’re missing my point entirely. It has nothing to do with the legitimacy of the video you posted. It’s general policy to prevent doing reputable damage in the event of a false report.

This doesn’t apply to just you, and nobody is saying you can’t tell the difference.It’s a general policy that applies to everyone on the forum to prevent the one in a hundred cases that leads to causing harm to someone who is innocent.

Your thread wasn’t deleted because someone is trying to silence you. your thread was deleted because it violated this policy.

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I literally warned you guys… on that thread… and the fact they don’t do anything unless it involves the forums and then they are super quick to silence people.

Good idea to keep the video and name off the thread though because it would just happen again. They protect hackers when did it become punishable to report a crime? In the 2019 blizzard forums

Blizzard is banning people base on reports, not videos on yt :man_shrugging:

And forum for sure is not for witch hunting, so stop doing so

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And trying to put a link to the video on the forums will not work. They will look at YT videos, but it has to be in the in-game report.

If I thought you were cheating, being a jerk, or whatever, I could post something about you here and because of how volatile the internet is, bad things could happen. Suddenly you could receive hate messages, death threats, or many other undesirable things, all for something you had no clue about and may have even been innocent of.

That is why the rule exists. There’s no bias towards anyone, it doesn’t matter if you cheated, hacked, or did nothing at all. The rule says you can’t make posts calling out other users, that means you don’t do it. The rule will be enforced.

There’s an email you can send video or picture evidence to and the in-game report system works great if you utilize it. There’s no need to bring it up here for “more exposure”.

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Blatant hackers take ages to ban.

But lord help that person using symmetra or torb on competitive.


Did you type the player name anywhere in the post?

It was in the video.

People sometimes think there are no cheaters in the game, so having absolute proof is a good thing. Since it stops people nor believing people when they post saying they are having issues with cheaters.

A bit of public shaming of Blizzard doesn’t go amiss either, though, unlike people throwing down to ruin newbies games, cheating software they already DO take seriously.

@WyomingMyst is right though - send those videos to Blizzard directly.

There are rules on forums that you can’t say a person’s nickname/battletag in the post but i don’t think it applies to videos. Did they say the reason it was deleted?

I think that they are more than happy to ban videos showing peoples names and stuff, because it leads down the same path.

what you mean? I don’t think ive been reported yet lol and play in comp.

A lot of players have been though, it’s a problem that keeps persisting.

I mean, why would we wanna protect someone who’s making the game worse?

Mayby he wast guilty.

Significant analysis my butt. I have always felt that forum mods protecting their devs from criticism or the highlighting of obvious problems is severely toxic. If you guys don’t want this stuff on the forums, then deal with the problem. The protecting people from exposure excuse is a big cop-out.

OP, you have read the Code of Conduct, right?

Cos discussing moderation actions is going to result in you joining your friend on a forum vacation, too…

If someone is truly cheating, submit a report and let Blizzard be the judge. Calling them out on the forums is a huge no-no. And discussing moderation actions also a huge no-no.

It drives me wild that we can’t submit video evidence of things. I’ve made a thread about it a few times before and there are always people that are like “It can be falsified / There aren’t enough employees to keep up” and I think they’re poor excused.

Use some of your many millions of dollars and open up a department dedicated to following up on claims instead of leaning on a faulty auto-ban system.