Snow Angel Mercy [UPDATED]

I like the concept of a snow angel Mercy; however, this skin seems a bit awkward. I really like the icey wings and skirt, but then you gave her a snow coat. Maybe it’s just me, but they seem to clash. The icey elements look fantasy themed while the coat seems too casual and realistic. I’m also curious as to why you left her legs bare. If its cold, I don’t think she’d want bare legs. Overall, just try to implement the icey elements more because those are really pretty! Or just go with the more casual side if you’d like. ^^

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Looks ugly, not enough skin.

-swats you with a newspaper-


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She looks gorgeous, and I know i really wanted to see her with ice wings ^^ great work

Everyone should get a casual skin…

Make it a thing for anniversary?


I’ll buy your skin for 3000 coins.

When I look at such marvels, I cannot help but remember DotA2 and VALVe’s approach, where they have a ‘workshop’ – everything from guidelines to tools explained, so that anybody with skill and will can create anything from hero’s skins to couriers, wards, etc., submit it to the workshop where the community can look at the work and vote ‘yes, we want this!’, and if it passes company’s review process it is added to the game (via loot-boxes or/and game-shop). And this approach works for years and bore so many fantastic fruits!

Yet, here, Blizz’s approaches are so über-restrictive, like an obsessed overprotective parent, so secretive that it is even a no-no to publish official aggregated statistics on heroes, the lack of which makes players turn to OverBuff and such, to only wonder how accurate the numbers there are… A strikingly different, ossified approach, in a certain way – a real incarnation of The Wall.

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aviator brigitte would be nice.

O M G! Soooo amazing!! Well done.

The skirt looks a bit awkward imo but not sure how it would be done differently.


O.o Das nice… I’ll see what I can whip up

Yeah, a few people mentioned that I should give her leggings of some sort…
I didn’t originally cause I thought the boots were too long for that, and I wasn’t sure how they would work with the thin skirt. But, I’ve gotten a good example of how I can make the changes, so I’ll implement them ASAP.

I’ve got a few ideas on how to change it, so I’ll redo a few things and see how they turn out.

Huge thanks to everyone here, I greatly appreciate you feedback!

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oke listen here, i want a legendary mercy skin if you want an epic then just give mercy a legendary AND an epic XDDDD

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Absolutely love the coat though, maybe just skip her standard “flaps”? (Moira main who hates all the flaps her skins has :D)

I was already hyped for a snow angel mercy skin but now you made it worse! I NEED it to happen! The wings, earrings, coat, aaaaa!! So good :smiley:


I love the concept and the execution, nice job man, looks fantastic.


The wings are so beautiful, love them.


That is perfect! Unfortunately, Blizzard won’t use that design even if they made a Snow Angel skin for Mercy. Luckily Blizzard never fails to impress with skin designs, so if they use their own design, it will still be great!

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As a mercy main i would LOOOOVE this!

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I’d rather not have precious development time wasted on a garbage character that doesn’t belong in the game.

Not exactly sure how I can take that as a critique, but if you think she’s a garbage character, then I’ll respect that as your opinion.

I however, do think she belongs in game, so I’ll ask you to respect my opinion.

look good

i did create a custom Winter Mercy Skin

but i have no clue on how to show the images and link on here through

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You have to be trust level 3 to post images, but I’ll link it for you.
Just paste the link and put one these ``symbols on each end.
It should look like this:
Or you can put a space between the first letter of the link and the rest of it.