Snow Angel Mercy [UPDATED]

Agreed, I love the overall design but feels almost “lacklustre” as a legendary, probably because it’s still similar to the base skin. Give the basic clothing a more ethereal look and it’s perfect imo.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Thanks so much, I really appreciate the feedback!
Also, thanks for providing an image example of what needs to be added. It makes life so much easier

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Wow this is amazing !!! I’d love to see it in game, and honestly any other concept ideas of yours

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Lovely, I really love the wings! I think a snow/ice theme skin needs to somewhat match the other winter skins (Shiver, Frostbite, and Rime) by giving her a slightly blue tone and overall frozen appearance.

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Goddammit! I almost, almost made it through November.

Why would you do this to me, OP?! ;O;


This is actually the first concept piece I’ve ever done.

Sorry, it was certainly unintentional :sweat_smile:

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[smoothly slides a box of tissues]


One for the smears.
Two for the tears.


This design is so beautiful! The icey blue colours suit her well, I really hope we get something like this, this year! Don’t let us down, Jeff. :crossed_fingers:

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I still prefer this one
Only because of the coat and lantern staff


There’s certainly no crime in that…
I like it too, especially the staff

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It’s beautiful… but not “legendary” enough (Blizz would say), to warrant a 3,000 token cost.

I mean… I effing love it… even more than the pink $15 one I’ve seen here and there. Then again, I’m new to the game, so I haven’t been spoiled like some others to always “expect more and more and more.” Sometimes, as in this, less really does feel like more. She looks like she could beat the cold out of Sub-Zero, or heal Scorpion back to life.


I wonder if she’s going to get the figure skater skin?

I’ve been wondering too, but tbh I kinda hope Sym gets it.

Or Widowmaker. She does the ballet dance so it’d be fitting that she would get the figure skater skin.

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I love it! You did such a good job, I hope she does get a nice Winter Wonderland skin, whether that is a casual skin or a snow angel/angel. At first, I really hated the skirt but when I zoomed in I realized it was transparent and I was like :heart_eyes: I wish her gloves were black (because I love black >:3 ) Also, since it probably wouldn’t fit in the epic category ( the wings are too good ) I’d like to see a different hairstyle. Don’t get me wrong, Mercy’s hair is beautiful but seeing her hair up in a different style or down again would be lovely!


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Thanks Lynn, I appreciate the feedback!

As for the skin, I intend to take as many suggestions as possible and update the skin to hopefully legendary status. If I find the time, I’ll repost the finished product.

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Like dis.


I love the crown and the gloves. The color palette is really nice, too.

I’m not crazy about the skirt, bare skin in winter is brrrrrrrr …

The front armor looks too similar to her default skin.

I love the “frosted royalty” angle that you’ve got going on. It’s sleeker and more elegant than just slapping fur trim on.

Maybe some white/gray tights instead?

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