Snow Angel Mercy [UPDATED]

Not bad but something feels “off”, that’s the best way I can describe it.Like it feels more like an epic than a legendary. Personally for me I would like to see something more done with the staff because that’s what we see most of in game.

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What if I made the limbs of the staff look like the arms of a snowflake?

That would probably do it. If you have the time you should do a separate larger image for the staff. That way it’s easier to see some of the details.

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literally nothing I could suggest could make it better. (Unless when her beam was attached, it had like… a snowing effect towards the staff.)

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Is that supposed to be an epic or a legendary skin?
Because to me it looks like one of those nice and detailed epic skins (but definetly lacks some more details and variations to be legendary)

Well I was gonna leave that entirely up to the community…
So far it seems I should give her a new hairstyle and add more to the staff for it to qualify as a legendary, to which I also agree.

It was not meant as you must add a different hair style, it was just a suggestion. In the end it is your decision to figure if it makes sense or not: if there is a particular hair style which complies with Mercy’s design guidelines and blends in harmoniously… pff… goes naturally with the Snow Angel design, then why not?

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Tbh I had wanted to change the hair, but I could think of a way to change it.
Thankfully, a good suggestion and example were provided, and I think it complies very well with Mercy’s design.

I know I won’t be able to fit all of these suggestions into the concept without ruining it, but there are many suggestions here that I think would greatly improve it.

WOW thats amazing. Id probably say her hair should be different, and maybe like completely white, with some like jewelry in her hair. Maybe some blue makeup? I would try and make the staff more intricate at the top, but the rest of her looks amazing.

Like before I just wanted a casual mercy, a kin to the casual hanzo skin, but I would definitely want this

Edit: for her hair maybe it could be a braid or bun? maybe like position it in a different way? Im not entirely sure

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I’ve a few iterations that I’m working on already with some of those suggestions, but I do really appreciate that you brought some new ideas to the table.

As for the hair:

I think this style would work rather nicely with the concept.

That seems perfect. Although I think the first style is better then the second one because that little bump looks weird lol

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I hope Mercy gets a new skin soon. I actually sort of don’t really count the charity skin so her last skin to me was Zhuque.

I hope so too… She seems a bit overdue for one

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I like it but it seems like an odd Epic-Legendary skin. You stuck to the original base a lot (for example the different coloured torso suit and part, the staff) while also implementing uniqueness.

I think if you went all out on the snow and really let your imagination go wild it would have looked very cool (wink). but none the less it’s a very pretty concept art good job!

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Yeah, I did kinda play it safe with this concept cause it’s the first I’ve ever done when it comes to fan concept art.

I do however, have some changes in the works to make it more unique, so as of now it’s still a work in progress.

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I’ll give mine for free. ;-;

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That’s amazing, SilentSword! You should consider becoming a concept artist, really. (Assuming it’s you who made the design.)

This is actually what i wanted from the beginning… bless silent sword.

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Make her hair and eyes blue, the eyes can be darker blue and the hair could be a baby blue(just my thought, looks amazing regardless owo)

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Haha, yeah it’s my design… As for becoming a concept artist, well idk.
This was mainly just for fun.

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