Snipers are making Quick Play unbearable

Funny you should say that - Widowmaker and Hanzo are also the two most-picked Damage heroes in GM this week too!

Hey look, it’s that sniper meta we predicted when Blizzard started nerfing tanks!

Not sure how you got that, buddy. I’m more than willing to switch things up to counter, but diving a Widowmaker is difficult when there’s an Ashe and Hanzo shooting you at the same time. If all three fire at you at once, you just die instantly.

Same goes for Reinhardt or Orisa. I can put up a shield just fine but that doesn’t mean my QP team (which itself has 2+ snipers, probably terrible) will stand behind it. I also can’t cover every sniper single sightline at once.

Well hopefully that is AFTER practicing in qp. :slight_smile:
What I meant was, you don’t want to be in comp and hear, “guys, I’m gonna try widow okay?”

Also I almost exclusively play Hanzo, and widow to a lesser degree in qp nowadays. Sometimes I start on something else, but it will almost always end there either to end Pharmercy or another sniper.

Have your team sniper to counter snipe the enemy team…

this is why i stopped playing quickplay. snipers ruined it.

In fact, everyone that’s not a sniper should just sit back and let the snipers decide who wins. Sounds fun.


A sniper can’t really contest effectively, range is their friend. So you will need one tank at least.

use sombra to hack and kill…THEN run to their spawn and continue to camp them only…it will get them to just spawn snipe (lol) or switch

Coordination would be the best solution, but you already complained your team have no coordination (“Good luck getting your team to stand behind the barrier” as you said it yourself)… So the easiest way out is taking up the sniper battle.

A team that cannot coordinate to counter the oposition deserve the loss. Welcome to Overwatch, a game that revolve around swapping heroes to counter enemy strategies.

This is more an issue of you trying to play a game casually to have fun, but so are they. And so is everyone else, so they want to play what they enjoy. But because of the inherent competitive side of this game, you have to work together to try and win, and most people see “winning” as the fun part of the game.
You’re not having fun, because you keep getting shot down. But I want to bet that the widow is having great fun just getting all the shots off. Or the genji getting nano-bladed every time it’s up. Then again, I also bet that the person who actually plays zen, and has trans up for every nano blade will have fun, where the genji then won’t be having it. And the monkey who actually does manage to get the angles on the widow/hanzo (because he doesn’t walk up in the open, he uses angles to get a good jump, and manages to contest the widow) making the widow’s life hell, is also having fun, while the widow is going “bloody hell, these winstons are just annoying.” it’s a matter of perspective. And you can get value for making space as winston or hammond, without having to get the kill. If you don’t allow the widow to get the angles, then she will get less value. You don’t have to get the kill, if you just get the pressure.
If the widow can’t stand on all the optimal positions, she’s not gonna get all of the value. If your team is stupid enough to stand in the open and get shot by the widow, they will lose MMR or SR and eventually drop down and play with worse players.
But the competitive nature of the game, will make it fun for one side, and less fun for the other, and that’s just the way it is.
The snipers aren’t the issue, the people are. People not willing to switch, people not thinking about positioning, people not countering, people not thinking about target priority.
As another point, quick play will be used as glorified practise, because while a part of the playerbase plays mostly quick play, another part plays competitive. And while the competitive group might be smaller, that doesn’t mean that they don’t exist, or deserve to play in their style and way.
You are not more entitled than they are, because everyone plays the game, and they play it in the way they want to, and that’s their right.

The key thing I’d say is… if you start playing quick play to seriously win games… and expecting team play. Then you’re gonna have a bad time. If you want that to happen, find some friends, queue together with them, and try to have fun with them.

Snipers are popular but aren’t that great in comp so they go to a mode that they can actually kill something.

I’ll admit I rarely ever walk into QP but the times I do I do see a ton of snipers. Sadly for them I play a wicked Hammond so I just kinda Wreck them. There are other hero’s like Sombra that do well too.

QP is where people get to play what they want and a portion of the community kinda wishes this was a regular FPS game. So I have to go WB and ruin that for them.

Snipers when you have no tank are a nightmare, especially if I’m playing McCree or a support. I feel you, man. Course I play Ashe so I’m guilty of making other player’s lives hard.

The one who hardly plays like a sniper at all?

Which is why I listed her as an afterthought. She’s not really a problem in the same way the Damage snipers are.

The irony being that if you use LFG, your more you likely to go against groups that don’t stay sniper.

Snipers/builders work really well in qp because of how unorganized teams are. When you use LFG, your more likely to go against more organized teams

That may be part of the problem - it seems like no-one uses LFG in Australia. At least not when I look.

My only problem for widow is her long range.
Since other heros have falloff damage it is impossible to kill 200 hp small hitbox Widow with any other hitscan hero.

Even if her HP was half(100) falloff damage makes her stronger than Mcree at far range.

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I hate Widow. If we ever get a hero ban, I’m banning her every match. A hero revolved around hitscan one shots is annoying and disgusting to play against, let alone EVERY match in quick play.

I don’t even know what Hanzo is. He’s just as good close range as he is farther away. I don’t know if you can call him a sniper anymore.

Ashe is…meh. She’s not as high skill as people make her seem. Her dynamite and ultimate are BIG crutches for her. Even bad Ashe’s get immense value using those two abilities.

I don’t think snipers make quick play unbearable. I just think having them, every, single, game, is getting tiresome.


Dynamite is the worst thing in the game right now. No skill, high reward.

Dynamite would be vastly improved if they just made it not go directly into Ashe’s crosshair by default. Shooting it is supposed to be a skillshot but the game just lines it up for you (probably to make it viable on consoles).


I wouldn’t say it’s the worst, but it’s definitely enough to be a huge crutch for her. I can tell when an Ashe is entirely dependent on that for damage.