Snipers are making Quick Play unbearable

Every game is 2+ snipers instakilling anything that dares touch the point.

Get a shield tank? Good luck getting your team to stand behind the shield and even then, one of the snipers can just go behind you or Ashe can just set your whole team on fire over your shield.

Get a dive tank? Have fun as Widowmaker or Hanzo unloads 2+ headshots into you as you dive them before they simply jump away.

Need some proof? According to Overbuff, the most-played DPS characters in Quick Play within the last week are:

  • Widowmaker (far and away the highest-pickrate)
  • Genji (not a sniper, obviously and not relevant to this post)
  • Hanzo
  • Ashe
  • McCree (had his falloff reduced a while back)

And Ana, the Support sniper is the most-picked hero overall.

This isn’t an imagined problem - most of the time, most Quick Play teams have at least 2 snipers on them. If this was happening in OWL, people would be screaming for a change of meta by now.

I get that GOATS is a problem at a Pro level, but snipers are overunning this game at a casual level. It’s actually infuriating.


Always hated Snipers. Especially in this game. All it takes to play Widow is just good aim.
Diving Widow? Forget about that, she will have her hook and half her team will be pocket [Removed].


Just go sombra and keep taking her out, they will switch in no time


Snipers can certainly have a place in Overwatch, they just control games way too much at the moment.


Every qp match that has a super insane Widow and Hanzo I type “I will defeat sniperwatch!” in match chat. I’ve been tying it like 80% of all my matches

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Snipers are part of the game, just like turtle comps, bastion, quad DPS … its just countering it?.


I suspect there was:

  • no shield.
  • no one bothering to dive them. Literally Winston, Hamster or Genji.

Snipers don’t carry that much unless your team doesn’t work as one.


In quickplay. GL.


Unless you’re Hammond and you live to ruin the existance of Quick Play snipers


unless they have brig and sombra to ruin that aswell

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What kind of snipers are you getting in your qp games? Mine usually can’t hit the broadside of a moisture evaporator, and that’s ok.


What is a Quick Play Brig or Sombra actually going to do against a Hammond? There’s been a lot of Sombra switches against me in quick play and no exaggeration, 9/10 of them lead to a free win.

Press right click.

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Those are usually the 2 or 3 snipers on my team. Somehow the ones on the enemy team prove to be quite effective.


It doesn’t work, not that there’s nearly enough coordination for her to respond before I’ve already killed or forced the sniper out of position, and even if she does hack me there’s not going to be enough coordination to even get me killed. :smiley:

If you’re not careful or the enemy team know to actually shoot stuff, it can end badly. I see a LOT of sombra / mei / brigs appear when i’m playing.

But yeah, pretty much every widow i stomp goes sombra.

Even on my higher level account when I play quick play, which admittedly has significantly better players just by virtue of playing more, the stat I gave still holds pretty strong, there’s a lot of inherent facts about Quick Play that are easy to abuse when a Sombra is on field. :smiley:

If you’re 3k+, it’s not just QP. It’s everywhere.


My problem with Snipers is that there just isn’t really any way to interact with them unless you’re playing a character specifically designed to counter them.

If you’re playing something like a healer, you don’t really have any options. You can’t swap off because then you’d be down a healer, and you spend the entire game simply trying not to get shot.

Even with Doomfist and other flankers, they have to actually give you a chance to interact with them, even if the matchup is still lopsided.


True that.

It feels like whichever team has the better Widow wins the game in QP.