Snipers are making Quick Play unbearable

Well I agree with you but snipers also want to enjoy QP too.

That’s pretty much how my team looks in every QP match, I am last to pick “NO TANK!” “NO HEALER!” is what I see on the right side of my screen, it’s tedious.

I don’t see myself playing this game much longer if there isn’t some 2-2-2 role pick quick play and even there the 2 dps will be snipers but at least the 2 tanks and 2 supports will be useful to a degree.

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I’ve taken out so many Widows with Moira I’ve lost count. Throw an orb, fade, and suck the life out of her.

In FFA it seems. You can kill Pharah with Junkrat if you want in FFA

If dive tanks are ineffective against snipers, the engagement you’re using needs some adjustment. With Winston, you often want to charge the main fight for some ult percentage before tackling the snipers that are still getting to high ground. Once their first shots start to come out, leap and turn your crosshair around quickly mid-air so they can’t land headshots on you (must be playing on high sensitivity). Once you’re there, it’s a simple matter of dancing in and out of your bubble and slowly frying them. If their healer peels for them, you may not be able to land the elimination, but you’ve at least distracted two key members of their team from focusing on the rest of the fight, which is now a 5v4 swayed in your favor. You can also use Primal if you get it charged up during that skirmish to further disrupt the sniper and possible support.

As, use Defence Matrix to block incoming damage while boosting in, and only start using your Mini-Rockets and aiming precisely after Grappling Hook, Coach Gun or Lunge is used. Those projectiles are harder to aim than they look at close range. Wrecking Ball has a similar tactic- engage in close and only start aiming precisely when movement abilties are on cooldown.

Dive tanks can be the most effective way to dislodge enemy snipers, but without proper engagement tactics your leverage against them is limited. Using smarter methods to start and finish duels against these characters reduces their power in the game as a whole and can eventually force them to switch, by which time you’ve done your job. Hope this helps.

I love the description and I widow main even. Yeah I agree that snipers in all games have the UNFAIR advantage over other players. If there is ONE widow, then there becomes two widow players quickly, then the Ashe players filter into the match next, then hanzo and of course Ana, pretty soon the game is a bust.

I myself realize that this does NOT make for a fun match quickly and everyone leaves. However, everything I have suggested to HELP everyone’s play experience has been shunned.

Everything from CLASS locking, such as ONLY 1 widowmaker, IN THE ENTIRE match, to output adjustments and even changes to what she can or cannot do. When snipers are in the match, this means everyone can only run a VERY narrow comp, or it does not work. Which means people whom want to play their classes, cannot do so.

The fact of the matter is, there are MORE than just snipers 1-shotting players too. Doomfist does it, Junkrat gets to do it, Mei especially gets to do it. Quite frankly, NOBODY likes being 1-shotted in a game. :wink: .

I believe that sombra IS the ideal sniper counter, but she has to have MORE utility than what she has now. Because if they are pocketing a widow, she cannot hack the widow, ashe, ana or hanzo and become effective long enough for team decisions to attack. Which means Sombra DOES need a way to PUNISH pocketing and grouping so games CAN move forward.

I agree that snipers are a bit problematic in QP, but not because you can’t pick counters to them as players deliberately choose not to play heroes that are good against them which is another problem and if you have issues dealing with the snipers with their counters then that’s still another problem.

There are a few issues with these heroes. With Widow and McCree it’s that their performance varies drastically. Sometimes you get a GM Widow/McCree that gets 2 kills at the start of every fight while the opponent’s plat Widow/McCree does nothing but take up a spot in the team. Sometimes those GM Widows even struggle to get the picks when opponents are playing properly and they just happen to have a slightly worse game. It’s really burdening either way since 6v4 is a free fight and 5v6 is a struggle.

Hanzo isn’t an issue btw. His range is mediocre and is very skill dependent at least in higher MMR where players don’t just casually line up to a corner that the opponents can just spam.

Ashe is her own problem because she isn’t inconsistent unlike Widow and McCree. The problem with her is B.O.B. Bad Ashe’s use the dynamite terribly so they barely get one (1) bob in a whole round of KOTH which hinders your team drastically. Another problem is that once Ashe bobs a point QP teams usually don’t have anything to deal with it because everything is so unorganized that you can almost never focus fire him and the other answer is: Ana’s sleep dart or Mei wall. Aside from that B.O.B. is a beast in QP

The biggest problem with Genji is just the terrible Genji players that never position themselves correctly even though they have probably the best mobility in the game. When you push in they’re not there, when you pull out they see targets moving closer so they play more aggressively and bam they’re dead and you’re losing the teamfight. Or better yet they just decide to go for some terrible flank, end up in a 1v3 situation and just dies and you’re losing the teamfight again. That’s about it. When the Genji player is good or even decent it’s not an issue

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I would ban Tracer, but that’s me, I find her terribly annoying, and my aim skills are not great, but not terrible either, I can usually manage to focus her.

Hanzo needs some kind of nerf still on SA, I have seen far too many Hanzo players just kill you with no real way to counter by sneaking around and SAing you to death in close range… any other character outside of maybe Doomfist or Widow has to put more work in to do this. I would actually put Ashe and Hanzo in the same boat… you can get a lot of damage out and so forth with not huge skill. Where Ashe and Hanzo become more skill oriented is with their long range shots… that is definitely a skill shot, and even with Ashe, and I play Ashe routinely so I am honest about it. Unscoped shots take more effort to place than a spam of SA any day. I would say both are medium skill characters, but each carries a huge easy to get value element of their kit out of.

ashe is what widow should have been.

i too am getting sick of widowwatch. combine that with the SMASH heroes and the game is losing its fun real fast.


sure but it’s still qp, in qo not everyone wants to tank, i sure dont, i wanna play genji but then i get shut down but moiras being in 100% everygame ever, do i complain? fcourse lol

then they need to remove hard to kill heros like brig and moira and lucio

I hate having them every single game because most of the time they are on my team and don’t seen to be able to even hit a Roadhog walking in the open.

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I wonder if you guys are super high MMR or something. Around plat MMR, Widows are usually bad and useless. Hanzo is fine but not better than other good DPS, and Ashe is a coin toss with some being very good but most being pretty weak.

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Its just QP, dude.


THat’s all you need to know. Want to avoid playing with/against comps that frustrate you? Queue for competitive. Not only are people willing to play heroes/combos that are “better,” but they’re also more likely to play as a team and defeat these snipers or whatever else you’re complaining about .

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or just play mystery heros. problem solved

Most QP snipers are terrible, though.

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This is the greatest feeling in the game, I can assure you.

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the game should contain more turn-based-gameplay.
players who invest more time should get an advantage through additional skills and leveling. furthermore, it would be very nice if there were more quests and story missions against NPC’s, which are dropping equipment and epic loot.

You don’t have to :slight_smile:

I totally supersize with the premise of this notion, but we still have to acknowledge that when almost every single match a person plays just reduces to ‘which team’s snipers are better’, that is a massive problem. Skill is rewarded, but fun is destroyed. It’s a conundrum.

I agree… if one or two of the above are chosen it’s fine… but a damn 4 stack of them is a pain and nightmare.