Snipers are making Quick Play unbearable

And the worst part is that the people who pick snipers are the ones that, more often than not, never switch off their sniper when things goes south and keep playing them for the rest of the match even if it’s clearly not working

LFG + Monkey/Hammy = problem solved.

I mean, when you give snipers so much mobility, and in the case of Hanzo, the ability to fight at any range he wants, even point blank with Storm arrows, they don’t really have that much of a downside.



Quick play is Quick play.

I love playing as McCree, but Sombra is not my counter as hacking me and trying to burst me down to death is not enough. I use left click and with flickaim I kill her 2-3 shots. The best what she can do is to teleport herself back to translocator. Some of my teammates usually camping her down so she dies anyway. The one I cannot kill is the hyperactive Tracer. I cannot calculate when she is out of blinks or recalls, so she basically bait my Flashbang. If I can kill her just by one headshot it would be fair. I use FTH instead in mid range and there’s 50-50% chance that she will die or I’ll be killed by her.

agreed. i dont even bother then as i already know its a loss. ill go some hero i have 0 hours on and screw off until the timer goes off …


Ah, so, my team-mates are widow, hanzo, ashe, genji and mcree? Time to nope out!


then you’re bad at dive tanks

and moira

Widow, Hanzo, Ashe, Genji, Tracer 95% of the time. Just a lot of people in QP that play the mode like it’s deathmatch, but are not confident enough to stand on their own two feet to actually play deathmatch.


I’m good at dive tanks, but that doesn’t matter. I’m rare.

Lets massively under-estimate and say only 50% of games have a widow. If the only way to counter them is to play a specific and kind of unpopular hero that needs support (and yes, tanks in the back-line occasionally need healing) then there’s an issue there.

They need to remove unassisted left click 1 shots.


oh boo boo is the game that has spam heal and balance wise untouchable healers so unrewarding for characters who dont kill in one shot or within half a second?

Not sure what your point is - I was listed the top-picked damage heroes. Moira is a support.

Quickplay is where people go to practice.
Not all heroes need a lot of it, but snipers do.


No, Quick Play is where the majority of the playerbase spends the majority of their time in-game.

Most people don’t play comp all that much, if at all according to a post by Jeff a while back.

As much as some people like to think of QP as a glorified training mode, it is the primary way that people play Overwatch and if it is a bad experience, it bodes badly for the health of the game.


I don’t think there’s much that can be done about it imo. I feel like quick play is the only environment where DPS can actually play snipers while also maintaining their sanity. Competitive is just two immortal meat walls fighting over squares, and the only thing you’ll learn in deathmatch is how to battle another widow at 10 meters, or how to one clip a McCree too busy running from Moira’s orb.

There’s an evergrowing list of things Bliz could fix, but they can’t fix humans and their inability to coordinate with each other. Against QP Widows especially…

My advice: Get a slightly better experience in Competitive, or embrace quick play as the meme it always has been. If you take quick play seriously then you’re going to straight up hate this game and eventually the rest of humanity.

I don’t see the problem. People need to practice snipers somewhere that is not my comp game.
Snipers are fairly easy to counter, but if you leave them uncontested, yeah it will not be fun. But this game is about countering, so learn to do it.


So… OP is telling us that in QP people do not use organized comps and he does not wanna counterpick…

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Good snipers are an issue, although it seems rare if my team ever gets one (I’ve literally watched a Widow on my team get constantly beat by the enemy Widow, and still not switching).

The best method I find for limiting the effect of snipers is Hammond/Hog, Hammond can be effective against both, particularly if you time your assault for when Hanzo’s Storm Arrows are on cooldown, Hog is also effective against Hanzo, as a well-timed Take a breather limits the effect of any Storm Arrows, and if that Hanzo gets anywhere close enough, he runs the risk of the Hook combo.

I do have one bigger concern though, it’s the amount of people I see that when they start losing a fight, they go Bastion, which more often than not changes the whole dynamic of the match, I’m frankly starting to get bored of the amount of Bastion switches I see from teams who are getting pushed back.

My final concern is with snipers and the talks around turning the game free-to-play, snipers are always a prime choice for those using hacks to improve their aim, and my big worry is that if the game does go free-to-play, QP could become an unplayable mess because of cheating hitscan players who can simply just make new accounts because it’s free.

It’s annoying, but Snipers give people that visceral quick kill hit that some people just can’t get enough of. I have tbh, I’m more than a little tired of wanting to play a character and facing Widow, Ashe, Hanzo, Ana and throw maybe McCree or Zen on for good measure… and its like sticking your face into a fan to try to play anything else.

Beyond Sombra, I find one of the few other real counters to that mess is Mei, the walls work wonders…