Snipers are making Quick Play unbearable

is this cultural shaming :frowning: ?

Genji shaming

m no genji main but ok

Does this forum allow us to mention a possible reason for the recent wave of low level snipers with pro-level flick aim?

If all it takes is good aim, then how come I have top 1-2% scoped accuray and scoped crit accuracy, yet im in plat? (I checked like a month ago and havent really played since then)

What really gets me is when my team is 3 or 4 snipers. Every single one wants to lone wolf in our backline, which makes it next to impossible to play a lot of roles. Iā€™ve been trying to practice baptiste, but itā€™s really hard when nobody will stand near one another.

Deal with it and dont dare to complain anymore.

Your community wanted dive characterā€™s to be useless ( complains day and night, same with Genji and Winston)

Did you forget May 2018 when Double Sniper was THE meta after Hanzoā€™s buffs? No one wanted it then and itā€™s still annoying now. This is coming from an Ashe/Mccree main.

Suppressive fire. Try it. You donā€™t necessarily need to kill snipers, frocing them to withdraw for heals all the time is enough. Just keep an eye, stay near covers/shields and lay suppressive fire on them whenever they try to pick a shot at your team.

I donā€™t get this problem. Any time I get double snipers it usually isnā€™t good. Because this game is objective based and snipers usually donā€™t go anywhere near objective. Both to contest or to capture.

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welcome to about 2 and a half years ago

took you a while to notice eh

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Cuz you are a tank main?

Well, perhaps i could be wrong, donā€™t play widow that much. Iā€™m more at the recieving end.

Still, annoying that Widowā€™s hitbox is basically a stick, and very difficult to aim at. At higher levels you will basically assume that that widow/Hanzo you just saw will headshot you. Making you more surprised when they actually miss. :slightly_smiling_face:

Brig doesnt agree with you. You are ignoring the delete brig part here. Purposefully ignoring the fact that every dps ever always wanted helers gutted down so they can win easierā€¦ and now its doneā€¦ :slight_smile:

Healers arenā€™t guttedā€¦ In fact, burst healing is so good currently that the only things worth using at a high-end are heroes with large health pools and burst-damage heroes.

Sustain damage is useless because healing is too good. It doesnā€™t help that most supports have semi-decent DPS too.

Snipers can be pretty annoying but there are tons of ways to get around them. Using heroes like tracer or Baptise to push the point usually works. Or just using corners/Objects to hide behind then using your rein to push

Quickplay format should be 1/1/4 Flex with a limit roles of 2

You can still having teams 1/1/4 DPS but looking like this: Winston, Moira, Widow, Ashe, Tracer and Genji.

Players will be unable to play 4 snipers
Players will be unable to play 4 flankers
Players will be unable to play 4 DPS defenders
Players will be unable to play 4 tanks
Players will be unable to play 4 supports

comp matters, QP doesnt matter. I enjoy the competitive spirit of comp, but it isnt there in QP.

Thats just like, your opinion manā€¦ :sunglasses:

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When I say that something doesnt matter, I mean there are no lasting consequences from the outcome of the match. Not that nobody cares about the outcome, it just doesnt have the same competitive spirit that comp does. Which is why I say nobody cares about QP, because its just the mode that isnt supposed to get people tilted or angry about the things that go on in QP. (Tying back to OP)

I mainly play quickplay and I agree with the OP.

What I want is a support that can contest widow maker (Lucio kinda can, but not reliably).

Though I have no idea what sort of abilities this kind of support hero would have (and not be OP).