Snipers are making Quick Play unbearable

Right. Also, because it’s QP, if your team isn’t working together to kill the sniper, their team probably isn’t working together to protect them either. Spending a game hunting snipers using flankers or dive tanks is one of my favorite things. My next favorite thing is getting hate messages from them raging at me for “targeting” them. I save those. They make me happy to read later.

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In this game, you will die to something eventually.

I usually have Genjis yell at me for apparently always killing them. Which is sad but funny.

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Depends on the map just like any character for the most part, but I feel for ya. having a good widow on the enemy team in Gibraltre is very oppressive trying to take the high ground from her. There’s not many good solutions, but having rein helps alot I’ve made great widowmakers absolutely useless switching off dps and going rein.

This is a serious problem in QP, I hope the team read this, it ruins all the experience. Please do something.

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Just learn to kill the sniper???

That’s not the problem guys.
Even if you know how to counter a sniper, the problem is that in QP you are forced to do that all the time. The game is boring because you always have Widow-Hanzo-Ashe to play against while it would have been much more funny to have some variety.

And if that widow is good that’s going to be boring because she is going to decimate your team.

The same apply if that widow is in your own team. Same s**t all the time.

I’m gonna dump this here. It’s a thread I just made. I suggest you give it a read.

A good sniper will not stay in the same place for long, get a kill or 2 and move on, so you often can’t just pump loads of bullets their way.

You won’t know where a good widow is until she makes the shot, that could be 6 vs 5 at that point.

Zen is very slow and is more likely to get headshot before he kills the sniper.

Lucio can be annoying but to be a true pain to Widow he needs to be away from his team and close to her, otherwise his main fire is just too weak and slow.

Mercy shooting at widow? I think 9/10 times it will result in Mercy dying.

Immortality field will get shot by the Widow if it isn’t perfectly placed, even then all that does is it groups up the enemy into one place, might make a snipers job easier, especially hanzo’s ultimate.

The hate is due to range, no fall off, max power any distance and then you have teams with 2 snipers but their skill lever isn’t enough to be useful, they won’t switch though, they will just continue to be a burden to the team, the hate isn’t so much for the heroes/class it’s the people who choose to play them and generally dps players who will not flex, switch, change hero, whatever you wish to call it.

So should we start removing CC heavy heroes because essentially, they make it a problem in QP too? Let’s not be biased here.

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I never talked about removing anything, just asked to do something against a problem. Do you play QP often?

I generally only play QP, yes.

TF2 got around the sustained damage vs. healing issue by reducing the healing players receive when under attack.

I’m not sure how well this would work for Overwatch because of how easily heroes like Tracer can deal scratch damage, but a variation of this mechanic might be worth considering.

Not by choice. I usually fill :confused:

Threads like this are becomming more common. I am clearly not the only one with this complaint and it clearly needs to be addressed by Blizzard.

Always fun to play sniperwatch when the better widow dictates the whole game. No, they cannot get dived because there’s also bunch of other dps with them ready to destroy the dive tanks in an instant and there’s always a pocket mercy available for them too.

Add in bunch of smurfs and it becomes unbearable.

that is exactly the point though. “You as a single player.” This is a team-game. And if you grab some friends, for example you can get some coordination. get a to dive with you with defense matrix, it’ll keep you alive during your jump. Get a genji to jump with you, as this tends to be how dive works. Use your bubbles effectively, with an ana burst-healing you (or a well-placed nano) and you will beat squishies up.
The nature of the game, is that it is a team-game. Playing as a team, makes the game a lot more difficult for snipers to get value. I flex to a lot of heroes, sometimes snipers as well, also tanks, supports, anything. When I play sniper, I have godlike games where I’m allowed to do what I want. But when the enemy team starts focusing me, my value diminishes extremely fast. And if done well, forces me to swap to a different hero (as the game is intended to be played).
To reiterate what other people have already said, the issue here is how people play quickplay, not how snipers are designed.

if it’s one sniper get reinhardt or orisa, if it’s two get, winston or wrecking ball, if you are a healer go baptiste, put immortality field down in cover so for your own sniper to win sniper fights if you don’t want to tank, if you don’t want to heal or tank be genji.

Well, I play QP to “chill” and Widowmaker is the only “chill” hero, if she’s taken, Hanzo is the closest option.

I play Ana cause she’s simply the most fun support. You actually feel rewarded for your actions in terms of both healing, damage and CC. A well placed sleep dart is fun. A well placed nade is fun in both healing and damage view. A quick snipe kill is fun. And bursting someone with tons of healing really fast is also fun.

Zenyatta is fun cause he can do A LOT of damage.

The other supports are simply not as fun cause they’re not as impactful in a diverse way. Baptiste healing is hard to hit at long range, the speed of the actual shot is slow and the healing rewarded doesn’t feel great. His damage feels boring and low impact. His ult is “meh”, unless people are placed perfectly. His immortality field is actually the only “fun” thing about him.
Lucio is boring unless you can knock people off a cliff or wallriding into the enemy getting a solo pick.
Mercy is simply “healing”, but boring healing. None of her abilities are “fun”, her healing feel low, her ultimate is boring, revive is boring “but useful”.
Moira is boring unless you have a Genji in your face.
Brigg is boring unless you GOAT and brawl.

Fun thing is that most supports should have a sound change along with other changes. There are satisfying sounds in old WoW that made an ability feel better. It’s funny how small things can change a feeling of a hero. Add more “punch” to the sound effects are I think a lot of heroes actually will be more fun.

In qp is almost impossible to make a widow to switch (as qp is used for fun/train), in comp is a bit easier, but you still need to hard counter her so her team has a strong point that she’s throwing.

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Necroing topics seems to be unusually popular this week