Was the pre-RQ era really good?

Will do once I get a new system

Well before 2-2-2 open queue was a lot better than it is now, open queue these days is absolute garbage. But it’s only because the tanks and supports are queuing mostly for role queue now.

removing role queue for OW2 would be a disaster if they didn’t balance the tanks properly lol

i didnt mind the pre role queue era. i was never one to tell anyone what to play anyways and there was plenty of times i won with an all 6 dps team or me as the only healer with 5 dps. of course optimal was 2-2-2 but that is blizzards fault. instead of balancing for open queue they decided to balance for 2-2-2 which was a fatal mistake imo. the game was bigger back then so the population could sustain that. with the population dwindling tho i bet they are wishing they never made that decision

from a business standpoint. yea i know a lot of people love role queue and its popular with the small overwatch community but they should have thought larger for more $$$

thats what it comes down to

making $$$

if im selling 3 types of donuts and people are buying chocalate left and right im not gonna please the few people who buy plain or glazed donuts. why limit your chocolate donuts to your larger customer pay-base

I don’t know if I quite get your analogy, but it’s like, they were selling 1 million chocolate donuts a day, then they decided to start selling only glazed. Glazed was only selling 100k a day so they brought chocolate back, but now they have 100k glazed a day and only 10k chocolate a day. So for some reason, they spend all their time trying to make glazed better, and just leave the chocolate donuts out for days at a time. And now they don’t understand why they don’t have nearly as many customers.

And that seems to be people’s one and ONLY argument for why RQ is good. “more people play RQ so it’s a better mode.” They never address the very long queue times, and the fact that the player base is 1/10 of the size, but yes, most people that stuck around play RQ, lol. YOU ARE RIGHT. The few people that for some reason love waiting in queues for almost as long as an entire match, love rq

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ok lol you lost me kind of. i was thinking of it in a simpler term but you may be right

i never took busniess classes anyways so maybe i have no business talking about it :laughing:

Here’s a thread I made in April 2019: Snipers are making Quick Play unbearable

Check out the number of likes.

Pre-RQ, Quick Play was just battle of the instalock snipers. It was terrible.

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That’s how it was starting to feel regardless. I won so many games in GM because my team got lucky enough to get a Support main like me on the team. With so many heroes in the game it’s entirely unrealistic to expect players to be able to play all roles well, and so it came down to the luck of matchmaking and hoping you had players who could play the three roles. And don’t even get me started on how hard it was to convince players to pick tank…

Role Queue is so much more stress-free. I load into a game KNOWING I will have a tank player, another support player, and DPS players. That’s amazing. Open queue was luck of the draw. Will I get 5 support mains? Will I get 4 DPS only players? Will I get 3 support OTPs?



Teams who wanted too win didn’t run 6 dps (even if Gold and lower players think that always happens).

If your team lacked something (perhaps hitscan DPS) it was great to swap (even if to force the enemy team to swap off something like phara) and then go back to tank if you needed.

Part of the fun of a team based game is to pick what you want to play. Not being forced to play a role that has a faster queue time.

That’s because the “minority” is gone.

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It was good if the team worked together, it was exceptionally terrible for people that didn’t.

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I still can’t fathom how much they can complain when the open queue qp and comp are literally right there in the game. What’s the point? You want to take away the thing other people enjoy more?


I love it when topics are done in a nice and clean manner right from the get go.

But yeah it was terrible. As a flex player who could play at least 2 heroes from each role ready to fill in what the team needs it was just awful watching your teammates instalock Tracer, Widow, Genji and Hanzo; especially since about only 1 out of every dozen players could actually play these heroes. If your opponents played the game properly with a proper comp you’d just lose on the spot to this. After 500-600 hours in the game I was already so done with this that I started to actively leave whenever players just did this. It got so bad at some point that I didn’t play for months especially since those players who I stacked up at the time had pretty much all quit the game

The only redeeming quality about the OQ format really was when you stacked up. It was super nice being able to flex across roles or make coordinated counter comps to your opponents, but this was purely exclusive to stacking, which was rare to begin with. The summer before RQ hit the game was the most fun time I’ve had in the game ever, but that wasn’t ruined by RQ. It was ruined by Sigma’s release

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A long time ago there was literal proof there were more RQ players than oq players, and by a whole lot. I think Jeff did a questionnaire on Twitter or reddit or something. Was a long time ago but only 15% of the player base wanted to keep the game the way it was and the rest wanted RQ. Role Q won and was the last good thing Jeff did for this game before he left.

Untrue. The emotion is not false, its real. The game may not play out as predicted, but the feeling is real. As such, those players have valid opinions and are not wrong for experiencing that emotion.

No there wasnt.
The long ago “thing” was an usage statistic of the queues per region and that was done after they force choked 222 on the entire playerbase, eliminating OQ and bringing it … into Arcade.

Of course people that left the game , because of that, would not be part of those stats so yeah, not a minority at all.Just not the majority, which is a HUGE difference. Some people think it was 90/10 and it was more like 55/45.

Good in different way bad in others.

I personally preferred it. I understood the change to rq.

I consider it a failure now since they never supported it and poured the resources in to ow2.

They was a point were open queue was pretty balanced and tank or support was much more fun to play because as long as you played with the team people were just glad to have you play them.

I’d consider open queue better than rq in ow1. I hope with reasources 5v5 will be better.

So if they are not selfish, why do people say they are? Just curious your theory on that one. Love all this contrary reasoning, to the extent the devs felt the need to put in RQ, but for some odd reason according to OQ theorists there was no reason at all since teamwork abounded in OQ :thinking:

If they did they would have made a big deal about removing it in OW 2, they didn’t. Regardless, 1-2-2 seems to be a very good middle ground with in theory shorter queue times, perhaps 1-2 minutes or so for mid-tiers in theory. That is more than fine, if little Timmy is so ADD he cant wait one minute there is OQ games.

If you used the LFG tool to make a 6-stack for comp GOATS was in many, if not most games from Plat and up. Solo-queuers probably didn’t see much Goats until Masters at least, but comp plays A LOT differently in 6-stacks and is easily like playing a tier higher than solo queuing at the same SR would be. Your team has a plan going in and will be on comms, and usually, so will the enemy.

Peak competitive was when you could use LFG to 6-stack and it was relatively popular. They REALLY should have kept going down that road.

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The average tank player still has more experience being a tank player regardless of the hero than a support main.