Smuuuurrrrffffsssss omg!

I have been doing that since like 4 days ago. Guess what?
It’s not 100% or 90%, but a good 40 to 50% of games have smurfs

Unless they purposely aren’t playing that well to get into gold.

Played against a smurf Genji yesterday…crushed our team no doubt. So I befriended him…how many accounts do you have? “5…no wait I sold one…so 4 rn.” 18yo in college it turns out…making pocket change. Brilliant…on Blizzard and Kaplan’s part that is…1 Guy…5 accounts! The shareholders are giving Kaplan and his team handies whenever they want’em. Smurfs pay the bills and then some…Smurfs will never go away…ever!


It’s actually kind of amazing how much t500s make by buying fresh unplaced accounts then grinding them to 4.3k and selling them. I knew a guy that played for my college team who did that as well as boosting and was able to easily pay his bills while having fun.


Nah dude when I switched to PC with a friend we got called smurfs many times.

If your playing hammond you should not be dying to those snipers. Infact you should be killing them as you can get out of those paces easy stop whining and get better gold booboo.

Working on trying to get lower. I wanna see what below 1000sr looks like :slight_smile:

There’s one of the hundreds of thousands of problems right there.

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And when you get rolled by smurfs, your stats suck, your MMR drops even more and matchmaker tries to lower your SR to meet your new lower MMR, which means you are placed on another lisung team, rinse and repeat.

^^^^^^^ EXACTLY^^^^^^^

im not worried about the stupid smurfs… i hold my own against them the problem is THE SMURFS ARE WRECKING THE LESS EXPERIENCED PLAYERS… meaning i have to babysit… and the crap is getting old

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Forums: The smurfs are ruining my games. They are just stomping me and preventing me from getting higher.

Me: Then why do you want to climb where you will have a whole team of players as good as that guy?

Looks guys, I know you PC players have been spoiled without the whole expansive alt account issue. But us console players have been dealing with it for a long time.

Guess what? It isn’t a real problem. It is only an excuse for people to blame someone else for their bad play.

See, there are good players in lower ranks then they could possibly be. Low leveled accounts don’t mean they are purposefully playing low. Granted, they could be so they can play with their friends. But can you blame them for it?

I created an alt account that actually placed and I maintained higher then my main. It was funny when I first placed it as I had been one-tricking and goofing off on it then it all of a sudden was placed higher then my main.

So which is the smurf? This account that is almost level 600, or my alt that is higher but like lvl 40?

Stop blaming smurfs. If you really deserve to win the game and be ranked higher, then you should have no problem singling out a single carry player with teamwork.

Yes becuse all 5 other people will let you counter that guy and not do anything to stop it, its not like they are at about the same skill as your team, but the also have a smurf

And yes i can easily blame them for ranking low so they play/boost thier friends

I will get insulted for writing this. Lemme ask you 2 question. What if the smurf happens to be in your team? Will you complain? What if the smurf was deciding to use this account to get to diamond but meets leavers and trolls and got to gold instead? You want the smurf to delete the account and not to use it anymore? Seriously?

What if the smurf was deciding to use this account to get to diamond but meets leavers and trolls and got to gold instead?

You mean the OTHER smurfs. Yeah, that’s what all this is about, dude. Welcome to the conversation.

Hey dont laugh at him, listen to the console player, thats what owl is played on thats where the real mechanical skill is

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console players are limited in scope on capabilities because of controller input. smurfs on PC are far more volatile because of better tracking and equipment. some of these smurf players are suspected for aimbotting because of how superior they are in mid to low ranks

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the point is that it would be great if people just played on their main (and should be only) account, for the fact that it masks their proper rank and SR on an alt account. i have no idea what rank that 75% hit mcree is supposed to be in. my team has a 40% hit mcree because thats how players are in my rank.

There are smurfs on both sides, just don’t stack or you’re setting yourself up to be matched with a smurf stack.

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I don’t tend to find smurfs at all and even then its easy to counter them if you have a working team.

I believe those numbers. On my alt I see a lot of people under level 50 but doing extremely well for them being brand new. And that is not mechanical skill but if they are playing a hero where managing abilities matters. So it is not unfair to say that in lower ranks smurfing canbecome a problem. But will blizz so anything?

No they have proven time and time again that they do not care about a large portion of the community. They only care about the part of the community that is willingness to buy alts consistently.

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That has absolutely nothing to do with the complains about smurfs. Smurfs are smurfs… and everyone is on the same input device so it doesn’t matter.

The fact of the matter is console has unlimited smurfs, where on pc the smurf “problem” is limited by a paywall.

Smurfs and alt accounts are not a problem. There is a thrower problem, or more likely, a problem with the way the system calculated SR and people’s expectations of what everyone should be capable of doing at a particular rank.

The matchmaker is horrible at determining skill at middle tiers, it only can really tell the different between the extremes.

This smurf whining is really getting stupid. Consoles have dealt with it the entire time and it hasn’t killed the game.

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