Smuuuurrrrffffsssss omg!

So, you get more Smurfs in 10 games that I did in 3 seasons of bronze-gold.

Cool story bro!

according to blizzard, this is A OKAY!
Despite them having a tab for reporting ,“unfair advantage” which is a smurf.
It’s on par with boxers pulling punches and throwing matches to stay in a certain bracket. Many smurfs drop skill to maintain certain elo’s.

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I don’t think smurfing is that prevalent. I think people who think it is that common need to start a spread sheet and count how many smurfs are in each game and maybe out the day and time this occurred. I bet it will paint a picture of good times you might want to play at If smurfing is this common.

Oh don’t worry, these kind of players think anyone that can shoot a roadhog 2 times in a row is a smurf, they get 3 Smurfs per game lol

Like… I’ve been called an aimbotter when my aim is beyond terrible…


Lol true. Widow is only landing headshots on our Orisa! SMURF WITH AIM BOT!


Hahahahaha exactly, I just love killing low rank orissas it’s like… Bruh I already heatshotted you twice in a row… Try moving forward 0.5 secs and actually use your shields cover?

I remember a POTG I got attacking R66 last point… I killed 3 people coming from spawn (including a friggin road) without moving the mouse, and the enemy team was like OMG frigging smerf!!!
No, I’m not exaggerating, I’ll try to find and upload the clip in a bit

Ya this games playerbase is mentally hilarious right now. It’s like people still thinking magic is real and being blown away by simple visual tricks. That’s eseentially overwatch playerbase lol


The problem with smurfs is we dont have an agreed upon definition of what a smurf is. If your definition of a smurf is masters plus in gold then no there arent a lot of those.

I can assure you that mid silver is absolutely infested with plat smurfs. Most of the smurfs you see in low gold are probably high plats.

Believe it or not someone that is playing 6-700 SR below where they normally do can certainly make a difference but generally speaking NO they wont solo carry games.

The solo mid plat smurf is beatable if you recognize what they are and counter them. Usually low elo has some random carrier on dps and you need to shut them down.

What makes games unwinnable is a combination of when you have multiple people on the opposing team that are underrated whether its a bad weekend and they are down 3-400 SR or they intentionally deranked. Then you add in terrible synergy on your team such as people playing roles they are simply not comfortable with. High silver and low gold is a sea of people that are convinced that you MUST play dps to get out leaving either or both the tank and support roles not properly filled.

Poor tank play is pretty much a guaranteed loss.

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But you should have as many guaranteed wins as you have guaranteed losses…

I fail to understand your point, would you clarify for me please?

That is assuming they can differentiate between a Smurf or an alt(ranked accurately with respect to their role) or someone just popping off. I hear this all the time on my wife’s comms, “we r fighting a Smurf!!!” I ask her about it she points out the Smurf her team is talking about I watch whats going on and half the time it’s just some dude either not being counter picked or just being completely uncontested. I point out how she can deal with it and boom suddenly no Smurf false alarm.

If people just stopped panicking and just focus on what needs to be done to win games. The smurfing problem wouldn’t be so big.

How does one increase MMR?

Alts are just as bad as smurfs

Not gonna lie i contribute to the problem alot but so do many other players. Blizzard make the mistake of making the game 12$ knowing the full problems that would backfire. Its obvious they dont care. Yes i have smurfs for dps and support


alts are worse to have than smurfs on the enemy team. it means they are trying hard. smurfs might help you WIN a match sometimes

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Back when peoples rank sticker was based on the highest rank they were at in the season, I was in bronze.

I played against / with a LOT of people from Plat / Diamond. I had weeks when I had no games without one.

They were most certainly smurfing.

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There are more pro-level smurfs in bronze than actual bronze players. It’s blatantly obvious, yet blizzard chooses to do nothing.

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If a smurf places in gold they are not a smurf

very very few because im usually carrying them

yeah rankshaming due to border colour should be a bannable offence


And when you get rolled by smurfs, your stats suck, your MMR drops even more and matchmaker tries to lower your SR to meet your new lower MMR, which means you are placed on another lisung team, rinse and repeat.