Smuuuurrrrffffsssss omg!

SERIOUSLY… do something about people smurfing … it is ruining the damn game for so many of us like 8 out of every 10 games has a smurf playing widow or hanzo and just curbstomping almost the entire team… its completely unfair to lower level people trying to get better and enjoy the game
if youre going to allow smufing … GET RID OF THE MMR SYSTEM and just let it be free for all


thats the only problem i have with the game, and its getting close to a deal breaker. ive been playing since launch, and the past year has been absolutely horrendous because of alt accounts ruining matchmaking. the matches are no longer decided by good plays. its decided by which team has more smurfs/alts. you can predict the outcome by holding tab at the start and seeing which team has the LEAST amount of stars. less play time = most likely the better player. figure that one out


Gold is the biggest rank and that makes sense your the tip of the bell curve. You severly outnumber 3000+ players. I find 8/10 games being decided by Smurfs incredulous.

My wife is in gold I watch her play I would say she encounters a Smurf in only 1/20 games. We are on console where smurfing is free.

Odd s are these low level accounts are either newish players who have good mechanics from other games. Or other gold players on alt accounts just popping off.

I don’t play DPS but even I have occasionally popped off at my rank with DPS and looked like a Smurf. But there is no way I could ever maintain that many games. I am sure you do as well occasionally to.

Smurfs suck but it’s not as bad as you think.



maybe PC just has more smurfs where mechanical skill is shown a lot more

I asked a friend (level 1XX) recently why he stopped playing and he said because the opponents seem to suddenly be crazily strong since he got out of the early levels and it’s just no fun.
He doesn’t know about ‘smurfing’ etc but I wonder if that was exactly what he met maybe.


Level 500 here just got the silver border. There are smurf everywhere and im done. It was fun overwatch but time to switch to a game that doesnt encourage alt accounts.


oh its even worse when you get silver border. then you become a target of ‘OMG LOOK AT THIS SILVER BORDER ONLY IN PLAT GAMES! HE’S SO BAD HE CANT RANK UP’. funny thing is that its typically the alt account masters skilled players in the plat games trashing other players, while they sit there concealing their proper SR


Yes because there are so many master players in every plat game.


the ‘smurfs’ could be just higher level players who might have had a losing streak so according to the matchmaker they are now at your level but then they might decide to trihard and so make the game imbalanced.


Silver Border Level 1 is at level 601 not 500 or 501, Bronze Border with 5 stars at level 100 is 600, then the next level is 601 and becomes Silver at level 1, but I’ve said I was going to quit many times because of smurfs, now it’s just become a grind and trying to have fun even though I dislike the smurf issue yet there’s no clear way they can work around it either, because a new player can actually be good but then again being placed in lower SR’s and being better than that ranking is a bit shady…

it’s easier for smurfs to be at the lower SR spectrum as it’s easy to just lose on purpose or play poorly in placements with an alt, whereas it’s hard to climb and be at the top when smurfs in general on alts are keeping those at the bottom ruining the SR climb unfairly

My bad 600 and there is a soultion i can take and have takin, its called BO4 and Fallout 76.


Halp blizzzurd ther ar many smerf is muh games I can’t rank up becoz muh teams are all bads and the enemy is dafrans smurf with jjonak and surefours


Halp blizzard pc people dont understand that smurfs exsist and that they ruin games. We know we are bad and we just want to play against equally as bad players as us, but we cant because people in higher ranks dont like playing against thier skill level.



You are mainly referring to “alts”, ie. people running other accounts not using their main and benefiting while learning that off-main character but applying their skills in other areas. “Smurfs” would be throwers effectively, stagnating an account below where if they played normally should be. The Alts though can be a problem because these folks hate losing and often switch in a losing game to their main then tip the balance.

1/20 players alt/smurfing is ridiculous a suggestion as one person made it, its probably across all levels around 30%, much higher right now for low level accounts.

Nothing wrong with “alts”, everything wrong with “smurfs” throwing games.


When your SR (where you are) exceeds your MMR (where you should be), the enemy team gets smurfs. When the opposite is true, you get smurfs on your team.

If the enemy team always has the smurfs, it’s because the matchmaker thinks your SR is too high.

I have a smurf in 100% of my games in this account. Plz fix blizzzurd.

You know what? I’m sick of you guys, I’m logging now and stomping some poor guys, ITS ON YOU.

Want me on cree, trazur, Hanzo or widow? Make your pick!

Such rigged games. Much salt

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And how many games have you won because the smurf is on your team?

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smurfs are littered in gold and plat. It’s the easiest rank to maintain for them and still be able to group with their friends. In gold this season I average seeing 3 enemy smurfs for every 10 games on the enemy team and 1 smurf every 10 on my team. I have be dropping rank on my other gold account and am currently in mid silver. I see 1 smurf every 10 games. Working on trying to get lower. I wanna see what below 1000sr looks like :slight_smile:


I see them all the time in bronze. Yes they pick snipers. No I don’t care. As long as they aren’t complete jack wagons they can practice all they want. Can’t blame them for doing so. Once your out of bronze people expect you to follow the meta. Bronze is an everything goes. No healer? No big deal. No tank? No problem. Having fun? If not don’t play comp.

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Just because you lose doesn’t mean it’s a Smurf

Just because the other team has someone with skill doesn’t mean it’s a Smurf

Just because you got steamrolled doesn’t mean it’s a Smurf

Just because someone has aim doesn’t mean it’s a Smurf.

Just because the other team is on fire doesn’t mean it’s a Smurf

I have played 2 seasons of comp OW. I can count on one hand the number of people who I think were Smurfing. That said, honestly, they could just be good. People who have experience in other shooter games will have more skill, gamesense and aim than those who dont. Plus some people just got it.

I honestly feel this needs to be on copy and paste.