Smuuuurrrrffffsssss omg!

This smurf whining is really getting stupid. Consoles have dealt with it the entire time and it hasn’t killed the game.

This might have more to do with the console players than with the game. You are, after all, talking about people who would prefer to spend fifteen hundred dollars a year on a system that PCs surpassed in every conceivable way more than twenty years ago… and at a price that would get them a top of the line machine for the same annual expense.

I would take those simple facts into consideration when making a judgement about their display of tolerance for low quality inferior products. Call of Doodoo for example. What iteration is that steaming heap on now? Fourteen?

played about 10 games today on my main account and other team 9 out of 10 games had an under level 100 single or duo smurfing … my team “with a stack of 3” had 2 games with a smurf… one player named player and another cant recall his name OPENLY admitting to throwing to derank.
got fed up with it and moved to the high plat account played 3 games ALL 3 games 5 of 6 players were under level 100… all new accounts … one guy named m0at popping off headshots on my team left and right … 2 stack on my team outright admitted to deranking … said ok report me i dont care i have several other accounts

this crap is a HUGE problem… it is taking all the fun out of the game
people are using and manipulating the system to troll everyone and its getting out of hand

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i mean they want money. i would personally prefer a subscription system, but the average player doesn’t want that. you can’t really blame them. who doesn’t want more money?

Smurfs are inevitable, it is when they intentionally derank that it starts to become a problem.

Determining if someone is deranking or got misplaced originally is the hard part.

There are a lot of alts in the game, but only few of them are true smurfs.

only a few are smurfs my *** LOL you can always tell if someone is a smurf if their name is spelled all messed up and they are under lvl 100… or if they start babbling about “my aim sucks” or “omg im so bad”
since yesterday morning ive played probably 30 games and honestly… about 25 of those had at least one smurf or booster on the other team

Unlikely, however on the positive side since smurfs gain such phenomenal SR because they are playing way below their actual skill bracket is is more likely you’d run into one throwing than carrying simply to try and mitigate their sr gains. I think it is 2 carries to 3 throws or something to stay so low?

Liking those odds for the enemy team!

There is a way they can drop SR without “losing”. I’ve seen this twice this past weekend on my team. The smurf will disconnect right before the round ends (after the last team fight) so to not throw. 50 SR penalty.

what youre saying might be true IF they were playing hard to roflestomp everyone … but they dont… they play one round really well then play like total crap the next round… then continue to play like crap till it gets close then they swap to their main and roll everyone… the system is easily manipulated they know it … i know it… and im shocked as hell that the rest of the community dosnt see the pattern.
you say unlikely… ANYONE that groups with me sees it as well… at some point it becomes a lot more than just bad luck or coincidence… there is a massive flaw in the system and little jerks are exploiting it to troll and annoy people
IMO thats wrong and should get accounts banned

There is absolutely nothing more frustrating in this game at the moment than high rank players thinking that they know what goes on in the low ranks on the daily. I am sorry that you don’t want to accept the fact that there are so many freak’n smurfs ruining the games down here but its true. There are a lot of them. Stop trying to simplify it as “I got sniped therefore they must be a smurf herp derp derp” You know you can go to their profile, see how high they were every other season and then all of a sudden at the end of each season they are like 50 sr…solo wiping your team with a sniper or doomfist. I even posted a thread with videos I have collected on this topic showing it first hand. You people cant ever do anything but rank shame any rank you find unworthy of having an opinion on the game because you must be some sort of overwatch gods that know all. Not to mention the countless youtube channels that have pointed out how bad the smurf problem has gotten recently


Most people don’t blame smurfs for not being high SR, they are blaming them because they should have fair fun games, and the smurfs ruin that.

People should not have to fight for the right to have fair games.



You complain about getting stomped by someone better than you then proceed to suggest getting rid of the MMR system that will make skill discrepancies even crazier. So … ???

How is the game suppose to take the data that is inputted, and determine that the person has played the game before and is throwing or playing poorly… as opposed to someone who is new to the game?

Someone new to the game can have flashes of brilliance when they’ve experienced a certain situation and know how to handle it. They will pop off and look really good. But the avg of their games where they are still experiencing like… new ults, people playing a hero differently… that can really throw them off.

I was watching a streamer that was over level 200… who still gets thrown off by basic game mechanics that lead to their death.

So, yes there are smurfs in the game that come down to lower elo and play with their friends making the game a lot harder then the enemy. But how is that any different then a new person with fps experience that just has a really good game? How do you know, for sure, unless they purposfully tell you?

And I say this alot, but what is the solution that bliz can do? You can’t just do matchmaker based on levels, because then you won’t be able to match the good new player in a good game?

Bliz thinks that having a player 1000 sr above someone else is too much for the matchmaker to create a balanced game, because the 500+sr different of the game match is too much for the low player to try to play 500sr above their SR… and the 500+ difference in having a high lvl player can throw off the balance.

I say to stop whining about smurfs… because in reality… that is what most of the people on this forum sound like. There is no solutions stated by them that can realistically work and they act like console OW doesn’t exist to the point that the alt account issue is… well… overstated to gameplay balance.

Console OW is not unplayable. It isn’t “overrun” with smurfs ruining games… despite having a million more smurfs (probably not too far off of reality).

My experience is that teams don’t focus on the carry and the player creating a problem for the team. Someone popping off is generally uncontested and/or prying on very bad play by me or my team.

“Sir, people are asking us to take down one of our biggest sources of income, smurf accounts.”

“Yeah, that’s gonna happen!”



Smurfs are not a problem. They are annoying, yes, but Blizzard has come out before saying that they will go back to their normal SR/MMR if they play like they normally do.
Not every stomp is a smurf. A LOT of stomps I’ve seen and been a part of is because my team or their team couldn’t adapt to their team comp. The game’s all about adapting honestly and if you’re gonna continue playing a genji or widow into a winston or a winston into turrets you’re going to get steam rolled either way.

If you’re hardstuck somewhere or just not gaining SR that’s nothing to do with the enemy team or your team, it’s everything to do with you. That’s where your skill is at and if you get better you will rise. Took a few seasons to realize this but this is just how it is. If you’re truly “too good” for your rank smurfs won’t be a gigantic deal

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If you’re hardstuck somewhere or just not gaining SR that’s nothing to do with the enemy team or your team, it’s everything to do with you. That’s where your skill is at and if you get better you will rise. Took a few seasons to realize this but this is just how it is. If you’re truly “too good” for your rank smurfs won’t be a gigantic deal

And what about those of us who are “hard stuck” in a range across 1300 SR, and a standard day involves an up–swing of 300-700 followed by a down-swing of 300-700 (or the reverse)? When this is the NORMAL experience for a specific individual… what is causing it?

Inconsistant play. Inexperience. Matchmaker corrections. Reaching your limit and falling back down.

If you find yourself losing more then 100sr in a day, its time to take a break. Thats about a -4 to -5 game differential. If its in a short stack of games… it is probably you, the time of queuing, or just not your day.

My rule of thumb when I’m try harding and caring about my climbing… is that if I go -2 I’m done for the night. I’m either triggered or just not at my best. If I still want to play… i just practice and play qp or mystery heroes… or heck, queue up another game all together.

The most you should ever lose in a session is -60. Anything more than that is your own doing.

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Dude… no. First of all I can gain between fifteen and fifty SR per match depending on whether I’m carrying or a smurf is carrying. I’ve come out of wins with almost no SR gain in the middle of a massive streak because I happened to be on a team with a climbing smurf. I’ve also come out of losses with more than -60 from a single match because I was being followed around by a throwing smurf whose only reason for existence is to destroy people on their own team that are capable of climbing.

You truly don’t know what’s going on around you.

Inconsistant play. Inexperience. Matchmaker corrections. Reaching your limit and falling back down.

My rule of thumb when I’m try harding and caring about my climbing… is that if I go -2 I’m done for the night. I’m either triggered or just not at my best. If I still want to play… i just practice and play qp or mystery heroes… or heck, queue up another game all together.

Exactly, when you play tilted you already are at a disadvantage. If I ever lose more than 2 games in a row I take a good break for a few hours to relax and come back later. If you just keep going you just get more and more upset about losing, and even if you think you aren’t upset, subconsciously you are.


I’ve come out of wins with almost no SR gain in the middle of a massive streak because I happened to be on a team with a climbing smurf. I’ve also come out of losses with more than -60 from a single match

This has nothing to do with your team but everything to do with how you are playing and your hidden MMR. If you’re losing 60 that means you played really badly for the rank you were in and if you gain 60 you did extremely well and the game’s trying to put where you belong. You sound very inconsistent and if you’re constantly flexing this may be the reason

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If you’re losing 60 that means you played really badly for the rank you were in and if you gain 60 you did extremely well and the game’s trying to put where you belong. You sound very inconsistent and if you’re constantly flexing this may be the reason

You’re still dismissing the actual facts of the matter in favor of a theory based on the idea that nobody tries to manipulate statistics… which on its face is just stupid. The game is literally about manipulating statistics, your advice for people to get better is to manipulate their statistics.

I can’t even… just… wtf

BTW, you don’t get to complain about smurfs while making a post in another topic claiming that you reached GM on another account.

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