Smurfs ruin Overwatch

anyone notice the “pro smurf” quit commenting because he knows hes just lying at this point and reusing recycled old BS when it comes to sad “reasons” which we’ve all debunked.


It really is the common smurff argument. I hear it all of the time. These players go on youtube and try to justify their statement of

“Wanting to try to see what they will get for rank on another account”.

If they have to resort to that type of behavior, they are NOT someone whom respects the community and they have clearly outlined a problem in the system itself. Which somehow their arguments NEVER make sense.

If someone follows a paper rail you will (you) find that most of these are accounts being ranked up and being SOLD on the internetz. and NOT exactly a person trying to be honest. They go up and down in the rank, and then put it up for sale. so it looks legit.

again ruining the game at other’s expense.


Working as intended.

Well yeah, its not like you can stop it. Best way to counter it is to rank em up quickly.

“buT I RaNk Up QuIcKlY tO mY ProPer RaNK”


lol what???

Look, i am for a civil discussion here and this is NOT for an attack on ANYONE here. But Im sorry you can’t sell smurffing to anyone here.

Okay, this is bait and trolling at this point. Im out. Flag, report, done. sorry


Which is fine from my point of view. You can’t stop smurfs, blizzard never will as they give them profit. Best way to deal with them is to rank them up.

No actually best way to counter it is to not let them smurf in the first place?


they are just trolling at this point. id’ go ahead and call it.

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Yeah man some people really do just want to ruin the game for others i guess :woman_shrugging:


yup. and that it is! Well have a good evening! :+1:

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Impossible from a business point of view

Smurfing, alts, unranked to GM are by far the biggest problem in the game by a large margin.

I guess you just can’t trust people not to be scum.

We need a “report as smurf” feature where when someone is marked as a smurf they’re put into smurf lobbies.


Jeff has admitted smurfs are an issue in Overwatch but its people like you that hold back the game and the community for being what it could be. Please just leave this discussion you are unproductive and just trolling people at this point…


I mean I have an alt account. I play my best on it and it helped me realize where I can get to in comp (I placed much higher on my alt account than my main account) it gave me the confidence in my skill that I could climb. And see where I really am as a player.

I personally don’t think having a secondary account is all too bad. Do I hate smurfs? Ya kinda. But sometimes they are literally just trying to play with lower level friends. The ones that are just playing to s**t on gold players or plat players or any rank considerably lower than their own suck tho.

And honestly you can just chock it up to the fact that they are so garbage in their own rank (meaning they probably got boosted there) that they NEED to play at a lower rank to boost their own ego. Like honestly that’s all it is. The sweat smurfs are just bad in their own rank that’s that. So I just kinda laugh at them after the match is done and gone.

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Just do what I do and when I see a Smurf, no matter if it’s in my or the opposing team, Report them after you’ve written in the description that they’re Smurfing and then Avoid said player. If you’re totally sure that said player is a Smurf (which isn’t really difficult to understand, let’s be honest), tell your teammates as well to mass - report said player.

Theoretically you don’t have to be afraid of doing so, as if Blizzard actually has a non - automated reporting system as they advertise, then if said player is actually legit they will not take any actions against them. Therefore you aren’t losing anything by reporting such suspicious behaviors.

Finally, I’m sure a lot of people would be asking: “But Jeff himself has said that Smurfing isn’t actually reported, so why would they suddenly take actions against these players?”

Well, many don’t know this but Jeff himself has actually recently acknowledged that Smurfs actually are a problem and that in the coming months they will start taking actions against these players!


Let me first apologize for the LONG rant. If someone reads this. more power to them. :+1:

Regardless of trying to “play with their friends”. Their actions are disruptive.

ie. they are trying to MANIPULATE their rating so they can play with their friends. If their friends are NOT cut out for their rank. They shouldn’t be dipping down in order to drop their mmr low enough to carry them up.

I think most will agree with me on here. That it is a form of GAMEPLAY SABOTAGE.

I get it. A social call is FUN, and playing with a person’s group of friends is FUN. But what is NOT fun, is everyone else whom has to SUFFER on their behalf. just so they can have a social match.

Heck, if Blizzard wants to build a SEPARATE system for “social scene” and alt account players. I am 100% for it! Simply put. Players don’t want mixed matches and I am sure most here have already weighed those options when it comes to match quality.

If this game just had a few forum threads on this smurff problem, it wouldn’t be a big deal. But the bottom line is. THIS is out of control. Because it is about every match or round played there is always someone SMURFFING. When it rolls over to competitive and floods into there. That is when I have a problem.

Yes, I do realize that blizzard is trying to rapidly build matches. Especially after the tragic implementation of “Role JAIL”. (Which again is fall-out from just bad player behavior). So they have to balance matches with “Dead weight” smurffs being mixed in for the sake of Q times. But Blizzard should be PUNISHING alt-accounting in such a manner that doesn’t make alt-account purchases appealing to others.

Examples of bad player behavior:

“I will talk bad in chat, get my account suspended and buy the next account when it goes on sale”.

“If blizzard requires SMS, so what. I can always buy a $20-50 burn-phone, doesn’t matter to me. i receive money from Grandma and Grandad every week for mowing the lawn”.

" I will throw a match or 20 more, on my alt account, just so I can de-rank to play with my bronze friends, stomp the enemy team and carry them in rank, with my other buddy", if I get caught. They can just pay me back for another account later

Anyway. This is just what it is. take it or leave it. . If players have to repeatedly buy alternate accounts after the first 1 or 2. They have NO place here IMO. And yes, I do agree that sometimes bad things happen with accounts and they get STOLEN or lost. But when nearly EVERY match has a smurff in it. I have a problem with that, a burning, and seething problem with that level of dishonesty coming from other players and Blizzard NOT curbing the problem with their system anymore.

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sure Kapp . dude, smurfs ruin this game. ur high

Some people just don’t like to admit that they’ve done wrong.

Bad argument. Play in QP or arcade.


Ye!!! It real big problem!!! Please Stop smurfs and cheaters!!!