Smurfs ruin Overwatch

I really hope I inspired someone tonight. Cheers. :beers: Yeah I don’t like being that way. But account time should matter, Because in World of Warcraft it did.

It was a symbol of the gamer’s maturity on their account and how much knowledge they gained from the game.

This game actually plays like a Hybrid-mmo SHOOTER game. and as much as blizzard doesn’t want to admit it.

They have gone back to their OLD, bad habbits in patching.

Yeah, really, I am NOT kidding. Blizzard went back to the same thing that drove away their LAST player base on a game with 15+ million accounts and drove it ALL away. heck, most players that were over on World of Warcraft weren’t even going to GIVE this game a chance or try because they all were worried we would receive “Character Death patching” which is what started happening AGAIN here.

Not to talk bad about Blizzard or anything, but they took their last game and nearly lost it because of BAD PATCHING.

  • Talent trees nerfed
  • Resto druids DESTROYED
  • Spell rotations on Priests
  • Rogue’s actual mechanics completely RUINED.

and about 50 other million problems that were SIMPLE solutions. They should have just stop BALANCING and re-inventing the wheel.

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I’m so sick to death of getting a character’s kit or playstyle down just right and know their timing and tricks and abilities -

Just to have Blizzard pull the rug out from under me next patch and change it so that it literally just doesn’t work that way anymore.

What’s that? You spent a bunch of time mastering Sombra’s pacing? LOL! Waste of time!

What’s that? You really could play like a beast with Sym 2.0, and now she’s garbage? LOL sucks for you!

What’s that? You originally mained Mercy until they gutted her and made her a worthless shell of her former self, able to do nothing all that interesting or exciting in the game? Oh well!

Like it just gets… Old. I refuse to even try and get invested in characters now because I know the next time I log on their cooldowns will probably be different or their abilities will be changed. What’s the freakin’ point.


Why don’t you play in any mode other than comp with your friend? Not one thing positive comes from someone buying a new account.

Comp is a place for competitive game play there is nothing competitive about smurfing.

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Yeah this is going to happen
Bunch of people of similar MMR queuing at the same exact time are going to get in the same game.

So throwing to maintain SR so they can dominate other games?

I don’t get how its that bad outside of that. The game already has systems to fix it.

Hardrada, you haven’t answer my question… is it because you know I’m right?

Honestly you are just being silly at this point man…

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Agreed. I tend to call out smurfs when they’re being awful because…well…I can’t help myself. I’ll say something like “Nice smurf…” and they always - always say something along the lines of “mAd CuZ bAd!”

Like…yeah, of course I’m not GM level. I’m playing at my level and you’re ruining that. Don’t get all uppity because you’re making the game unfair and people want to comment on that.

“Just change your attitude and you’ll win games. You can learn a thing or two about smurfs, you know!” - The Smurfs

People can play with their friends in QP. There are no rank limitations for that - I play with my Silver friend quite often and I’m Plat/Diamond.


A Plat playing with a friend in quickplay?? many smurfs want you to delete this and know your location.


preach it, AMEN! :raised_hands:

I really do NOT like taking a jab at the company. It feels like my “home game”. But it really was this way over in World of Warcraft. Same thing.

I just dont know what to say anymore at this point. Most of the Blue posts aren’t going online here anymore. I get it. I know why they don’t respond. Because the player base is UNHAPPY. But everything that comes into this game is what drives players into peril and unhappiness.


Resets MMR into a volatile mode where you can rank up quickly to a higher rank if you belong there, it can be a faster way to rank compared to 60% winrate. That or focusing on playing with friends in comp, afterall thats the only mode which puts stress on the player, and that stress can be quite fun for a lot of people. I’m one of those people.

It’s obnoxious because the thing I’m mad about isn’t that I’m at X level, it’s that they are making my game a waste of my time by insisting that they should be in my game of X skill level.

Like, if you’re in COLLEGE, are you seriously going to kick the door down of a second grade classroom and take up their day making their teacher teach you a college level lesson? Because it’s not just that smurfs are IN the room, it’s that they are getting to kill everyone for fun / far easier, innately taking something away (a normal game experience that people want) from ALL the other players there.

Because that’s literally what they’re doing; it doesn’t matter how ‘good’ they think they are, they are just basically being selfish children by not allowing the game to categorize them in their appropriate skill rank. It’s an emotional maturity problem; it doesn’t make them good players, it makes them bad people.


Yeah and also destroys all fun for anyone else in the game playing with a smurf?


“rank up quickly to a rank if you belong there”. All you needed to say was “I want easy matches till I hit my rank again possibly just to see if I actually am that rank” rather than duking it out on your main account. Again. You and main smurfs have used that same and tired excuse before and nobody is buying it.

Why not earn your higher rank on your main rather than clubbing a bunch of baby seals on the way up.


Diving your head in the sand isn’t going to make the problem go away; if you’re sick and you don’t get tested, that doesn’t mean you’re not sick, it just means you didn’t get a test to tell you what you’re sick with. You’re still sick, guys!

Blizzard is doing the same thing here; ignore the problem and hope it irons itself out, rather than realizing that their continued ignoring of the problem (and band aid social fixes) are not going to fix the core issue of the game - which is basically that there is no ‘structured’ gameplay.

In WoW, we had raids, guilds, character progression, quests, there was a LOT to do solo.

In OW, you… play the game. You can’t even join a guild to enter a monthly tournament and win a cup or anything interesting like that! All you can do is play and rank up that specific account - but the ranks don’t matter, because it doesn’t actually get you anything different.

The game is identical whether your account is level 5 or 500. That’s not okay. Even in Wow, you were limited by where your account could travel, what you could do if you hadn’t earned enough levels or gold, there were innate incentives in the game itself.

What does Overwatch have that’s like that? The golden guns? Don’t make me freakin’ laugh.


I’ve taken to reporting them for matchmaker manipulation because that’s what it is.


Down, with smurffs… Down with smurffs…

IMO it really is time for a “general population” at this point.


If smurffs don’t like it. well tough cookies. Im tired of being a vanity player, for someone else’s abusive NATURE and don’t want them in my matches.

Im sure PLENTY of others here, have FINALLy had it with this :cow: :poop:


Well he said it best and as many have before him “Oh it resets my rank dur dhurr to a place because to the game, SOMEONE THAT LEVEL IS A CONSIDER A NOOB. NO WONDER YOU’RE GOING TO RANK UP QUICKLY”. But to see if you belong there, ha.

Nobody who is at any higher level needs confirmation that they belong there because they ALREADY GOT THERE.


I gotta agree here. This past week and the pollution of smurffs has really made this game :recycle:



Absolutely. Furthermore, it’s the fact that they’ve gone into my game with people my skill level and act as if there’s something wrong with me being there and getting rolled by someone two ranks higher.

Agreed! There is absolutely nothing fun or educational about being pretty much insta-killed the moment one steps out of spawn over and over again.

Quite. They don’t like the challenge their proper rank gives them, so they inflate their ego by rolling players who don’t stand a chance. You know a game is unfair when your primary goal is to “focus that smurf”. Or, as a healer, “run from that smurf”.

My lowest was 600 Bronze and I peaked 3100 Platinum during the last Season I properly played. That was all on one account - The same account I have been using since I bought the game in January 2017. It’s far harder to rank up on an older account, especially one that used to be really low in SR, but I’ve stuck with it and intend to eventually get back into Comp and climb higher because I would like to think I possess some integrity. I don’t need a fresh slate to prove I’m good at the game.


Hardrada, Just admit you like easy matches against new noob players rather than this BS excuse, the easy matches is why you do it in the first place rather than to see if you’ll get a higher rank. You just hate facing people your caliber.