Smurfs need to be banned! If you don't like hearing then lve

uM… i want to rank up so i can play against higher level players. uM… those higher level players are willing to spend time de-ranking to spend time playing against me. Where exactly is the problem?

one account per person? how are blizzard going to ensure that only one account is created per person. Not every country is like korea where theres an official identifying number thats required upon signing up for games to ensure that only one account is made per person. I live in the UK and i can literally not have a single in date form of ID and live just fine. This idea is a stretch.

Ok this is even worse. 3 people in my house play overwatch. So are we all just supposed to use one account or something? My older brother is bronze so he wouldnt stand a chance if he used the same account as me and my sister.

As much as smurfing is annoying and i 100% disagree with the idea of intentionally tanking thousands of SR and ruining games in the process just so you can roll some bronze players, theres no way to completely combat it. People WILL smurf even if blizzard puts systems in place to deter smurfs.

They cant do that. Sony and Microsoft say you can have as many as you want and blizzard cant over rule them. They wont allow such a rule on their consoles, they even encourage you to make as many as you want.

OW smurfs are not a priority to them

Just use hardware ban like in other games. They used in call of duty 2 years and years ago.

The issue is not finding the correct way, the real issue is the will to fight the phenomenum. Blizzard don’t want fight this, there is no precise category (unlike with many other less and more modern games) to report who behaves like this, nor their spokespersons / gm when asked to provide precise information (they say sabotage, but they only refer to when they are dernaker making your team fail).

They are also well protected, there is no match history, private profiles as default (with an ignoble post-launch patch), no premades are seen (also post-launch patches), group queues are together with the single ones.

Let’s open our eyes guys, we are talking about nothing, blizzard has always expressed that it does not want to wage war on smurfing.

Can i ask what you mean by smurfing? if you mean players that throw games to tank their mmr so they play against bad players, then yes, that’s gameplay sabotage, a reportable offense that is bannable, ive reported many of those accounts because what theyre doing breaks the rules of the game.

But if ur talking about high rank players that dont throw, but create new accounts that end up in gold and roll their way to GM for fun… Theres no sabotage going on there, theres nothing to report. Being at a far higher skill level than your opponents is not reportable. Owning secondary accounts is not bannable. (i know he doesnt work there anymore) but jeff himself admitted to having owned several accounts.

This isnt to say i agree with the streamers that buy new accounts and stream themselves rolling their way to GM and disguise it as an “educational” stream. But you cant report them, as theyre actually trying and not sabotaging games.

on league of legends, rocket league, dota 2 this definition is explicity against CoC. As previously affirmed, Overwatch is pro smurfs, “not fair, not nice”.

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its like literally not tho lmao. i play league and there are many league streamers that are part of riots official league of legend influencer parthnetship team and have a million smurfs that the company themself gives to the influencers with special skins and all the characters unlocked.

i would think that is crazy but are those games free? meaning they aren’t profiting by anyone making new accounts… curious about that since i never played those games

I disagree. I think there are a number of low skill players who are new. Both smurfing/throwing and the game as a whole would benefit greatly from a matchmaking update. Imagine an Overwatch where the majority of games you played weren’t roll or get rolled. Where a majority of matches actually felt like good games. This would be the way to bring new players in, and old players back. I would prefer to see the game fixed and overwatch 2 delayed by a year, than get overwatch two soon and have to playing it broken.

Also, in addition to updating matchmaking figuring out what to do with Mcree/cowboy with no name, Reinhardt and Ana would be cool. As would deleting two cp.

Just my personal thoughts take them or leave them.

I wrote that isn’t legit in their CoC, not that the title does not suffer of the issue (sadly).

On league of legends specifically, the code of conduct states that the idea of smurfing is not something they endorse, but they will not actively seek to ban or remove smurf accounts. So it’s actually not against their CoC.

The league partnership program literally distributes fresh smurf accounts with fresh mmr with all skins and all champions to streamers.

thats REALLY cool. they have to make a profit somehow tho so i bet its with skins. nothing wrong with that since you have to make money somehow for costs, employees and all that jazz

yeah, the game releases a new line/adds to an existing line of skins every 3 weeks or so. the rate they pump out skins is insane.

WRONG you can learn in quick play how to play, why would you try to learn in comp? You can’t really smurf in QP , you will adjust after 3 matches if you start poping off.

They aren’t smurfs in 80% in my opinion. Elo boosting for money with sharing the account. Just watch unranked to GM challenges from famous streamers. A lot of streamer lies to their viewers. Thats how they can hide their real intention.

i dont care how you label my actions that i take to remove people that do this from my commnity…i see them as evil and worthless for the community and thus i remove them…and your “Additional reports do nothing” would sway me to research but bud…the list of “thank you we have taken actions on a report you recently filed” that literally fills my xbox inbox would astound you and prove you quite wrong…perhaps if i was reporting them to blizzard it would be as you say but, as i directly have them reported on the console of which they partake the action on, blizzards feeling of smurfs being cheaters is irrelevant. if i run into you running a smurf/alt/fake/boosted/boosting account you will be removed from my community

Ok, feel free to provide data for new players.

Gonna leave them then.

I wouldn’t blame match maker. Balancing games for Smurfs is impossible. The main problem isn’t even proper smurfs because those can be kind of recognized by the system, it’s other kinds of smurfing. I know tons of masters + that account share for example and there’s also people who manually derank (road to bronze LFG style thing). These situations are difficult for an automated process to identify as smurfing with confidence.

Still I wish obvious smurfs (brand new accounts hard stomping up ladder) could at least get put in sone kind of shadow queue where they only fight other smurfs. Who cares if the queue time is 15min? Better than they have normal queue time but each waste 11 players time. Also just takes a lot of the incentive out of smurfing. It would probably cut down into alt sales so I doubt we will ever see something like this.

I also really don’t get why you’re allowed to play from Texas one hour then Seattle then next then California the next etc. A lot of account sharing is really obvious. Like to the point where travel is clearly not what’s happening. (Getting logged out of a game you’re playing in Cali by someone trying to start a game in NY). I can definitely think of some ways to automate action against smurf accounts which would only catch real cases but I don’t think we will ever see Bliz do any of them. In the end the only way they’d even consider addressing it is they thought they’d lose more money from player retention and lootbox purchasing on people’s mains then they would in smurf accounts. Even we’re that the case you’d never be able to prove what percent of drop in player retention or purchasing was in response to smurfing where you can always just point to new account sales so it’s impossible to push hard for as a business case.

Yeah but this only applies to slightly better players. If they totally crush your team in 5 seconds there is nothing to learn.

What are the true goals then? I’ve been doing this all wrong.