Smurfs need to be banned! If you don't like hearing then lve

No, we are way past that point. Smurfs need to be promoted now. They constitute the majority of players now, so they are the ones still buying and enjoying this dead game. They need to be promoted and endorsed for keeping the game alive.

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blizzard should send assasins for people who smurf. absolute degeneracy.

It’s cheating boba. No matter how you slice the bread. It’s an unfair advantage to those that are truly new to the game.

And to the person talking about the account sharing. That was the only way for me to learn to play even 2 characters and understand how they operate. I mean the first character that I truly learned to play was Baptiste.

I do agree thou, that players shouldn’t have to resort to playing other players accounts just to get an understanding of how the game works. It’s a hassle. Nuff said

Here we go folks. Having skill is cheating

Can I keep my smurfs if I play QP/QPC only? :smirk:

I hate to break it to you but OW has been out for 5 years now, new players will get destroyed at first regardless.

Not if the players they play against are true newbies. They learn together. Both sides.

That never happens anymore tho, you’re not going to have a lobby of 12 new players randomly, there’s just not enough of them.

So then no one else is new then. Still doesn’t mean it’s okay for people to mess with true lower levels when they are a level gold or platinum or whatever level they are when they make a smurf account. Stay with your own levels or don’t play. Bronze players shouldn’t have to play against silver or gold they should be able to play against other bronze players.


intentionally avoiding matchmaking to have free wins against players of not your skill, in a elo regulated system, is against CoC. In this, and all other games.

in this title they are decidedly tolerant of the phenomenon, in others such as chess, dota2 or others decidedly not.

Your “having skill is cheating” is a statement that voluntarily tries to alter the content of the OP, omitting (always intentionally) the system context governed by the elo as well as the regulation itself (of which also blizzard, sadly for us , is not interested).


haha no i had this thought one night pondering on ways to perceive the smurf issue and whether or not it really was an issue for the gaming community (in conclusion it very much is an issue)

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No problem, I did the same thing months ago too, where I made a post about “mike tyson” and how it is unfair of their system not handling match making better!

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yo I got u big dawg
you don’t learn from someone two tiers+ above your skill level
you learn from people who are on your level but a bit better
fighting games coaching 101
fight in your own weight class

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Blizz won’t do anything because its more cash to their wallets. :upside_down_face:

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i have a difficult stance on smurfing. i think intentionally throwing games to purposely stay in a low rank is wrong and shouldnt be allowed, but i also make alternate accounts myself, but i usually reach gm in about a week and a half or so, trying my hardest every game. ik people also say thats wrong bcs i can “steamroll” any rank and easily win but funnily enough its never that easy. but back to my main point, you can classify smurfing/alt accounting however u want, but the fact remains its not considered cheating by blizzard or the OW team, so therefore its not a reportable offence and false reporting IS an offence

I mean, PSN and Xbox can make unlimited smurfs for free because of the console game sharing system.

i realize this but i question how it gets through.
blizz has the final say via bnet authentication right?
sorry if i’m not caught up, but at the end of the day they are logging on to bnet services and servers are they not? the buck should stop there right?

if they have ability to ban for typing “gg ez” they have the power to ban smurfs alts duplicates etc.


You just need an email that is used for a new PSN/Xbox account and boom, 1 copy of OW but unlimited new accounts.

And most of the stuffs that requires PSN/Xbox go through Sony and Microsoft first before going through Blizzard. Which is why DDOS on console is neigh impossible from Blizzard end to deal with.

are the actual overwatch matches being played out on ps3/xbox servers? (i.e. metal owned/operated/contracted to microsoft/sony?)

seems like not since we see cross-plat casual modes.
the buck stops with atvi on atvi metal/hosting if i’m not mistaken.
they authorize and host they can surely deny burner accnts.

making fake accnt (via sony/ms) and actually getting to log playtime with it (via blizz/actvi) are two diff things.

I actually don’t know about this, nor can I find any info on who are hosting the matches.

I still think it is Microsoft and Sony considering how the console accounts are made.