Smurfs have destroyed all ranked integrity

Ok, I’ll tell ya.

Though our difference is probably more on the definition of “grind”.

My favorite is people who post how easy it is to climb from bronze to GM, they’ve done it dozens of times.

…we’re talking about you.


You might think so, but many others agree with me.

By science? And you called me an idiot.

He’s been saying it, literally through self improvement and working with a coach, I guess you missed that part.


This is half true, I agree the skill gap at the top is there, but the skill gap between even a bronze player and a plat player is considerably more noticeable, and plat → masters is also a massive skill gap, again more noticeable than the top 0.01%->1%, just saying.

I consider the time it takes to rank up (improving mechanics, VOD reviews, etc) to be the grind.

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“Proof is in the puddin,” if they can improve their skills to a GM level, what’s stopping you from doing the same? Spend more time honing your own skills, and less time crying on the forums.

If you spent the same energy improving in game that you’ve recently been spending here on the forums, we might not have even had this conversation.

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I’m at work on lunch. Don’t go assuming things, snarky. Count my posts, it’s not that high. Not crying I want to be GM, just think it’s sad that they feel the need to stomp lower ranks.

My kid’s friend is Masters. Keeps a gold account so he can screw around with no pressure and carry games. Told him he’s a douche.


I didn’t go assuming anything, you post multiple times a day, and at random times, and almost every post is either about smurfing, or the match maker.

All I’m saying is, spend time more efficiently (obviously not while at work, since real life always comes first).

Why? Because he is enjoying playing a game, in his own way, for his own enjoyment? As an adult you should understand this better than most others.

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That’s manipulating the system at the expense of others, not using the Contra code in PVE. As an adult, I teach my kid better.


And there it is… defending that behavior. Never takes long for these people to out themselves.

Hidden so they wont come out sombra? Come on now. They will swap sombra anywY and if you cant deal with a sombra you didnt climb on ball.


Yes. Scientific research on education and learning. Try “Brain Rules”… that book may be dumbed down enough to get you started on the topic.

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You literally said scientific research regarding the smurfs in comp, who’s doing this
scientific research, and a better question is: WHY?

Where is the science? links? etc.

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Dense with reading comprehension issues… Brain Rules comes in audio book form. Play it on repeat for a while.

“It has been proven over and over by science that you don’t learn from crap like smurfs in comp.”

Like like like like like… try again but slowly.

It has been proven over and over by science that you don’t learn from




in comp.

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Or instead of crying about smurfs on the forums, I could play against said smurfs, get the replay codes, watch them, learn from them, and try to do what they did, be it positioning, mechanical skill, game sense, awareness, cooldown management, ult tracking.

Every match against a smurf has the potential for learning if you spend time efficiently, obviously you need this book more than I do, preferable in the audio form, since you clearly have no reading comprehension.

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Dude if you are so gd smart why are you silver still?


Nerve damage in both hands, can’t be helped.

… gtfo. This is some next level BS now.

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You could easily go through my post history, this isn’t the first time I’ve mentioned it, it’s been years, I understand the fundamentals of OW, I simply cannot practice what I preach so to say, due to a real life injury.

I’m low ranked due to a medical reason, what is your excuse?

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I have never been that low on any account ever… and if my medical condition was so bad i couldnt possibly climb i wouldnt be a dbag and play in comp ruining others games hoping they can carry me.

A know it all with loads of excuses and unable to practice what they preach. The local church has room for more if i want to listen to people like you.

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Your conclusion is correct, but the wrong reason.

I generally refer to the Smurf/Throw cycle, as that differentiates some alternative definitions (alt account, long absence). It also describes both sides of what must be done to intentionally be under-ranked.

Someone on a Smurf/Throw cycle still has a 50% win rate overall, but your chance on having that person on the opposite team is slightly higher than having them on your own team.

It’s just that, since the cycle is balanced, it doesn’t affect “competitive integrity”. The player is just as likely to be a thrower as a smurf, while being more likely to be on the other team. That doesn’t mean it’s fine, it creates frustrating games for sure.

I feel this distinction is lost everytime it’s discussed. You can say smurfs are very bad without resorting to thinking that they’re keeping you down.

Thing is, there’s a reason all the “smurfs” are on the opposing team and all the “throwers” are on yours. It’s a matter of perception, where the opposite situation actually feels good.

If people who hate smurfs wanted to be taken seriously, they’d complain that smurfs on their own team are making their games unfun.

But of course, no one actually does that because it’s only a problem half the time and it’s a bonus the other half.

The game is designed such that people should play at they’re skill level, but people don’t like playing hard games all the time. They should have anticipated that people would “cheat down”, but it’s clear they were only looking in the other direction.

IMO, it really doesn’t matter how many people are actually smurfing. It’s a problem mainly of perception, so even a few people doing it can ruin games they’re not even in.

They don’t alter your rank though.


I play quite comfortably where I am, higher would be too much for me, and lower, even with my condition, is too easy and I bounce back up.

Again, what is your main excuse for not being higher ranked?

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Smurfs, of course.
Didn’t you listen to what this very smart individual has been telling you?