Smurfs have destroyed all ranked integrity

I cannot believe that the complete lack of engagement from Blizzard in order to sort out smurfs has resulted in how bad the competitive mode has become.

I’m playing in Gold games, we have brand new accounts one tricking ball… literally not in Gold in the slightest.

The ranked mode in this game is quite simply the worst it has ever been, if I worked on that as my job… I’d be embarassed with how bad the game has become. Someone is reponsible for the quality of games that are created… and they have failed miserably in their job.


Agreed. Hard to combat smurfs, but acknowledge it. You’d be surprised how well some public discouragement from Blizz could act as a deterrent.


Maybe Blizzard could tie accounts to hardware? That way they can keep an eye on smurfs.


Smurfs won’t stop anyone from climbing. You have just as high of a chance of getting a Smurf teammate as you do facing 1.


you have slightly less actually (if we are using the basis that you the player are not a smurf)


Still won’t stop anyone from climbing long term if they are good enough


yes this this true 100%


I have to agree, especially on console. Takes 3 minutes to make a new account. I have 7 accounts. I’m glad OW2 will seem to force me to play on my main. Though I will probably quit comp because I’m not going to wait 15 minutes for a comp game.


AMEN. And whats worse is I find they are also the most toxic players.


This is not an answer. I hate that, “well if you’re good enough you’ll climb anyways”. Like that doesn’t mean it’s not a pain point and doesn’t ruin comp games.


Quite the strawman. Climbing isn’t the same as rank integrity.

If only GM+ is reliable and all other ranks are mostly a random mess, then ranked integrity is gone.


As how I see it , the OW team is gonna make some restrictions to decrease the numbers of smurfs in OW2 (bc the game is going f2p and new accounts to smurf / alts don’t bring them money anymore) .


Wait till you get to 2900 with multiple(often trashtalking) smurfs in every single game!

your team has only 5 potential smufs, enemy team has 6. Also, if you’re playing DPS, your team is MUCH less likely to have a smurf than the enemy team, since majority of smurfs play DPS.
Not saying you can’t climb, but in some elos it’s definitely messed up and way more difficult for a legit player than it should be


I agree smurfing is a problem 100% that’s needs to be dealt with. But you will still climb


Well, the game will require a phone number attached to the account so I guess that will stop the flow a bit.

Smurfs are already buying OW on every new account they make. Getting a new SIM card is way cheaper

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From what has been explained it isn’t something you can get by with just a simcard/burner/fake number. It isn’t a normal SMS protection thing.

… and yes smurfs are a major problem now. It used to be a sometimes thing and now its a constantly thing.

The only thing I find more upsetting is they all hide it, are toxic, and/or group together to really screw up games. They crap all over new players that get stuck into Gold/plat for placements and those people then think they are the problem.

They get confused why they are losing so bad but don’t notice the Ana that is landing 3+ anti-nades on cooldown and sleeping every ult that comes up. They don’t know that no one should be getting 50+ elims in a short game… or have a near perfect hook rate. Silver Genji players do not get 4k blades very often and the sure as heck don’t do it 4 times in a single match.


How does anyone get better when they are constantly being dunked on by smurfs that nearly always do things no one should be doing?

“Just get better” but how? They are watching a widow stand in main with no shields taking them out before they can do anything. That widow only gets away with it because he has mechanics of someone 1000+ SR over the rank he is in.

If you take the average person and toss them in a college level basketball or baseball game they will learn next to nothing other than that they suck. Same concept in ranked.


Phone numbers are cheap in a lot of countries, it’s common for people to have 2+ phone numbers (sim cards) .

If you want to go statistics, then unless you’re playing 1000 SR lower than you should be, you won’t automatically climb. If you are not smurfing, then there’s a higher chance of having a smurf on the enemy team.

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