Smurfs have destroyed all ranked integrity

Oh I did, I just think it’s funny they blame other people and not their own lack of skills.

Good thing I learned how to deal with sombra. Cass is more of a threat

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It’s the reason they will never get better. To them they’re already playing good enough to climb. In reality they have a ton to work on to improve and climb.


In one of the interviews, they actually mentioned that they thought about introducing a hybrid system where you ranked based on hours to a certain point and skill after that. They obviously didn’t go with that, but they did have golden guns.

The reason I mention it is because, as you know, the game requires so much effort to rank up that it’s literally impossible for some. (Which I, and apparently you, accept.)

To me, the thread of discontent stems from the simple fact that people WANT to progress, but the game simply isn’t a game where you can progress forever.

Now, I don’t really think that’s a game design flaw. At worst, it’s a communication issue.

But you often hear “why do you want to rank up, it’s not any better in higher ranks” and I don’t think enough people really take that to heart. Listen for the assumption that, as a game, progression is included. You’ll see it now that I pointed it out.

It’s just, not meant to be a game of progression. It’s not an RPG. Not that people can’t progress, but at as certain point, it’s really not worth anyone’s time.


bro you know how many times when I was plat I got owned by a genji and watched his replay. Mildly salty while watching it sure, but still interesting. I sit in mid masters now, maybe I’ll hit gm eventually maybe not just time is not on my side but certainty helped me climb watching some of those players who were beyond a doubt a smurf of some sort.


Yep when I was plat I got absolutely annihilated by a fellow ball player on the other team who claimed a 4.4K peak. After playing against him, I had no doubts he was being honest. Watched his POV and learned SO MUCH

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In all honesty, it’s the best advice I can give someone, the amount of people that can’t fathom why they are stuck and blame smurfs/throwers/cheaters/MMR/etc, yet they do nothing at all to actually improve in game.

And then we get players like yourself, and @light, @rhaincist, @abdullah, and many others who actually put forth the effort, and improved, and climbed, thousands of SR.


Yeeaaahhhh…. Imma have to have someone provide a peer reviewed scholarly paper on that one.


Alright, this one killed me, good post!

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For a second I was actually super intrigued :rofl::rofl:

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I’m actually pretty proud of that title…

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You miss the point. It’s not a cry about SR, the games just suck. So many games are completely one sided, win or lose. It’s rare to end thinking it was actually a gg.


Then stop playing?

Complaining about the game while continuing to play isn’t how you solve the problem.

Like the game…just don’t like you.

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Huh. That’s the first post I’ve ever had removed. Flagged and removed by a staff member, not a bot.

Of all the posts I’ve ever seen and even made myself, apparently the line is a fake journal citation?

Honestly, I always just assumed that no one ever did anything… Now I know they are quite active and all the posts that clearly violate the community guidelines are left up on purpose?

I guess we’ll see.

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Yeah, posts like that get removed, but you can literally say, and I could quote it, “I’ve assembled a team of experts to legally challenge Blizzard, because we don’t like how the match maker works.”

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Sure doesn’t look like you “like the game,” aren’t you an adult?

“The game sucks, but I like it,” which is it? Does the game suck, or do you like it, c’mon man.


not sure ive read this thesis paper, can you point in the right direction?

not everyone can self critique in a way that they can comprehend and then apply

always the smurfs!

because asking “why did i lose that fight?” is a lot for most people

it doesnt like most if we go by feels

But you said you hide your profile to be sombra safe… so which is it?

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dont forget the forced rank placement in gold by Blizzard…thats what’s also destroyed the game