Smurfs have destroyed all ranked integrity

Nobody constantly has smurfs in their games.

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You aren’t running into smurfs as often as you think. I’ve ran into smurfs and I’m still climbing rapidly. It’s not a excuse. It’s gonna happen yes but if you belong higher you will get there period

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There are literally zero games with no smurfs below plat


Classic extreme ultimatum with no proof.


Amazing, I flew through plat and below. Keep blaming smurfs for your incompetence


He is correct though, if you have the skill, you will climb, this entire game is a pain, and is meant to be grindy, even at a 100% win rate, at 3000 sr to hit 3500 is 20 games, at roughly 17 minutes a game, tell me that isn’t a grind.

The only rank that truly has integrity is GM, because they are all of equal skill, the top is the top, anything under that has a varying degree of randomness and hardships, disagree if you want, but we both know I’m right.

Watch the replays, study what the smurf does, and why said player is so much better than you are, LEARN FROM IT. Most higher ranked players spend hours upon hours grinding specific skill sets, and raw mechanics, it wasn’t automatic (regardless of skill transferring from another game, it was still learned).

Read my above quotes.

Congrats friend, you have the mindset to continue climbing, and are one of the few critical thinkers or logical people I’ve randomly come across on these forums. Keep climbing!


you are an idiot. It has been proven over and over by science that you don’t learn for crap like smurfs in comp. You can justify ruining peoples games all you want but you are still wrong.

Just had 3 smurfs in 1 game. 2 grouped together using the excuse “I have silver border” Of course you can see they are high diamond/masters last season but somehow only gold now.

Its constant. Every single game now looks exactly like Console. 2 to 5 brand new accounts in every single comp game. Anyone expect me to believe that OW just suddenly got super popular?


Nobody is denying there’s smurfs. But every single game you are against smurfs and you never get any on your team? Not true


Just had a game with a smurf in a 5 man premade. FIVE of them grouped up and at least 2 where full smurfs. Others hide profile so can be sure how much they throw to derank.

As always they brag about how amazing they are and call everyone trash. The brig smurf started out bronze 2 seasons ago… and is now high plat with a win rate of 98%.


EDIT: Sorry 94% win rate over 46 wins. Full smurf with open profile grouping up with friends and NOTHING will be done to them for it.

Next match 2800, 4 smurfs between two teams… and nope it was 5 smurfs. 1 leaver on other team.

Next match 2600, 5 man premade with 3 smurfs. 4 smurfs total in game. The “diamond” was GM tank and 3300SR+ on dps and support. Unlocked profile after I called him out. Did it because “Wants to play with friends”

Match 3. 2500 with 3 smurfs. All on one team.

Match 4. 2500 1 smurf, 3 new players on one team.

Match 5 2500 3 smurfs one team. Doom/pharah did almost 40% of teams damage.

Match 6 2400 No smurfs I don’t think. Two new players on one team though so thats fun.

M7 2400 but only one smurf maybe? Also likely a cheater.

M8 2600 3 smurfs on my team.

Of course OW1 could suddenly be super popular and there are just hundreds of new accounts.


What rank are you?

20 chars

Kovaaks has Overwatch specific aim training simulators. If you don’t wanna buy Kovaaks, aimlabs is free (but not as good for Hero Shooters imo) and if you’re just 100% adverse to downloading other programs to improve at Overwatch, Overwatch has the custom Game Center where you can create LITERALLY infinite aim training simulators.

  • There’s a Diamond Widow bot, a 4.5k Rien bot and a variety of other challenges.
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You are special aren’t ya? Very few heros need great aim and a bunch dont need any aim at all. How many tanks are going to climb just by being able to play widow?

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Not true… smurf rolls make you lose more points than you’ll gain back for a win in most games. Do you know what happens when the negative integer is larger than the positive one? It’s not climbing.


Wow how did I ever climb from 1000SR to high diamond and still climbing? Y’all make it sound impossible bc there’s some smurfs. Once again, if you deserve to climb you will. Stop making excuses

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If you are so amazing why is your profile hidden? When did you climb and as what? Why not teach us all how you are so good and able to get around the constant throwing, smurfs, cheaters, leavers and trolls?


If by special you mean, better gamer, better problem solver, and down right better human being in general…?

  • Yes, you are correct.

At least 1/4 require above average aim to be highly successful.

True… But these heroes are generally niche/comp/counter specific. And even Symmetra requires aim.

If you possess game sense? All of them.


After telling people to use an aim trainer you say this… Special isn’t the word for you.

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By improving your mechanics, you’ll live longer. By living longer you observer more of the gameplay and decisions made by other players. By observing decisions made by other players you can concoct your own decisions on how to dumpster kids.

  • Collect Free SR

Its humorous that you get so upset when someone logic dumps you and your only retort is to try and insult the person because Facts > Feelings just doesn’t calculate in your brain…

GG No Re, kid…

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I climbed on ball on tank. I keep my profile private bc if I don’t, the other team may come out of spawn on sombra. If you are that intrigued by my climb add me and I’ll show you my stats and climb.


GM isn’t of equal skill either. The reason GM doesn’t see the level of randomness is because it’s 1500 SR (three standard deviations) away from the two most random ranks in the game.

But for your information the best players at the high end of GM are exponentially better than the GM players at the low end. This is true in virtually every sport or skill. The skill/wealth/etc. gap between the top 0.01% and 1% is bigger than the gap between 50% and 1%.

The level of randomness we see is both unnecessary; and merely a consequence of design and policy choices by Blizzard.