Smurfs have destroyed all ranked integrity

If by special you mean, better gamer, better problem solver, and down right better human being in general…?

  • Yes, you are correct.

At least 1/4 require above average aim to be highly successful.

True… But these heroes are generally niche/comp/counter specific. And even Symmetra requires aim.

If you possess game sense? All of them.


After telling people to use an aim trainer you say this… Special isn’t the word for you.

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By improving your mechanics, you’ll live longer. By living longer you observer more of the gameplay and decisions made by other players. By observing decisions made by other players you can concoct your own decisions on how to dumpster kids.

  • Collect Free SR

Its humorous that you get so upset when someone logic dumps you and your only retort is to try and insult the person because Facts > Feelings just doesn’t calculate in your brain…

GG No Re, kid…

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I climbed on ball on tank. I keep my profile private bc if I don’t, the other team may come out of spawn on sombra. If you are that intrigued by my climb add me and I’ll show you my stats and climb.


GM isn’t of equal skill either. The reason GM doesn’t see the level of randomness is because it’s 1500 SR (three standard deviations) away from the two most random ranks in the game.

But for your information the best players at the high end of GM are exponentially better than the GM players at the low end. This is true in virtually every sport or skill. The skill/wealth/etc. gap between the top 0.01% and 1% is bigger than the gap between 50% and 1%.

The level of randomness we see is both unnecessary; and merely a consequence of design and policy choices by Blizzard.


Ok, I’ll tell ya.

Though our difference is probably more on the definition of “grind”.

My favorite is people who post how easy it is to climb from bronze to GM, they’ve done it dozens of times.

…we’re talking about you.


You might think so, but many others agree with me.

By science? And you called me an idiot.

He’s been saying it, literally through self improvement and working with a coach, I guess you missed that part.


This is half true, I agree the skill gap at the top is there, but the skill gap between even a bronze player and a plat player is considerably more noticeable, and plat → masters is also a massive skill gap, again more noticeable than the top 0.01%->1%, just saying.

I consider the time it takes to rank up (improving mechanics, VOD reviews, etc) to be the grind.

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“Proof is in the puddin,” if they can improve their skills to a GM level, what’s stopping you from doing the same? Spend more time honing your own skills, and less time crying on the forums.

If you spent the same energy improving in game that you’ve recently been spending here on the forums, we might not have even had this conversation.

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I’m at work on lunch. Don’t go assuming things, snarky. Count my posts, it’s not that high. Not crying I want to be GM, just think it’s sad that they feel the need to stomp lower ranks.

My kid’s friend is Masters. Keeps a gold account so he can screw around with no pressure and carry games. Told him he’s a douche.


I didn’t go assuming anything, you post multiple times a day, and at random times, and almost every post is either about smurfing, or the match maker.

All I’m saying is, spend time more efficiently (obviously not while at work, since real life always comes first).

Why? Because he is enjoying playing a game, in his own way, for his own enjoyment? As an adult you should understand this better than most others.

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That’s manipulating the system at the expense of others, not using the Contra code in PVE. As an adult, I teach my kid better.


And there it is… defending that behavior. Never takes long for these people to out themselves.

Hidden so they wont come out sombra? Come on now. They will swap sombra anywY and if you cant deal with a sombra you didnt climb on ball.


Yes. Scientific research on education and learning. Try “Brain Rules”… that book may be dumbed down enough to get you started on the topic.

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You literally said scientific research regarding the smurfs in comp, who’s doing this
scientific research, and a better question is: WHY?

Where is the science? links? etc.

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Dense with reading comprehension issues… Brain Rules comes in audio book form. Play it on repeat for a while.

“It has been proven over and over by science that you don’t learn from crap like smurfs in comp.”

Like like like like like… try again but slowly.

It has been proven over and over by science that you don’t learn from




in comp.

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Or instead of crying about smurfs on the forums, I could play against said smurfs, get the replay codes, watch them, learn from them, and try to do what they did, be it positioning, mechanical skill, game sense, awareness, cooldown management, ult tracking.

Every match against a smurf has the potential for learning if you spend time efficiently, obviously you need this book more than I do, preferable in the audio form, since you clearly have no reading comprehension.

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Dude if you are so gd smart why are you silver still?


Nerve damage in both hands, can’t be helped.

… gtfo. This is some next level BS now.

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