"smurfing isnt a problem"

You’re in Diamond. Toughen up a little. You’re already top 8% of all players and blaming the system for slathering you with top 2% players. Something that should be extremely rare.

The real people suffering are Gold and below, where smurfing and the ability to be a smurf is far more accessible, % wise.

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No, totally no smurfs. It’s not like had sub level 100 Widow literally named “trainingbot” sniping two shields from our spawn. Or totally didn’t have a smurf Hog who got super toxic when I asked him to do more tanking on the payload with me instead of farming hooks off the map.

if you reach diamond nowadays you are practically a Master player since most of Masters chill in diamond

I wouldn’t be surprise with the increase of smurf account since there is really nothing better to do due to the virus forcing individual inside the house until it is realistically safe to return back to campus and/or work.

I mean I assume when people are referring to smurfs they are referring to smurfs in comp, not smurfs in level 6 games. There is not really a great way to identify if someone has gotten good on character due to just natural skills, but they are just worse on other characters or if they are smurfing and throwing on other characters.

You could also have them doing things like farming people while intentionally lowering their accuracy by spamming fan (lot of aimbotters have been doing that lately). I am sure over time any learning algorithm could be sure enough to take action, but that takes a LOT of games of comp because you would have to take action AFTER you are more 99.5% sure.

Nice try but I had just fallen out of Masters that match after a losing streak, so that’s not the case. Low masters / high diamond, where I play, is smurf city. And that’s a fact.

I sometimes wonder what kind of person is behind comments like these. “OH YEAH I’LL SHOW THIS GUY. HE’S MAD BECAUSE HE LOST. HAHAH. I FEEL SO GOOD NOW FOR SAYING THAT.” rubs tummy

It’s free to keep creating new accounts on console. The problem is SO bad there.

My problem is I’ve been down in bronze/silver so long I have the smurf checklist down stat.

Let alone the multiple (read: nearing 100 games now yay what fun) games where an enemy smurf will pick Widow and just headshot anyone that exists. Then we “just run barrier, forehead” but because this is bronze/silver the widow just flanks the Rein/Orisa/Sig and kill everyone.

It’s a …uh… learning experience? The being dead all game no matter what you pick.

Smurfs are fine tho dude. Games are never ruined by obvious smurfs.

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While I don’t think the guilty would really care…

Getting an appropriately bad rep on the OW forums is honestly a low of all lows :skull:

Issue with that, is pattern recognition has quite noticeable degree of false positive results. And that is a lot worse, than false negatives, as it would put non-smurf player in game, that almost entirely filled with smurfs.

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You claim they are smurfs, yet have no clue and your proof is the guys own words about him being a high ranked player and just want to tilt you low ranks ?

Oh yeah cause people never lie about their achievements or try to deliberately tilt opponents.

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shh logic has no place on the forums.

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Why don´t you just make up a good statistical analysis about it and prove it then ?

Instead of claiming a lot of none “proof”.

If going by your words, then GM is the most smurfed place in the world, as everyone there has “3 other mains at 5k”… At least, that is what they claim, which automatically makes it 100% true to you.

I posted an analysis of the game that Soma provided a code for. There were two smurfs on the opposing team, and they did cost Soma that game and some SR.

this is why I dont play comp people smurfing in gold,plat, and diamond

I hear theres a lot of smurfs in diamond, never been there tho and everyone’s games are different and we all have different times we go on and servers.
I was once in 700sr. Smurfs are in 9/10 games, all the time. Or maybe the skill level is just very different down there. I saw more mercy pockets in bronze, than in silver and gold. One of the teams would have a duo not in vc, and they’d go off alone and 2v6. When confronted, they’d either say, ‘who, me?’(really common line, get a new one), or ‘yeah im smurfing git gud’. All those darn Ashe’s and widows and hanzos, it just makes people more toxic in bronze, they can’t learn the game, and they’re stuck there. I got out by duo’ing with someone 200sr above me and spending a year in bronze.
Smurfs are a problem.
Supposedly action isn’t taken because they’re buying accounts and making blizz their cash money.


Much love for you Arcadium :hearts: :hearts:

I know how awful smurfs are, and it sucks that the developers care too much about their profits to do anything about them.

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I, for one, don’t :+1: :rofl: You’re good. Smurfs, however? They bad.

Plus it temporarily rises their fragile ego, being able to look better than they are for their audience.

How the hell are you experiencing 7 out of 10 matches smurfs? If I saw one in past 3 months, lucky me.

We both know who you’re talking about.
And the word ‘‘slightly’’ is not applicable at all here…