"smurfing isnt a problem"

While I don’t think the guilty would really care…

Getting an appropriately bad rep on the OW forums is honestly a low of all lows :skull:

Issue with that, is pattern recognition has quite noticeable degree of false positive results. And that is a lot worse, than false negatives, as it would put non-smurf player in game, that almost entirely filled with smurfs.

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You claim they are smurfs, yet have no clue and your proof is the guys own words about him being a high ranked player and just want to tilt you low ranks ?

Oh yeah cause people never lie about their achievements or try to deliberately tilt opponents.

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shh logic has no place on the forums.

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Why don´t you just make up a good statistical analysis about it and prove it then ?

Instead of claiming a lot of none “proof”.

If going by your words, then GM is the most smurfed place in the world, as everyone there has “3 other mains at 5k”… At least, that is what they claim, which automatically makes it 100% true to you.

I posted an analysis of the game that Soma provided a code for. There were two smurfs on the opposing team, and they did cost Soma that game and some SR.

this is why I dont play comp people smurfing in gold,plat, and diamond

I hear theres a lot of smurfs in diamond, never been there tho and everyone’s games are different and we all have different times we go on and servers.
I was once in 700sr. Smurfs are in 9/10 games, all the time. Or maybe the skill level is just very different down there. I saw more mercy pockets in bronze, than in silver and gold. One of the teams would have a duo not in vc, and they’d go off alone and 2v6. When confronted, they’d either say, ‘who, me?’(really common line, get a new one), or ‘yeah im smurfing git gud’. All those darn Ashe’s and widows and hanzos, it just makes people more toxic in bronze, they can’t learn the game, and they’re stuck there. I got out by duo’ing with someone 200sr above me and spending a year in bronze.
Smurfs are a problem.
Supposedly action isn’t taken because they’re buying accounts and making blizz their cash money.


Much love for you Arcadium :hearts: :hearts:

I know how awful smurfs are, and it sucks that the developers care too much about their profits to do anything about them.

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I, for one, don’t :+1: :rofl: You’re good. Smurfs, however? They bad.

Plus it temporarily rises their fragile ego, being able to look better than they are for their audience.

How the hell are you experiencing 7 out of 10 matches smurfs? If I saw one in past 3 months, lucky me.

We both know who you’re talking about.
And the word ‘‘slightly’’ is not applicable at all here…

Just going to paste this here…

There’s a large difference between a consistent Master’s player and a low diamond player. Are you in Masters? Is this why you can attest to this? I can’t tell because your profile is private. I’m assuming you must be though, because I can’t imagine why someone would claim to know something they know nothing about.

I get multiple smurfs nearly every game in Masters. I can take screenshots the next time I play, if you like.

Smurfs in Masters and there is only Grandmasters after that. Okay.

I don’t get what the big issue is.

I never play against smurfs and it frustrates me.

I always want to play against people that are better than me.

Thats how you improve!!

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“Dont deserve to win games if u cant beat players who are clearly much better than you”

Entirely dependant on the hero that smurf is playing, the role your locked into and your own teams approach to the smurf but ok.

“Slightly higher rank”

Diamond to GM probs has a bigger skill gap than bronze to diamond

Did u think before typing this lol


Are you that kind of person, that would remind teacher about homework?


What kind of question is that? if there was a topic in school or wherever that I had a keen interest in I wouldn’t wait for homework or ask for any. I’d give myself my own homework to improve my interest and actually learn something.

Teachers don’t give homework to anger children / students.

They give it to help them learn outside of school time.

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